Saturday, August 31, 2019
Being Honest The Night The Day
Being honest can seem very hard to do, but will make things very easier in the end. Babbles Nicole proves this very effectively and makes It very evident by the end of her short story. She shows that lying only causes stress, trouble and places a very large wedge between friendships. It's generally assumed that being honest the first time around will prevent that. Lying causes stress, trouble and separates friends, being honest at first will prevent that and make you a better person for the future because an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.KOOK and Bendable, two main character of Absinthe's short story, become curious one day before school and decide to start a lab experiment of their own with the schools stuff. Upon doing this, they break a thermometer and decide to hide It from their teacher, Mr.. ABA. Once discovered, Mr.. ABA gave all the kids in the class a chance to be honest so they could avoid punishment, but to no avail. â€Å"Since no one has owned up; I'm afraid I shall detain you all for an hour aftershock†(Nicole 3). Mr..ABA wants to teach the kids honest and is using peer pressure to do so. With KOOK knowing this, he begins to feel the unbearable pressure of those around him and wants to confess of his crimes to relieve the burden that's been haunting him. ABA, decides to do a Bible and Key ritual to catch the liar, he selects Kook to hold the bible for him because of his honest face, and this Just petrifies Kook even more. â€Å"Trembling and shivering as if ice-cold water had been thrown over him†(Nicole 5).This causes Kook to have a reality check in his head because he was selected to hold the bible and he as a arson doesn't really seem like he can go on much longer keeping up that lie. Lying not only causes stress, but self-inflicted mental wounds to the liar as well. Not only does lying cause stress and pain In the liar, but It can also cause pain and stress among others as well. The kids in the c lassroom begin discussing amongst themselves trying to determine and deduce the culprit from among them.They begin to suspect a kid named Bass and begin to ridicule him because of it. â€Å"Someone threw and book at Bass and said â€Å"Confess†¦ Yes, He must've done it†(Nicole 7). Bass immediately became the prime target of the other students because he was early to the class that day, and although not said, It might be because of his Armenian ethnicity as well. Even the teacher will show some prejudice later on. Anyway, after constant ridicule from the students, Bass gets a Cut across his forehead from all the thrown objects mixed in with all the yelling and taunts. A small cut had appeared on his temple, he was bleeding â€Å"now they will hate me even more†Base is in tears because he already has trouble fitting in amongst the kids, but now that they think he s responsible for them missing the game, the will dislike him for even more than Just his Armenian he ritage. So not only does It hurt the liar, but It affects others In negative ways as well. Lying is a big wedge between friendships as well. Kook is the more mature of the two, whilst Bendable is a child. Bendable wants to just lie and forget about the incident but Kook has other ideas in mind and it begins to tear them apart. . 0 need to shout, old man. After all, it was your idea†m{o started the argument, don't be childish†(Nicole 8). Kook wants to tell the truth because he's beginning to realize It's the right thing to do and Bendable objects strongly. KOOK begins to progress morals. When KOOK informs Bendable of his intentions to tell the truth, Bendable threatens him like a child. â€Å"He told Bendable that he was going to confess Bendable had said threateningly that he better not mention his name†(Nicole 8). KOOK is not only learning honesty is better, but it is beginning his progression into the future but Bendable wants to hide like a coward.This pries apart KOOK and Bendable even more ND thus shows that honest is better than lying than being a child about life because you will never progress into the mature future. Lying causes trouble, stress and pain in the liar and in others. Being honest will prevent most of those negative outlets and will even further you as a person much more than you would think as shown in Babyish Insole's As the Night the Day. KOOK realized honesty is best and progressed into his mature future and away from childish Bendable because an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ancient Greece and Its Influence
Ancient Greece: The Most Influential Civilization Throughout history, civilizations have had many forms of government and many styles of art and architecture. But despite some fantastic architecture and some legitimate forms of government, no civilizations have influenced today’s government, art and architecture quite like the ancient Greeks. The Greeks invented democracy, which is the common government of the twenty-first century. Also, the Greeks were the first to create detailed sculptings and utilize the column, the same columns, in fact, that line the White House today.While some civilizations have also created awe-inspiring architecture, they have not been as influential as the ancient Greeks. Although other civilizations have made contributions to twenty-first century life, none have done more than the Greeks. Their detailed art, stunning architecture and revolutionary idea of democracy have become staples in modern society. While other works of architecture have been p rominent, no contributions have topped that of ancient Greece. Previous to the Greeks, art was primitive. It consisted of just simple pastel drawings or basic sculptures. The Greeks, without a doubt, revolutionized art.For the first time in history, great diligence has been offered in the area of fine details and perfection. John Boardman, a renowned professor of ancient Greek art said â€Å"Greek artists of the fifth and fourth centuries B. C attained a manner of representation that conveys a vitality of life as well as a sense of permanence, clarity, and harmony†(Boardman 3). Greek art helped initiate the Greco-Buddhist art movement. Also, Greek art has directly influenced and inspired Michelangelo. Not only was the level of detail unprecedented for the time, but also the architecture of the sculptures was truly remarkable.The balance of weight needed to achieve every piece is beyond unthinkable. This is also the first time people have ever been sculpted in motion. For example, the Egyptians would always paint or sculpt people in stationary poses, while the Greeks sculpted people, in particular men, playing popular sports at the time, such as javelin tossing. In the area of architecture, Greeks again have set groundbreaking precedents. Most notably in the area of column design. The Greeks had three main types of columns. In order of simplicity, were the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns respectively.Since their creation, they have been a defining mark on just about any Greek building. Today, all over the world, these columns are still utilized functionally and as design features. As well, the Greeks built stunning temples devoted to their many Gods and Goddesses. The designers of these temples took many things into account that had never been thought of before. Dr. Robert Guisepi of Cambridge University is a leader in the field of Greek history. In his words, the designers of temples took into account â€Å"Column spacing and height and the cur vature of floor and rooflines†(Guisepi 47).He proceeds to say, â€Å"They were calculated and executed with remarkable precision to achieve a perfect balance, both structurally and visually†(Guisepi). The evidence presented has clearly proven that Greek art and architecture are far from archaic, rather, vital, ubiquitous and, above all, influential in everyday life. Every civilization, both before and after the ancient Greeks have had a form of government. Most civilizations adopted an autocratic system by which one man held the balance of power. Prior to the Greeks, there was little variation in this system.Around 550BC, that all changed. Athens developed the first democratic system of government. In this system, an ecclesia, made up of all male citizens over 18 years of age, would debate bills and advise the higher ups, also, in the later years of democracy, they elected the generals themselves. The council of 500 was comprised of 50 people, (30 years of age or olde r, male, and citizens of Athens) in ten specific governing committee’s. People could only hold this position once in their lives and only for a tenth of a year. Finally the ten Generals would act as the â€Å"Presidents†of Athens.They upheld democratic policy and decided upon military actions. Despite its initial simplicity, this system actually had a fairly modern form of what is now referred to as the system of checks and balances. Athenians figured that if any of the Generals held power for too long, an autocratic system would be the by-product. To keep the generals in line, they were re-elected by the ecclesia on a yearly basis. Dr. Josiah Ober of the Stanford university political science factually has said â€Å"Athens beats all other poleis on all measures of practical success†(Ober 6).It has now been proven that the Athenian government was the most successful government of its time. This is reaffirming and solidifying the thesis statement proclaiming th at the ancient Greeks have been the most influential civilization to the modern world. Not only was their government wildly successful, but also its general form is still followed today. Many say that, in fact, the Egyptians have added the most to today’s knowledge of architecture. The main argument presented here is that the pyramids, in particular, the Great Pyramid of Giza, have influenced modern architects more than any ancient Greek creation.The pyramids led to an advanced knowledge in triangle and subsequently many mathematical formulas. Also, they were not only accurately symmetrical for the time, but even by todays rigorous architectural and building standards they are almost perfectly symmetrical. An amazing feat considering the lack of technology at the time. However, Greek architecture has been far more influential to modern buildings. Firstly, although the pyramids are jaw dropping, they are not longer built today; therefore they have very little influence.The Gre ek columns however, are used quite frequently today on a number of prominent building worldwide, most notably, the Whitehouse, the Abraham Lincoln memorial, and the Blue Mosque. The fact that they are used today clearly shows their influence worldwide. Mark Damen, faculty of Utah State University has said â€Å"In Athens, stands Holy structures†¦which mark an important turning point in the history of Western architecture not only for inaugurating a new type of building design, but also because it suggests that the ancient Greeks had begun to embrace a novel way of looking at the world†(Damen 3).This statement reaffirms the fact that Greek temples were far ahead of their time and set the precedent for thousands of years to come. Also, in terms of worldwide influence, the Greeks have contributed more than just columns and temples. The Greeks transformed the common perception of acoustics by creating the amphitheatre. The amphitheatre was built into a rock face and could s eat thousands. But even those hundreds of feet away from the performers could still hear their voices. This is due to the funnel-like acoustics in an amphitheatre.Even with the invention of microphones, amphitheatres are still being built worldwide today. The Hollywood Bowl and most professional sports stadiums utilize amphitheatre technology. Although it goes without saying that the creation of the pyramids is magnificent, the ancient Greeks have, on a whole, contributed more to modern architecture than any other civilization. Despite the fact that many other civilizations have influenced the modern world greatly, no civilization has outdone the influence of ancient Greece.The Greeks, have reformed the areas of art and architecture by adding a great deal of detail to artwork and sculptures while also creating buildings still marveled today. Furthermore, the Greeks were the first to use a democratic system of government; the basic principles of this system are utilized in almost eve ry country. From the dawn of man, people have tried to create groundbreaking ideas in all aspects of life. It is clear, with the evidence presented, that no civilization has done more to influence the modern world than the ancient Greeks.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Psychology’s Classical Theorists Essay
In the field of psychology, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung, developed three distinct theories of personality that to this day, continue to be the foundations on which all modern psychological theories are built. All three of these remarkable men knew and worked with each other. When Adler and Jung praised Freud’s book on dream interpretation, they were invited to join Freud’s circle of peers, who met weekly at his home in Vienna, Austria (Engler, 2006). At these meetings they discussed new and groundbreaking aspects of psychopathology (Comer, 2008). Freud, Adler, and Jung are unequivocally the most influential figures in modern psychology (Comer, 2008). Freud’s concept of the id, the ego, and the superego, are the underlying factors that began all three schools of thought and that provide the foundations of modern psychology (Engler, 2006). Freud believed that the id had no contact with reality and worked on the pleasure principle and hedonistic wants, with no morality involved. The ego develops as children experience the demands and constraints of reality. It uses reasoning to make decisions. The superego is concerned with right and wrong, it is the moral compass, the conscience in each individual (Comer, 2008). Freud believed that people are unaware of the most important personality processes. Like an iceberg, only the small portion of the conscious mind is accessible and above the water. The preconscious, just out of reach, and the subconscious, deeply repressed, is below the water completely. These are the reason for most problems with behavior and the personality, according to Freud (Nystul, 2006). Freud also theorized that the personality was formed by early childhood experiences, called psychosexual stages (Engler, 2006). If a child’s basic needs are not being met during one of these stages, the child may become â€Å"fixated†or stuck in that stage. For example, if an adult smokes, he or she could be said to be â€Å"orally fixated. †According to Freud, infants at the oral stage use their mouths to explore their environment (Engler, 2006). Freud’s emphasis on sexuality is one of the main reasons why Adler and Jung disagreed with him. They thought that Freud put entirely too much emphasis on the libido and sexual energy in children. Freud and Adler met every Wednesday for eleven years (Comer, 2008). In 1911, Alder, along with eight colleagues, broke away from Freud’s circle to form the school of â€Å"Individual Psychology†(Engler, 2006). Adler’s theory differed from Freud’s in that it focuses on the person as a â€Å"whole. †The Adlerian term, individual psychology, refers to the human being as indivisible, as opposed to Freud’s view of an individual being, internally divided (Engler, 2006). For Adler, each aspect of the personality points in the same direction (Nystul, 2006). Adler saw how humans connect with one another, with family, with friends, with community, and with society as a whole. He believed that this interconnectedness is essential for an individual to develop and to thrive (Comer, 2008). Each person develops uniquely, according to acquired experiences, both past and present. The process starts at infancy, as children compare themselves to older children and adults, they experience feelings of inferiority (Engler, 2006). This is a normal reaction to the awareness of not being able to do as one pleases. These feelings motivate people to strive towards usefulness and to become contributing members of the family, the group, and the society at large (Nystul, 2006). Carl Gustav Jung, long an admirer of Freud, met him in Vienna, Austria in 1907, after Jung praised Freud’s book, â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams†(Comer, 2008). At this historical meeting they talked for 13 hours (Nystul, 2006). Freud thought that Jung, twenty years his junior, was to become his heir apparent. In 1910, Jung did become the first president of the International Psychoanalytic Association (Engler, 2006). However, in 1914, Jung broke away from Freud, primarily because he disagreed with Freud’s view of sexuality (Nystul, 2006). Using his own theories, he then began the school of â€Å"Analytical Psychology. â€Å"Jung’s theory of personality divides the psyche into three distinct parts: the ego, consisting of the conscious mind, the personal unconscious, which contains thoughts, memories, and experiences that are not presently conscious, but can be, and the collective unconscious (Nystul, 2006). The collective unconscious could be described as a â€Å"psychic inheritance†(Comer, 2008). It could also be a type of reservoir of the human experience as a species. Yet, the individual is never conscious of its presence (Feist, 1985). Jung’s â€Å"Archetypes of the Personality†evolve from the collective unconscious. These are the persona and its shadow, the female anima and male animus, and the self. Jung felt that until balance could be found within these archetypes in each individual, the complete realization of the self could not be achieved (Comer, 2008). The son of a pastor, Jung had a great interest in spirituality and its effects on the personality. His studies and knowledge of eastern philosophy, yoga, and meditation have certainly had an impact on his theories and have contributed greatly to today’s holistic approach to overall health (Nystul, 2006). Jung’s theories and writings have had a major impact on contemporary thought in many areas such as art, music, and literature (Douglas, 2005). Jung also coined the term â€Å"synchronicity,†which can be defined as â€Å"meaningful coincidences†occurring in everyday life (Engler, 2006). Jung claimed that there exists a synchrony between the mind and the phenomenal world of perception in each individual. For example, thoughts of an old friend fill one’s mind in the evening. The next morning, that particular friend calls, or news about them is received, out of the blue. However, no physical evidence has been found to support this idea (Strogatz, 2004). Although Freud, Adler, and Jung had their unique theoretical differences, they also shared many commonalities. For instance, they all utilized hypnosis and dream interpretation as therapeutic tools to treat their patients (Comer, 2008). They also all agreed on the importance of early life experiences and the existence of unconscious processes (Nystul, 2006). In the field of psychology, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung, developed three distinct theories of personality that to this day continue to be the foundations on which all modern psychological theories are built. In their day, these three men were on the cutting edge of the newest science of western civilization. If not for Freud, Alder, and Jung psychology would not have evolved into the field that it is today. ReferencesComer, Ronald, J. (2008). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology. (5th edition). New York, NY. Worth Publishers. Douglas, C. (2005). Current psychotherapies. (7th Edition). (pgs. 96-129). Itasca, Ill. F. E. Peacock. Engler, Barbara. (2006). Personality theories. (7th Edition). Boston, MA. Houghton, Mifflin Company. Feist, J. (1985). Theories of personality. New York, NY. Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. Nystul, Michael (2006). Introduction to counseling, an art and science perspective (3rd Edition). Boston, MA. Pearson, Allyn, & Bacon. Strogatz, Steven, H. (2004). SYNC: How order emerges from chaos in the universe, nature, and daily life. New York, NY. Hyperion. NOTE FROM AUTHOR: The only comments from my professor were about APA formatting, like margins, and double spacing the bibliography. No points were lost for this.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Small group communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Small group communication - Essay Example An effective small group that would guarantee efficient results is one that has established clear roles for the small group members. Firstly, there should be a task leader. A task leader is probably one of the key people within the small group as he controls the direction of the group and initiates debate points. He is resourceful enough to know when a point has been exhausted and also has the ability to come up with debatable points whose answers contribute to the overall discussion. The other critical aspect for a small group is communication. The members of the small group should understand each other they should be able to discern information provided by other members. This ensures that no single point escapes. In totality, this contributes to a healthy group discussion and one that maximizes on the resourcefulness of all the members. Looking through the definition forwarded by the text it is possible to identify our class groups as small groups. A project team, as it was constit uted to achieve a particular goal which was discussion of various academic topics. The intention of the project team was to improve our functionality in groups as well as integrate variable knowledge as presented by various group members. However, the only qualification as a small group only lay in the numbers and communication interactions. This was the only congruent aspect as our small group lacked a communication pattern. There were no ground rules that ensured the discussions remained focused on the subject matter. This was largely due to lack of a task leader. A task leader is defined as the person who emerges as the most qualified to lead a specific small group dealing with a particular problem (Cragan, Wright and Kasch 39). This type of a person lacked in our small group. The result was an uncoordinated group that engaged in debates far from the intended topics. It would take a long time to have the group members focus again on the topic of discussion. The greatest problem was that every time one of the group members seemed to take control of the group he was fast criticized and this again translated to a disorderly discussion. The text identifies that task leaders are not necessarily known at the inception of the
The Trend of Job Relocation and its Influences Essay
The Trend of Job Relocation and its Influences - Essay Example Compared to other developed nations, like those in Western Europe or Japan, the United States' land area is expansive - we cover half of the North American continent. While in other places, job relocation happens relatively close to home due to the smaller geographic region of political and language borders, it is not the same in the United States. Our geographical boundaries are wide enough to hit two oceans. When we go across the country, ties with family and community are completely cut. Job relocation of any person in a family is harmful to the family structure. A key players is removed from the family unit, be it the father, mother, even children. Reimer conducted a research study that suggested job relocation was potentially harmful to families (2000). The possible outcomes of the trend "job relocation" are multiple depending on the specific demographic taken into account, family members involved in the move, and the stability of labor markets. For example, job relocation for migrant families depends heavily on the legislation concerning them, legislation concerning migrant worker programs, education patterns and benefits for children of migrant workers, and others. Globalization is another factor that will affect job relocation.
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