Monday, September 30, 2019
Narration essay
It was early morning, and I was driving to my vacation house. I was not really in a hurry, so I stopped at a McDonalds to grab a burger. It was a typical dingy place you often see in a quiet town, and I was the only customer. Everything was running as usual, and I was in for another 100 miles of monotonous driving through a rural countryside. And then something happened. I walked out of the joint and saw a little boy. He was about seven, and totally alone on a deserted parking lot where my car was the only one at 7 a.m. He was thin, even skinny, and had a dreamy, absent-minded look on his face. I felt at first like leaving him alone to whatever dreams were weaving together in his mind, but then decided to find out what was going on. After all, he was just a little fellow, and it certainly was not good for him to be here together all on his own. â€Å"Are you waiting for anybody?†I asked. â€Å"No†, he replied. â€Å"Do you live here then?†â€Å"No, I was here with my Dad and Mom, and then they drove away.†â€Å"Away? Are they coming back?†He looked amazingly quiet. â€Å"They said I do not behave myself.†â€Å"How long have you been here then?†Now the little guy looked sad. â€Å"Two hours.†â€Å"Two hours?†I realized I had to take him to the police, to contact somebody in that little place to get the boy back to his normal comfortable life. But was it really that normal if his folks leave him on the road like that? Or did he misinterpret their words? While we were sitting in the police office, he told me about his family. His mom seemed like a good person in his words, but too intimidated by his father. â€Å"She never speaks her own mind if he thinks differently,†the boy said. â€Å"If she says something different, he starts yelling at her.†I did not fell a shade of bitterness in his voice. He was merely narrating a story. â€Å"Does your Dad ever beat you or your sister?†â€Å"It is just me. He slaps me across the face sometimes. He loves her. She is his daughter.†Then he gave me the first warm smile in all the time I had been speaking to him and pulled a picture out of his pocket. â€Å"Isn’t she cute?†The girl was sure lovely, very much like her brother, but with curly blond hair that turned her into a little princess. â€Å"He always brings her presents when he comes back from his trip. She has tons of toys.†I imagined to myself the unhappy lot of a child who lives with the stepfather. He probably suffered a lot, poor little thing. Well, when the parents did come a few hours ago, they were hysterically happy to find their child there. He just ran away on his own, they said. They had not the least intention of leaving him out in the cold. They were nice and loving parents. You’d think they were role models for other families. But I watched the passivity with which the guy moved into the van, and I could not shake off the feeling that something was missing from their words. They were smiling to me, to the policemen, but they seemed oblivious to the boy except the first moments of embraces. I was standing there thinking how the boy’s life will turn out in the long run. Will he ever learn to be loved? Will his relationships later be warmer than his family? I watched them drive away, then turned and walked back to my car. I tried to consider your remarks. If you have other comments, send it back and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
Effectiveness of Time and Financial Management Essay
Chapter 1 I. Introduction A. General Statement to the Effectiveness of Time and Financial Management on selected scholars of Adamson University 1. Profile of the Selected Scholars B. Statement of the problem ( How can they cope up with the demands of their respective courses? C. Objectives of the study D. Relevance of the study E. Definition of terms Chapter 2 II. Survey of Related Literature A. Foreign studies 1. Working Students/Student Assistants 2. Scholars B. Local Studies 1. Working Students/Student Assistants 2. Scholars Chapter 3 III. Methods on how to measure effectiveness of time and financial management A. Results of Survey/Questionnaire to the Selected Scholars of Adamson University 1. Graphical Representation 2. Analysis of the results IV. Conclusion Chapter 3 Methods on how to measure Effectiveness of Time and Financial Management The researchers chose 7 different scholars to conduct a survey about the chosen topic. Most of the respondents came from student assistant’s category and the others came from the category of academic scholars. These scholars were given scholarships from Ozanam Study Grant Program and Megaworld Foundation. On the range of their ages, 17-22 years old were the students who were given an opportunity they wanted to have. The scholars being interviewed have a daily allowance of more or less 150 pesos. On the Graph 1.1 being shown below are some of the expenses of the following students. Graph 1.1 A little number of respondents said that they stay in boarding houses that cost them Php 1,600 to Php 1,700. Literally, the cost was being solved by their parents. 3 out of 7 students said that both of their parents are self-employed. 1 respondent said that his/her parents run a business and another corresponds to unemployed parents. The rest of the students match up on other answers like their father/mother neither is an overseas Filipino worker, a tricycle driver, a plain housewife nor was deceased. Researchers proceed to the monthly income of their parents in able to measure the financial background of each and every respondent. Graph 1.2 illustrates the possible monthly income of the parents of these learners. Graph 1.2 As you can see, there is an equality of 14,000 and lower and 15,000-20,000 income. It is based on the survey being conducted by the researchers and from the occupation of their parents. On the part of their financial management, they spent the biggest part of their allowance for their food (50%) followed by their transportation and some other expenses. This shows that food is very important especially for the scholars like them. Food is an essential and they must not ignore because of the responsibilities they have in the university. The primary reason of the pupils asked in preferring themselves in being a scholar of Adamson University is that because they wanted to help their parents in decreasing the expenses. In this reason, an individual can determine that financial or money matters are the first basis in order for them to have financial management. Other reasons are for them to gain independency. The effectiveness of financial management is measured by proper usage of money and thinking a creative way of using up money. The researchers also find ways on evaluating time supervision of scholars. Because of a more number of student assistants being interviewed, most of their time is allotted on their duties. Here is Graph 1.3 that shows how long an ordinary scholar uses his /her time in the university. Graph 1.3 Take a look of the graph that has been illustrated by the researchers. Student D and F are academic scholars. According to the information gathered from the survey, these students are academic scholars. As academic scholars, their worlds are focused on studying. They usually spend time in resting, studying and even have a time for leisure. On the other hand, the remaining students (A, B , C and E) make use of their time in duties and offices. Equalizing time in each activity of a student like them is not easy to do. Like on the Graph 1.3, student assistants are divided in different opinions. Some of them were able to balance their time and others cannot. Same answer was derived by academic scholars. However, they also answered it depends on the situation. Situations are unpredictable and make equalization of time in different planned activities. Somehow, all of them have a time for rest and have a break after long hours from school. Lastly, as a scholar, grade is the most important or basis in acquiring scholarships. Grades of these scholars are not affected by activities being done in school. Therefore, these learners have a good strategic measures in managing their time and studies. Chapter 4 Conclusion Based on the presented and interpreted data above, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. That most of the scholars spend their money more on food for it is an essential need. 2. That most of the scholars wanted to help their parents to reduce the number of expenses. 3. That most of the scholars allot their time to school by doing different duties but assures that grades of them will not be affected. Chapter 2 Survey of Related Literature
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Paper On Customer Satisfaction
Marketing Is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering values to customers and for managing customer relationships In ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. These values are related to an economic dimension and the psychological dimension of the said marketing definition. The same dimensions speak about perceived price through transaction values and cognitive and affective influences on brand choice and affective influences.This definition of marketing leads to the importance and critical roles of customers perception of corporate Images and reputation leading to customer satisfaction as an Intermediary to customer loyalty. This Is done In relevance with the belief and fact that customers are the primary ‘assets' of a market and not the product itself. With customers being satisfied, or if customers show a high level of satisfaction then only can the market for the particular product grow. This in turn can lea d to customer loyalty and loyalty intention. What is Customer Satisfaction?Customer Satisfaction Is said to be able to Increase product sales and bring about fulfillment response. It is a Judgment that a product or service feature, or the reduce itself, provided or is providing a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment including levels of under or over-fulfillment. †It is the degree of experience that a customer receives from a good or service provided by a market. Thus ‘Customer Satisfaction' is the measure of this degree of experience or pleasure of customers measured by the number of repeated customers who repeatedly use the goods or service.It is also seen that customer satisfaction leads to the customers being loyal to the product or service thus in return be loyal to the particular brand of the product. It can also be used as a measure of loyalty intention. Oliver(1997) defined customer's loyalty as â€Å"a deep held commitment to rebury or re-patron ize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts that have the potential to cause switching behavior. Loyalty then is the intent or the customer's behavior to rebury the same product or service from a particular source (thus linking to a brand) because of the satisfaction that he or she achieved from using the product/service repeatedly. Why is Customer Satisfaction Important? Talking about customer satisfaction, one must understand why customer satisfaction is important. In asking that question the following reasons come up based on research. The main point is because customer satisfaction as a measure of loyalty intention and customer retention is a leading indicator and a point differentiator.Studying customer satisfaction or performing customer satisfaction surveys yields a better understanding of customer lifetime value and reduces customer chur n. In saying so, keeping and making old customers satisfied is a lot cheaper than acquiring new ones. Making customers happy reduces negative word of mouth for the product or service and thus doesn't affect the product or service negatively. On the other hand, with satisfied and happy customers word of mouth would enable an acquisition of many more other customers who can then be transformed to satisfied customers and then into totally satisfied customers.Retaining customers who are satisfied isn't much of a problem, it is those customers who often have problems with the products or services offered that needs to be looked into. Suppose if a ‘satisfaction' survey is carried out on a particular product, and the result gives a list if any customers who are not satisfied with the product or who gives a low rating for the product; then one must look into how and why they are unsatisfied with the product. One can keep a watch list on these customers and follow up with different que ries so as to determine why they are not satisfied.In knowing this, the brand can know the actual number of people who have intent of repurchase and of those who are actually loyal to the brand. The main difference between competitors in a market is their ability to retain and satisfy those customers who continue to be with them. Bringing customer satisfaction as a main strategy or a core point of action for a brand can be a detrimental factor for two or more competitors offering the same service or product. Take for example Competitor A and Competitor B both offering Product X.A customer C would go for either of the competitor's Product X if C would have received feedback from another customer (say D) if D would have given a positive feedback to given a positive word of mouth feedback to C of the Product X from Competitor A if the competitor A had offered or given a high level of satisfaction to the customer D. Thus the main differentiating factor for C for choosing product X from A and B would highly depend on the recommendation from D. This is what is meant by acquiring new customers and retaining old ones based on customer satisfaction.Studies have shown that totally satisfied customers are more loyal to a brand than Just satisfied customers. The Customer Lifetime Value (CLC) which can yield profit from a customer based on prediction of spending of the customer on a particular product or service is different for totally and Just satisfied customers. Just satisfied customers can and eight defect to other products or services and have a lower CLC. This is because with just satisfied customers, chances of new products from competitors who offer better services and benefits might make them shift from their regular brand and products.This can be attributed to the effect of the new product attributes that wooed them to shift or because of the lack of retention capability of the current brand. In the case of totally satisfied customers however, a new product or s ervice with better offers and benefits than the current brand isn't enough to deter them to take a shift. This might be due to the high loyalty they have towards their current brand because of their high levels of satisfaction they achieved from using the product or service or because of the brand's capability to retain them by incorporating customer satisfaction strategies in their business plans.Thus we can see that Just satisfied customers are willing to shift to other products more readily than totally satisfied customers. Markets should be able to distinguish between these two and formulate strategies to convert Just satisfied to totally satisfied customers which can raise the Customer Lifetime Value and thus increase profit. Consistency as a Customer Satisfaction Tool For a brand to be able to retain customers and to make them satisfied and happy, consistency is one of the major routes in achieving total customer satisfaction.The consistency that the paper talks about is the c onsistent satisfaction of a customer and its measure of relation to the overall sum of customer satisfaction over a period of time. This is in contrast to the measure of a five point scale satisfaction survey of individual customers. In measuring this satisfaction consistency, we measure the attestation levels of an individual customer for a particular product or service provided by a certain brand over their continued use and repurchase of the product or brand. This gives us a better understanding of the customer's response to the product or service though out the customer lifetime value.With increasing use of the product the customer can either be satisfied, totally satisfied or be frustrated with the product. This study based on consistency can then be translated into strategies or plans to enable the brand to retain the dissatisfied customer, convert the Just testified and improve the totally satisfied customer. Throughout the customers' lifetime with the product the brands cons istent work to provide them with excellent and effortless service and a consistent support mechanism can ensure maximum customer satisfaction. However not all brands can offer and deliver the same.Having a positive customer-experience emotions- encompassed in a feeling of trust-were the biggest drivers of satisfaction and loyalty in a majority of industries. Consistency with customers in relationships, services and relations is important to forge trust brands' customer pool. A company's brand is driven by more than the combination of promises made and kept. It is also critical to ensure customers recognize the delivery of those promises. This requires communicating and key messages that consistently highlight delivery and themes.In this case customer's perceptions and views of the brand are reinforced. This in turn generates goodwill in the minds of the customers thus leading into a satisfaction level though the communication of these fulfilling promises and on time market communica tions to reinforce experiences. Relationship between Price and Satisfaction Say a customer A was traveling and had to stop to stay for a night. The hotel that he stayed charged him an exorbitant amount as the room rent and other charges and this caused A to be upset and thus dissatisfied with the hotel.But because of the urgent requirement he had to put up with it. But in staying at the hotel he found out that the overall service of the hotel, the staffs and the facilities provided were much more than he anticipated. When asked to rate the hotel he gave it a ten out of ten. This is an example of how price can be related to satisfaction. But this is not the case with most products and services. Customers often expect good sales and services when they pay a hefty price for a product. If the product performs they are more likely to continue the use of the same product and recommend the same to others.The opposite is the case if the product doesn't meet the necessary requirements the cu stomer had in mind while paying for it. If that's the case, a sure negative response from the customer via word of mouth would go to others, thus making the brand lose out on a potential customer while not retaining a customer. Thus customer satisfaction and price has a direct negative relationship and impact on customer attention. This is regardless of satisfaction with the service experience or reward programmer membership status.This also shows the price sensitivity of customers in relation to being satisfied with a product or service. Achieving Customer Satisfaction As customer satisfaction is an important factor for brands, companies and the market, plans and strategies must be included to achieve the same. This part of the paper will give a simple layout on how to achieve customer satisfaction. Since the business or the market continues to exist because of the customer, the customer should be made the first priority. This is in accordance to what was said at the beginning of t he paper where customers where declared as assets of a market.If customers are unhappy and uncaring for a product or service; chances are they have already made up their minds to shift to another. They also are highly capable to spread negativity about the same product or service via word of mouth. A â€Å"Can-Do†attitude by sales executives and the staffs in general can go a long way to making customers happy and satisfied. Inconvenience caused by the staffs and personnel at a retail shop or outlet can cause a very long lasting negative impression on the minds f the customers. The lesser the complaints received, the more highly the customer is satisfied with the service.Communication with customers also offers a great platform in creating relationships with them and building trust in them. Also communication about the services and products provided by the brand to increase the knowledge of the customer is an ideal way to retain customers. If the full quality and service of a product and the extent to which the product or service can be used is made known to customer gets about the product or service, the more highly it can affect his/her purchase decision again and again. This can then lead to customer retention and satisfaction.Timing is also one of the basic factors that can lead to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. On time deliveries, sales and services, and deadlines are real time factors influencing customer satisfaction. Uncertainty and lack of confidence with customers are negative points on the customer's mind. Your customer expects prompt, courteous service. When asking for service help, your customer should never have to make a second call. Establish clearly defined and attainable service standards using the input of customers and employees. Ensure hat those standards are thoroughly understood by employees and promoted to customers.Put the standards into practice through employee reward programs that establish and recognize excellenc e in service. Research into competitors actions to improve your own goals and improve your own techniques and services. Remember that the customer is the markets' everything. Complains must be listened and taken into account. Positive solutions must be encouraged along with politeness, compliments and enthusiasm. You are the company that the customer sees. The customer is always evaluating you, so offer a better service than your competitors ND always show interest in the customer.Conclusion In concluding we can see that although there are customers who will always buy and purchase a product or service because of needs and requirements; totally satisfied customers are hard to find. Retaining Just satisfied customers also is a hard process since it entails a lot of work and research into why there can be a shift even when they are satisfied. Customer satisfaction is thus seen as not Just a unit of measure for brands and markets to calculate their profits and revenues but is seen as a n important factor for marketing strategies and plans.This is because the more satisfied the customers are, the more loyal they can become and the more loyal they become the more benefit the brand and the market can achieve from them in terms of profit and revenue. The results of the study shows that the markets offering different products and services should concentrate on customer satisfaction as it plays an important role in retaining customers which are the â€Å"Assets†of any market. References 1. Enhance Plus; â€Å"Why is Customer Satisfaction Important? †2. â€Å"The effect of price on return intentions: Do satisfaction and reward programmer membership matter?
A Comparison of Two Types of Display Advertisements Essay
Advertising is all around us, we cannot avoid it, in the car on the street the train and the Internet, even in aeroplanes. Advertisements are around us in every type of media: television, radio and the written word, it is everywhere. It is one of the most influential factors in our lives and effects the way we think about companies and their products. For example the new Jaguar X-Type television adverts are aimed at the younger ‘X Generation’ so to interest high earning young men and women. Display advertising comprises of images and text and would be found on billboards, magazines and in shop windows among other places. The images and text are purposefully arranged to persuade us to associate the product with a certain lifestyle. Obviously not all types of advertising appeal to everyone, so target audience is essential in portraying the image of the product and quality. I will be comparing two display advertisements, both of which are from the January 2002 issue of the new technologies magazine T3. Both advertisements are for new electronic devices, a flat screen television from Samsung and the digital camcorder made by Sony. In the following comparison, you will be able to see the way these advertisements effect our lives and the products we buy. In the Samsung advertisement, there is a blurred image of a businessman standing alone on a tropical beach. His trousers are rolled up and he has a jacket slung casually over his shoulder. This man is obviously an executive businessman with a high paying job, the reason for this, I believe, is that you would have to earn a lot of money to have enough disposable income to afford the product. The man is relaxing on the beach looking out towards the sea to give an impression of freedom. He is standing casually portraying an image of complete relaxation, carelessness and mellowness. There are no props in the image to add to the felling of simplicity. All this is very much in contrast with the Sony camcorder advertisement. The Sony advertisement there is an image of a man skydiving with another person filming him with the product, the digital camcorder. The man skydiving has a look of exhilaration and elation upon his face, all of this adds to the image of the product giving you a fast paced and exciting lifestyle. This advertisement is a bit of a lie though; it would be practically impossible to shoot the man skydiving and would cost far too much. So Sony have employed another company that sell images and bought an image of a man skydiving and then the graphic designers would have superimposed the image of a hand holding the product. This gives the image of the man actually being recorded while skydiving. In the Sony advertisement the image on the LCD screen of the product is a big close up of the skydiver. This type of camera angle was used to create an intimate relationship with the target audience, also it creates an image of an ‘in your face’ and raw, ‘full on’ lifestyle. Outside of the image of the man’s face it is a long shot because you can see the skydiver’s whole body, however apart from the skydiver and the other person’s hand, which is a close up, there is a lot of ‘white space’, in this example the sky. The person holding the camcorder is in full focus but the rest of the advertisement is slightly blurred, this makes the product stand out. There are two slogans Shoot it, Send it, Pull Ripcord’ which is a three part list and an imperative and ‘go create’, which is an imperative. The first slogan is solely for the camcorder and is positioned in the top left which is the first thing you would look at, secondly the universal Sony slogan in the bottom right, the last thing you would look at. The slogans are in very understated fonts very similar to Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma; this plays down the slogans and putting emphasis on the skydiver. In the Samsung television advertisement we find that the camera angle is a long shot of the businessman and the beach, this adds to the impression of ease a complete lack of cares in the world this product could create. The only clear and crisp part of the advertisement is the image of the product: the flat screen television, this helps to promote the product as you look at the advertisement. The product slogan ‘mix business with pleasure’ is positioned in the top right but is in a larger font than the Sony advertisement so that it occupies a much larger area of the advertisement. It is in a very rounded font similar to Square 721 Cn BT to add to the relaxed feel of the advertisement. ‘Mix business with pleasure’ is a play on words and a two part contrast. Also in the Samsung Electronics advertisement there is the universal Samsung slogan: ‘Samsung Digitall, everyone’s invited’ this is a two part contrast and an imperative. This advertisement is not as interestingly arranged and the universal Samsung Electronics slogan is not linked in with the product whereas the Sony advertisement has a series of circles showing what the product can do and in the final circle is the slogan. Because we in class only had black and white photocopies of the advertisements I cannot comment on the use of colour. In the Sony advertisement the whole feel of the image is one of a fast paced and action packed lifestyle, this however is in complete contrast with the Samsung television advertisement which is laid back and relaxed. The use of connecting the product to a certain type of lifestyle is used in almost all display advertisements and changes the passer by’s perception of the product and company. Peter Atkin Sunday 31st March 2002 A Comparison of Two Types of Display Advertisements.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Morality in war Essay
Is war ever moral? I feel that War is a necessary part of life. Sometimes force is the only way to defend yourself or others. We are all equals, and It is immoral to take the life of anyone, but it is also immoral to let the life of anyone be taken. We have a responsibility to help each other because cooperation is the only way the human race can survive; we also have a right to defend ourselves. This means that if someone else is threatening you or anothers life, and you are capable of helping, you have an obligation to protect yourself or them. Lethal force will never be moral, but what if it’s the only way to protect someone? Let’s say that an attacker has broken into your house and is holding a gun to you and your family. You also have a gun pointed at the assailant. In this hypothetical situation we must assume that the only way to save your family is to kill the attacker. You must make a choice to kill the attacker or let the attacker kill you and your family. Both options are immoral, so one has to ask if it’s more immoral to kill the attacker, or to let the attacker kill your family? The obvious choice to me is to kill the assailant. I feel this is the right choice because of two reasons. One, our responsibility to protect ourselves and our family is larger than the responsibility to not do harm to another. The second reason has to do with the proportion of damage. The attacker would be doing more harm in killing my family and me then I would be doing in killing him. This example allows us to see, on a small scale, when lethal force is necessary. Things get more complicated when we look at entire countries rather than just one family, but my view point remains the same. Lethal force is only permitted when it is the only option to defend yourself or others. War is necessary because people sometimes make immoral decisions that put others in a position where there is no other option, but is war ever moral? Killing is always immoral, and killing is part of war, so parts of war are immoral, but does this mean war is inherently immoral? Sometimes it is the least immoral choice; this makes it the most moral choice, so it is sometime moral. I believe that many of the wars we have had have been immoral. I don’t think that the United States has been justified in it’s actions every time. â€Å"It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. †– Vladimir Putin. I feel that it is in part due to the classical â€Å"male†approach to ethics which focuses on â€Å"independence, autonomy, intellect, will, wariness, hierarchy, domination, culture, transcendence, product, asceticism, war, and death,†Jaggar, â€Å"Feminist Ethics,†1992 One can see that these characteristics would allow for war to be more often morally acceptable. A â€Å"feminist†approach to ethics would focus more on â€Å"interdependence, community, connection, sharing, emotion, body, trust, absence of hierarchy, nature, immanence, process, joy, peace, and life. †Jaggar, â€Å"Feminist Ethics,†1992 These characteristics allow for a more peaceful world. The Syrian regime was accused of using chemical weapons against it’s own people in september of 2013. The weapon of mass destruction â€Å"Sarin†may have been used, and this action is against international law. The United states felt obligated to step in and punish the Syrian Government for this because they felt it was in the worlds best interest to not let these atrocities go unpunished. It could be more dangerous to let them get away with it because international law could fall apart and the world could turn to anarchy if nothing is done to punish wrong behavior. This being said, what is the best course of action to punish the Syrian government if they did infact use this weapon? Military action was debated, and President Obama was willing to attack if necessary, but I feel this is very dangerous. If the United States were to attack the Syrian government without UN approval It could have the same effect as doing nothing. This is because the united states would also be breaking international law, and this could also cause the UN to fall apart. If strong countries like the US bypass UN approval on military actions then International law means nothing. â€Å"The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. †-Vladimir Putin. In addition, military action would not be morally acceptable in this situation because it would not be in self defense; it would be an act of aggression causing more harm than good. A diplomatic approach would be a step in the right direction for this particular situation. This real life situation allows us to see how we can judge the morality of an action on a larger scale. In conclusion, war can be moral, but it is only a strategy to attain peace and safety for a group. All other options should be explored before war can be considered; this is because war involves some of the most immoral actions possible; the killing of others. â€Å"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. †- Ernest Hemingway http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/quotes/e/ernesthemi108407. html#zB7XwPTRbCpbv7my. 99 http://www. nytimes. com/2013/09/12/opinion/putin-plea-for-caution-from-russia-on-syria. html? _r=0.
GM business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
GM business report - Essay Example US president Barack Obama is not willing to provide any governmental aid to the company as he believes that first there should be serious restructuring plan before providing any financial aid. The company has decided to down size its workforce as a process of reorganisation. Moreover GM decided to sell its European arm Opel and Vauxhall to Magna International, a Canadian automobile parts manufacturer and supplier. After a long biding process Magna was selected and it was expected that Magna would invest around 700 million dollar into Opel. It was also expected that with this huge investment would create over 25,000 jobs in Germany. But in the later half of this year GM again decided that it would keep Opel with itself and cancelled that entire plan. The company has been going through such a situation over the past few months which it has never been before. It is been a century that GM is one of the largest automotive companies in the world. It was holding the number one position in terms of sales for 77 long years before Toyota surpassing it in 2008. Today there are 235,000 employees in the company. GM is operating business in 140 different countries while in 34 countries it has production facilities. Primary activities are directly involved in creating and delivering values and support activities are not directly associated in the process of value creation but play important role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness (Tutor2u, n.d.). General Motors has strong value chain which enables the company to be at the top for almost a century. GM’s inbound logistics are very strong as the company maintains good relations with its suppliers whom it get the inputs from. These inputs are converted into final product into its large number of production plants. It is already mentioned that the company has its production plants in almost 34 countries. Manufactured cars then reach to the buyers through a strong
Friday, September 27, 2019
Strategy Innovation & Change - Critically evaluate the alliance Essay
Strategy Innovation & Change - Critically evaluate the alliance between Avebe and Noveon. What does this case show us about strategy as a process and its imple - Essay Example is a holistic approach that is adopted by organisations in planning the future course of business and as Mintzberg points is out, â€Å"strategies are both plans for the future and patterns from the past†(Mintzberg, 1987, P. 67). Of the various methods that organisations generally adopt in order to manifest strategic success, strategic alliance is very popular, and as Kanter propounds, â€Å"business alliances are living systems, evolving progressively in their possibilities†(Kanter, 1994, P. 97). She further suggests that â€Å"relationships between companies begin, grow, and develop – or fail – much like relationships between people†(Kanter, 1994, P. 99). This essay will focus on the strategic alliances and their conceptual tenets. This essay will focus on the strategic alliance that was struck between Avebe and Noveon in March 1995, and was terminated in September 1999. It was observed that the alliance was based on shared-supply as they joint ly developed a product but marketed it independently (Dussauge & Garrett, n.d., P. 63). When companies wish to enter into a shared-supply alliance, comparative analysis of core competencies is indispensable in evaluating technological and other resources-related compatibility and thus helps in anticipating the outcomes of such alliances. Generally firms also take into consideration the mutual competencies in terms of marketing as well in order to project the future prospects of the novel products, if any, that are focused on developing. While conducting an internal appraisal, organizations should also consider their cultural aspects and try their best to enhance employee-involvement so that they are properly aligned with strategic objectives. Das and Teng suggest that â€Å"the first stage in forming alliances is the selection of partner firms†(Das & Teng, 1999, P. 56-57). Prior to formulating any organizational strategy, the management should take into consideration the external business environment as these
Booker T. Washington and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Booker T. Washington and Education - Essay Example For instance, Washington accepted segregation of the races, his outward humility, and his opposition to black militancy (Rutkoff and Scott). For this reason, many black intellectuals from Washington’s time were shy about placing him as the spokesperson for the struggle for social recognition. Regardless, Washington’s thoughts on education have remained within the public’s consideration for a number of years, opening the question of how does our current world evaluate, and utilize, what Washington had to contribute to the field of education. Washington was born a Virginian slave in either 1858 or 1859 and, although freed by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, sought employment at age nine in coalmines and salt works. Washington was entirely self-educated: finding the value of knowledge after his first experience with a spelling book. In 1872, Washington moved a few hundred miles to Virginia’s Hampton Institute in Virginia to enhance his education. Washin gton took employment as a janitor in Hampton so that he could pay his tuition, room, and board. Similar to his peers at Hampton, Washington received a lesson in the value of hard work for moral and economic strength. â€Å"He worked his way through school and taught for two years at Hampton after graduating†(Hine, Hine and Harrold 339). Afterward, Washington took up a position as headmaster at a school in Tuskegee, Alabama. Understanding how Washington found himself as the head of a school is crucially important for contextualizing his contributions to the philosophy of education in the early parts of black freedom within the United States. Because Washington employed personal initiative and hard work in reaching a place of dignity, he wanted to share that experience with all black people. His take on education was representative of the fact that he was not an intellectual; rather he was a man that employed action to achieve the means of survival (Rutkoff and Scott). He want ed black people in the south to value the need for industrial education from the perspective as both American and African. Washington emphasized the industrial curriculum as a means of a stepping-stone toward race independence; however, this emphasis does not represent an inherent belief in the incapacity of blacks to master scholarly subjects as well. Rather, â€Å"one man may go into a community prepared to supply the people there an analysis of Greek sentences. The community may or may not at that time be prepared for, or feel the need of, Greek analysis, but it may feel the need of bricks and houses and wagons†(Washington 156-157). Washington’s intent by advocating the industrial curriculum was to grant these blacks the ability to break cycles of perpetual debt brought on by a lack of independence from the sharecropping system, which kept individuals from learning the tools and competences necessary for work that is more skilled. As a man of action, who achieved a high status by working hard and taking the extra step, Washington saw the production of value with one’
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Advertising Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Advertising Strategy - Assignment Example Advertising has grown and evolved into a complex form of communication with thousands of different methods of business to get a message to the consumer. The hotel can also come up with ways to advertise itself to the public through making of appropriate use of touchy images and portraits of the hotel in the newspapers, using of words and phrases that will attract customers to it. The advertisements can create the desire in the clients to want to be part of the hotel and the people enjoying the good things that the hotel has to offer. Some cave paintings can also come in handy when it comes to ensuring that the hotel is well advertised. The most effective advertising tactic is making an adoption of a single strategy that is clear and corresponding to the needs of the people around the hotel. The business financial resource is what needs to dictate the tactic of advertising. One can run public promotion across the town or make the advertisement on radio and television. For instance, a campaign can promote a product’s prices that are low while radio and television advertisement can promote services a and products that are of high quality. This will ensure that the tactic corresponds with the gain accrued from the sale of the same product or service. Another good tactic is ensuring that the target population has access to the advert and can be wooed towards joining the Ocho Rios fraternity. This can be measurable by the turn out in customers after the advert. Different adverts should have a diversified approach to prices and services offered in order to attract customers of all calibers. More so, the adverts should be content based rather than emphasizing on the prices. It should show the quality of services offered by the hotel and the serenity of the environment where it is located rather than making rounds on the pricing. Customers can pay any amount for services offered provided they enjoy and are
Numerical Understanding in Preschool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Numerical Understanding in Preschool - Essay Example It is not a far-fetched idea that preschool education effects the learning abilities and acumen of children up to the levels of elementary, middle, and even high school (Siegler, 2009). It is supported by scientific research, as will be stipulated later in the paper. However, it is quite understandable why this notion might be correct. Children develop learning habits quite early in their development and tend to carry those habits throughout life (Siegler, 2009). Their understanding of simple mathematical tasks, as an example, as developed in the early years, effects their understanding of complex calculation later on. These simple tasks, which should ideally be developed in preschool, include numeral identification, magnitude comparison, counting, and numeral line estimation (Siegler, 2009). Since the case under discussion focuses on preschools where the majority of the students come from low-income families, another angle which should be discussed is the lack of development of math ematical skills of these children as compared to their counterparts from middle-income families, who develop relatively higher levels of mathematical skills (Siegler, 2009). The reasons for this could be the exposure of children to mathematical tasks, as is often related to the counting of bills, or the hearing of talk related to monetary calculations (Siegler, 2009). The middle-class children, being more exposed to such situations, develop a better numerical sense and understanding as compared to children from low-income families, thereby putting them at an advantage (Siegler, 2009).
The Heart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Heart - Essay Example The arterial supply of the heart is built from the right and left coronary arteries, which arise from the aorta. The cardiac muscle is composed by specialized cells: cardiac myocytes. Kumar et al. (2005) describe five major components in the myocytes: cell membrane (sarcolemma) and T-tubules; sarcoplasmic reticulum; contractile elements; mitochondria; and nucleus. The sarcolemma and T-tubules enable impulse conductions, and the sarcoplasmic reticulum is a calcium reservoir needed for contraction. Mitochondria are crucial components, since they are involved in cardiac contraction by providing a constant supply of ATP to the sarcomeres. Mitochondria are abundant in cardiac tissue, constituting 20% to 40% of cellular volume in energy-demanding zones (Marin-Garcia 2005). Cardiac muscle is composed of sarcomeres, which are the contractile units with an arrangement of thin and thick myofilaments. The myocytes are composed of many parallel myofilaments arrays of sarcomeres in series, which are responsible for the striated appearance (Kumar 2005). Thin filaments are composed of various proteins named actin, tropomyosin, and troponin. Myosin is the thick filament, and possesses the cross-bridges that can attach to the actin. Au (2004) has described the various components of the sarcomere in great detail. Since cross-bridges possess ATPase activity, contraction may be explained as a continuous cycling of cross-bridges. Moreover, cardiac muscle fibers are joined together by junctional complexes called intercalated discs (Dunn 2004), so that the action potential is spread. The role of Calcium Calcium (Ca2+) regulates mechanical contractions and Vandenboom et al. (2005) have shown that "cross-bridge attachment increases thin filament activation dynamically and that this increase is proportional to the level of activation first established by Ca2+"; during membrane depolarization, a small amount of Ca2+ enters through specialized channels, and the influx triggers calcium release of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Intracellular calcium binds to troponin C, which induces activation of the myofilaments and muscle contraction. Relaxation is initiated by dissociation of Ca2+ from troponin C, followed by its reuptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and removal through sodium/calcium exchangers (Chakraborti et al. 2007). Structure and Function Ventricular muscle contracts during systole and relaxes during diastole. The sarcomere length and sliding mechanism has been described by various researchers (Pollack et al 2005). The Frank-Starling mechanism depicts the relationship between structural components of the heart and its function: shorter sarcomeres have considerable overlap of actin and myosin filaments, reducing its contractile force, whereas longer lengths enhance contractility. In a normal heart, moderate dilation increases the subsequent force of contraction. With progressive dilation, however, there is a point at which effective overlap of filaments is reduced, and the force of contraction is reduced (Kumar 2005). The clinical consequences of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Identification Procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Identification Procedures - Essay Example After all, the liberty and in some jurisdictions life of a man are at stake and one wrong ruling can completely re-route the course of a trial. Against that backdrop, there are several types of pretrial identifications employed by law enforcement. With respect to lineups, showups, on-the-scene identifications, and photographic or sketch identification, the requirements of due process must also be met before the prior identification may be admitted. The pretrial identification procedure of course may not be suggestive unless required by the exigencies of the circumstances. However admission into evidence of testimony concerning a suggestive identification not required by the exigencies of the circumstances does not violate due process so long as the identification possesses sufficient aspects of reliability so that there is not a very substantial likelihood of misidentification. Factors to be considered in determining reliability include the opportunity of the witness to view the criminal at the time of the crime, the witness' degree of attention, the accuracy of his prior description of the criminal, the level of certainty demonstrated at the confrontation, and the time between the crime and the confrontation. Against these factors is to be weighed the corrupting effect of the suggestive identification itself. ... One type of identification of a prospective defendant, and the least popular, is known as the single show up. Generally, a showup in which a witness views only one suspect has been held to be suggestive. Bratcher v. McCray, 419 F. Supp. 2d 352 (W.D. N.Y. 2006). As a result, this method is generally not preferred. State v. Gibbs, 864 So. 2d 866 (La. Ct. App. 5th Cir. 2003). However, a single man lineup even when requested by the accused has been held to be proper if the procedure is ruled to be reliable and it does not violate due process. U.S. v. McGrath, 89 F. Supp. 2d 569 (E.D. Pa. 2000). A showup may be proper under the following circumstances: where it occurs shortly after the alleged crime1 near the scene of the crime2as the witness' memory is still fresh3, and the suspect has not had time to alter his or her looks or dispose of evidence,4 and the showup may expedite the release of innocent suspects, and enable the police to determine whether to continue searching. State v. Mans field, 343 S.C. 66 (Ct. App. 2000). The jurisdictions are somewhat varied but under some, pretrial showup identification procedures are only permissible under the following circumstances: 1. Where exigent circumstances require it People v. Matthews, 257 A.D.2d 635, 684 N.Y.S.2d 564 (2d Dep't 1999). 2. The suspects are found at or near the crime scene and an immediate viewing may be held. People v. Matthews, 257 A.D.2d 635, 684 N.Y.S.2d 564 (2d Dep't 1999). While some jurisdictions have ruled that exigent circumstances are not required, courts have held that exigent circumstances have not been demonstrated where the suspect was not in direct flight , the witness's life was not in peril and a lineup or photographic lineup were not impracticable. Ex parte
Is China shape up to be the next nation of innovation, moving away Essay
Is China shape up to be the next nation of innovation, moving away from the reputation of world's factory - Essay Example It is not just the emerging economies that need to be innovative; the developed countries have to step-up the rate of innovation to drive faster productivity growth that will help sustain healthy economic growth rates. Innovation leads to increased productivity and prosperity of a nation which in turn means world economic growth. Innovation addresses the most pressing social and human challenges. The social and human challenges can be met through education which brings about lifestyle changes in the people. Overall, the national environment matters to attain success in innovative activity. According to a recent survey conducted by the research firm the Economic Intelligence Unit Japan has been declared as the most innovative country, ahead of the US, Switzerland and Sweden. Innovation according to this study is â€Å"the application of knowledge in a novel way, primarily for economic benefit†(Blackcoat, 2007)2. The study has also indicated that China will see great progress for innovation while the US will remain the most â€Å"suitable place for innovation†. The study further suggests that there is no substitute for good education or for policies that encourage investment in IT communication infrastructure (Finfacts, 2007)3. Businesses consider innovation as a way to beat their competitors. For the economy to prosper the governments see the need for an innovative environment. Hence, innovation, government and businesses are linked together (Valery & Kekic, 2007)4. Firms collaborate with customers to product innovative products and personalize it; process innovation becomes important to design and improvise on the existing product and enhance productivity. Talents from different economies interact with each other to strengthen the links among personalization, collaboration and innovation. This has far-reaching implications for global business and for the nation
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
What can neorealism explain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
What can neorealism explain - Essay Example This concept is therefore based upon the notion of competitive self-interest for the nations where the concerns for security and individual interests are superior to any other ideology. Classical realism outlines that it is the essential and basic nature of the man and the states to put the self-interest above any ideology therefore it is dominated by the will to dominate and gain power. This is considered as necessary in order to maintain the status where a state remains in same position to always safeguard its interests. Neorealism though is driven by the classical realism but goes one stage above that and put more priority on the international system as a whole. The international system therefore is considered as the structure above the states and the individuals are considered as agents below the stage. The neorealism therefore does not view the human nature as essential but maintains that international structure actually works as a constraint over the motivations and interests o f the agents. This paper will therefore comprehensively discuss and explain as to what neorealism actually is and how it can be viewed within the perspective of international politics and relations. Classical Realism Classical realism is often associated with what is called power politics because both the terms outline priority of the national interests over moral obligations of a State. As such any considerations for moral obligations, social reconstruction as well as ideology does not hold any preference over the national interest. Based on the economic concept of competitive self-interest, classical realism advocates that it is the basic human nature and that of state that they pursue their self-interest first. This nature therefore forces states and the man to remain in dominating position and creates the drive for the power. One of the key assumptions of the classical realism is fundamentally based upon the notion that there is no actor above the states therefore the relationsh ips between the states cannot be controlled by a higher authority. As such each state therefore moves in a direction which suits its national interests and without any coercive influence of other states or actors. (Donnelly, 2000) It is however, important to understand that the overall relationships between the states are dominated by the military and economic powers of each state. The extent of power of each state therefore is mainly dominated by the way each state holds the economic as well as military power without having any reference to the moral obligations. It is therefore maintained that the maintaining moral obligations unnecessarily put commitments on the States which may be undesirable for the relationships between states in longer term. Neorealism Neorealism is a relatively different concept than the classical realism as it views layers above the states which may be in dominating position. While departing from the realism’s basic postulate of human nature, neo realism sees States facing structural constraints which can actually limit their strategies as well as motivations. Neorealism is also different from classical realism due to the assumption that the international politics can be considered as a defined and precised structure. This view was not held by the classical realists who view the international politics based upon the individual behaviors of the States at the international level. The focus on the system level thinking therefore has allowed theorists of neorealism to avoid from making any assumptions about the human nature, power and self-interests as well as the moral obligations. It was because of this reason that the Neorealists were able to see
Review one concept or practice that has been applied in one aspect of Essay
Review one concept or practice that has been applied in one aspect of tourism management - Essay Example The article conducted a research into a company and its key accounts. The relevant statistical data was gathered from three different sources. The sources included the company revenue managers, some of the company’s key accounts, and the company account managers. The research included interviews with the respondents. The research is composed of observations and the painstaking scrutiny of the relevant documents. The findings of the research indicated that the revenue managers had positively influenced the procedures of pinpointing and analyzing the implementation of the contractual management decision on certain chosen accounts. From the key accounts’ point of view, the revenue management processes were discovered to have a reverberating damaging effect on the trust as well as the many years of client-customer relationships. The research indicated that the negative image unfavorably affected the commitment to continue the client- supplier relationship. In terms of application of the research findings to realistic business situations, the findings of the research should be a one size fits all result. The research findings prove that revenue management will be rewarding to the entity, under study. The paper shows that revenue management (which can be identified as yield management) is a very popular management strategy by companies having scarce capacities. The article further states that extensive research had been conducted in the area of revenue management. A parallel research was also put into motion in business relations in the service industry. The article states that the hotel industry must understand the airline industry must prioritise serving the needs and wants of its most precious item, the air travel customers. Hotels must know implement the revenue management in order to bail out the declining hotel room volume brought about by the economic crisis. Revenue management has been used to profitably increase the demands for the
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Descartes Method of Doubt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Descartes Method of Doubt - Essay Example Though Descartes' views can be considered subjective, the drive to seek knowledge and to prove different concepts had been recognized related to doubt (Gillespie 761). Descartes manner of seeking knowledge was corresponding to the scientific method which starts with a problem. His scientific queries started with doubt, but not with self-doubt. He stated that ideas that had been reflected from his mind were presented and simply stated without prejudice. Then the questions were divided into specific questions that can be clearly answered. The reflective process was then applied to each query on the basis of difficulty or the preset order. Upon the completion of specific ideas, the generalized views were then achieved (Williams 18). Descartes trust on reflective thought is the first principle where he based the subsequent views (Gillespie 761). In his First Meditations, he raised grounds for doubting beliefs in everyday existence. Examples of the arguments presented by Descartes are lunacy and God arguments which raised doubts on opposing groups of believers (Broughton 1). In the process of raising doubts, his main objective is to achieve absolute certainty. In addition, he focused on the method of inquiry because he believed that if doubts on the method of seeking knowledge were eliminated, certainty can be achieved (Broughton 1). In Descartes’ Discourse, he presented the Method of Doubt as the method used in the investigation of the foundations of philosophy (Broughton 1). The application of the said though was not limited to philosophy since he also used the method in mathematical research and queries (p. 5). What then is the main aim of Descartes in the establishment of the method? The Method of Doubt is the method of Descartes in the conception of knowledge. His views mean that knowledge should be uncertain and it should lack any form of doubt. For that matter, he raised doubts and uncertainty to be answered and to be eliminated (Broughton 7-8). His main aim then is to achieve concepts that cannot be doubted and refuted. Descartes’ skepticism is another point of the query because of his view on raising doubt and the application of skepticism in scientific and philosophical inquiries. Based on his view though, his intentions of proving knowledge by raising doubts and skepticism were not because he was a skeptic. Based on the researches on the Method of Doubt by Descartes, the skepticism can be considered as a positive element since it can make scientists face the doubts associated with the quest for knowledge. Instead of moving away from the doubts, they were tackled head-on and resolved (Perin 52). Conclusion The Method of Doubt by Descartes had contributed significantly to the method of scientific, mathematical and philosophical inquiry and research in the modern era. Being a skeptic or not had been an important element in Descartes achievements into becoming the Father of Modern Philosophy.
Anti trust claims Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Anti trust claims - Research Paper Example The underlying questions were whether Microsoft manipulated its application programming interfaces (APIs) to favor Internet Explorer over third party web browsers (McMillan, 2003). The antitrust case against Microsoft set a dangerous example that foretells increasing government regulation in an industry which was formerly relatively free of government intrusion and that future technological progress in the industry will be hinder as a result. Microsoft was not really making any profits from Internet Explorer, and its marriage with the operating system was due to consumer expectation to have a browser bundled with the operating system. Instead, Microsofts true anticompetitive wallop was in the discounts it offered to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) preventing other operating systems from getting a footing in the market. According to Microsoft the merger of Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer was the result of innovation and competition. However the browser is still a distinct and separate product which did not need to be coupled with an operating system since a separate version was available for Mac OS. Microsoft operating systems dominates approximately 90-95% of operating systems in computers and has become an innate standard for home and business computer applications. It is fairly obvious that Microsoft is the leading firm in the market for computer operating systems. The question in the current Microsoft antitrust case is whether or not Microsoft has used its monopoly to restrain trade in violation of federal antitrust statutes (Brennan, 2002). Microsofts decision to integrate Internet Explorer into the operating system was intended to purge the competitive threat posed by Netscape and Sun Microsystems Java programming language. This action, I believe, is a natural extension of the Windows
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Early Childhood Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Early Childhood Education - Essay Example It is a part of early childhood education and training. It provides an orientation to the child as the child is admitted here in the formative years. Pre-Kindergarten: It is often used in conjunction with the day care or child care. In the early childhood settings. Here child is given a formal academic training and provide focus on skill building, socializing activities. In these institutions activity based learning is provided so as to encourage social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. It is also called as preschool. Biggest Challenge: Now-a-days competition is becoming cut-throat and there is always a comparison among the parents about the capabilities of their child. This goes between the siblings also. Such comparisons can either de-motivate the child who is less counted and can encourage the morals of the child who is appreciated. It is a biggest challenge to make reforms in such attitude so as to provide encouragement to the budding potentials of the child, as every child counts. Results from NICHD SECCYD and SWEEP studies: The number of classrooms is maximum in SECCYD as compared to others. More emphasis is laid on the literacy/ language arts and on math in first grade as compared to other categories. In public preschool more time is devoted for science and social studies as compared to other categories.
Violence in Society Essay Example for Free
Violence in Society Essay Every evening we turn on the news only to see that mankind has developed new and inventive ways of killing each other. Violence has become commonplace in many areas throughout the world. However there is still hope that one day mankind will learn to live together in peace. Violence is caused by a combination of genetics, fear, ignorance, emotional outburst, and prejudice. Most of these causes can be cured by education. However the capacity for violence may always be hard wired into our genes. (www. Yale. du) By educating people as to what causes violence and how to effectively deal with the emotions that lead to violence, I believe that we can eliminate approximately 90% of the violence in the world. However, I do not feel that mankind will ever completely remove violence from society due to the fact that violence is integrated into our genetic structure. Before we can stop violence in our society we must first learn to take responsibility for our actions and for our children. Today we are having children at a younger age than ever before. When children are born to parents who have not reached the emotional maturity necessary to properly raise children then mistakes are made and the proper values are not taught correctly or at all. This problem can be resolved for the most part by teaching our children the consequences of their actions. For example, we need to teach our children that as much fun as sex can be, sex has some very real consequences. These consequences can only be handled correctly be those people who have had the life experience and have the emotional maturity to know how to properly deal with these consequences. Adolescence is a difficult time for most young people, a time of confusion and unstable emotions. The added pressure of parenthood on top of the normal pressure of adolescence is almost unbearable of some young parents. (kidshealth. org) Today’s children are surrounded by images of violence in the media. Parents should take responsibility for what their children of are exposed to. Kidshealth. org offers A Parent’s Guide to Surviving Adolescence which says, â€Å"Television shows, magazines and books, the Internet kids have access to tons of information. Be aware of what your child is watching and reading. Know what your child is learning from the media so you can explain whats being said or clear up mistakes. †By knowing what your child is watching parents can prevent their children from making the assumption that violence is the correct way to handle a situation. Besides taking responsibility for our children we also have to learn to take responsibility for our own actions. People today have a tendency to rationalize whatever action that they feel will benefit them personally. For example, there have been reports in the news about people who have been killed over little more than the change in their pockets. A need for wealth and power can lead some people to rationalize the murder of another person if it would benefit them in some way. In The United States people have been increasingly asking the government to regulate several aspects of our lives, including everything from which video games are allowed to be sold to telling us what our children should be allowed to watch. I am not against a rating system for movies, however I do feel that this rating system should be used only as a guide and the parents should be ultimately be responsible for which television shows or movies that children are allowed to watch. We should be responsible for our own actions. We should not rely on the government or anyone else to tell us how to behave. Millions of years ago when mankind first appeared on this planet we developed the â€Å"fight or flight†response to danger. This response is instinct and takes place on a subconscious level. The â€Å"fight or flight†response was developed to help keep us alive. When faced with danger such as a predator this instinct helps us to determine quickly if we should run for safety or stand our ground and fight. Over time as mankind has evolved and learned to develop the technological marvels we are so accustomed to today this instinct has become almost obsolete. The average person today lives in a well constructed home not a cave or teepee. We have learned to avoid danger in almost every aspect of our lives. There are many ways that we have learned to protect ourselves, from safety equipment to the warning labels on the side of an over the counter medication package. All of these safety measures that have become a part of our everyday lives have all but eliminated the need for the â€Å"fight or flight†response. Although we have virtually eliminated the need for this instinct we have not learned to deal with the emotional impact that fear has on us. This can lead to people making rash and unreasonable decisions during the times that this instinct is in effect. By educating people from a young age about the â€Å"fight or flight†response and the strong emotions that it produces we can learn to control our fear and to have more control over our actions during these times of heightened emotion. Religion has been used to justify violence in places like the Middle East, where people have been killing each other for generations simply because they do not agree with the others religion. There have been several religious conflicts over areas where important religious events have taken place. Anger over another religious group claiming these holy lands have lead to generations of fear and hatred between these religious groups. By educating the children of these religious groups to be tolerant of religions and cultures these groups can learn to compromise, and find nonviolent solutions to these problems. Have you ever been so angry that you wanted to hurt someone? Emotional outbursts are also sometimes used to justify violence. Anger, jealousy, even greed have been known to be motivating factors in violent crimes. Being human we have powerful emotions that can overwhelm us if we do not know how to properly control them. At one point or another we have all felt justified in hurting another person, either through anger, jealousy, fear, or any one of dozens of emotions. At least part of, the key to controlling these emotions is realizing that there is no shame in feeling these emotions. It is only how we choose to act on these emotions that can be wrong. By giving in to emotion and choosing to injure another person we only continue the cycle of violence. Methods such as meditation, counting to ten, and just simply talking to someone can be used to control anger. Fear can usually be resolved through education. A fear of snakes for example can usually be overcome by learning about snakes and how to handle them. Greed is more difficult to control. The desire for wealth and power can lead people to do things that most people would never dream of doing. However, by teaching our children to value life and the lives of others over wealth and material possessions we should be able to all but eliminate greed from our society. Another factor that can lead to violence is stereotypes. Stereotypes are dangerous because they can lead to fear and prejudice. Humans have a tendency to fear that which we don’t understand. Generalized assumptions about a group of people can only lead to unreasonable fear of that group which in turn can lead to violence against that group of people. For example, if I said that all black people believe that all white people are ignorant rednecks, that would be a stereotype, and may result in some white people being angry with black people for thinking that all white people are ignorant rednecks, even though most black people do not actually believe that all white people are all ignorant rednecks. By educating our children in how to deal with emotions such as anger, hate, and prejudice we can make great strides in eliminating violence from our society. (Anger management violence in society) Children in today’s society are constantly struggling with emotions that they have no idea how to deal with properly. Sometimes when overwhelmed by emotions that they do not understand these children lash out violently. When parents help their children to learn how to properly handle their emotions, children are far less likely to react violently to these emotions. Violence is caused by many factors. Although we may never fully eliminate violence from our society, by educating ourselves about these factors we can greatly reduce the amount of violence in our society. Violence is â€Å"wired†into our genes, but, we can learn to use good judgment to help us overcome the outdated responses we have developed as we have evolved. The best defense against the many factors that cause violence is education.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Utilitarianism approach Essay Example for Free
The Utilitarianism approach Essay 1. What do Act Utilitarianism believes? How do their beliefs differ from those of Rule Utilitarianism? According to Aggabao (2013), act utilitarianism (AU) capture that people must implement that deed that well bring about the greatest benefit for all people who concerned. Act utilitarianism believes that each situation is different from other situations. On other word each situation is unique and non-repeatable. So each individual has to try to avoid about the greatest number of good consequences for greatest number of people in specific situation and time. For example, teachers, who try and make their best to avoid their students with a greatest amount of their knowledge, are moral and act utilitarianists. This behavior from those teachers will lead to the greatest good consequences. Students will be able to answer their papers very well without any help from any sources (of course in specific time which is the semester and in specific situation which is the effort of teachers to teach students.). The differences between AU and RU are coming from what their beliefs involved. Act Utilitarianism (AU) believes that each situation is different. In contrast, rule utilitarianism (RU) believes that is people should reside and chase that the rule, of the place where they live, that will lead to great benefits for all concerned. For example, everyone should follow the traffic laws. If everybody follow these rules, that will bring about the greatest good consequences for greatest number of people. Act Utilitarianism requires simple rational thinking because the situations are different naturally, while Rule Utilitarianism requires rational, reasonable, and complex thinking from individual to establish between the rules. While RU control the generating greatest good, in AU greatest good are achieved automatically as a consequence of the actions.
Competitive Advantage: CSR
Competitive Advantage: CSR CSR means that a corporation should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities and their environment; it may require a company to forgo some profits if its social impacts are seriously harmful to the corporations stakeholders or if its funds can be used to promote a positive social good (Frederick, Post, Davis, 1992, p. 10). Tougher competition recently has compelled the firms to adopt something that is different from their rivals and has also put a pressure on the firms to examine their philanthropy and other social activities, by doing so the company can sometimes achieve a strategic advantage over its competitors (Burke Logsdon, 1996). David Vogel wrote There is a business case for CSR but it is much less important or influential than many proponents of civil regulation believe, CSR is best understood as a niche rather than a generic strategy: it makes business sense for some firms in some areas in some circumstances.There is a place in the market economy for responsible firms. But there is also a large place for their less responsible competitors (Vogel, 2006, p. 3). This essay will outline whether and how competitive advantage can be achieved by organisations through CSR. This will be done by critically discussing what CSR is? Further emphasising on how it gives an organisation strategic advantage over its other competitors. Various definitions of CSR have been given by various theorists, making the study of CSR even more complex. CSR activities have been posited to include incorporating social characteristics or features into products and manufacturing processes like aerosol products with no fluorocarbons or using environmentally-friendly technologies, adopting progressive human resource management practices like promoting employee empowerment, achieving higher levels of environmental performance through recycling and pollution abatement like adopting an aggressive stance towards reducing emissions, and advancing the goals of community organizations like working closely with groups such as United Way. Researchers are moving beyond just defining and identifying CSR activities, to examining the strategic role of CSR in organizations. (Mcwilliams, Seigel, Wright, 2006, p. 2) There are 2 types of approaches to CSR, the charity principle and stewardship approach. Charity principle is when the companies take on a social role just because they want to; its a charitable deed and has nothing to do with the profitability of the company. Stewardship approach is when companies act in interest of the people that are affected by the business decisions and policies to gain an advantage, it is in line with the Freidmans stakeholder approach explained further in the essay. Even today companies interpret CSR as normal day to day decision making process that dont need much expertise. Its true that CSR is influenced highly by the moral imperative. In some situations moral implications are easy to apply like filing accounts honestly, acting ethically but sometimes the company has to weigh its moral decisions with the impact it can have on the stakeholders which can be difficult. For instance, Googles entry in china has created a feeling of repulsion amongst its US customers towards censorship imposed by the Chinese government. Therefore in this situation one social benefit has to be weighed against another and also against the financial costs that would arise (Porter Kramer, 2006). It is important for the companies to understand that if the prevailing approach to CSR is changed and more emphasis is given on the importance of social responsibility like other core competencies of a firm, it can be discovered that CSR is more than just a cost, constraint or a charitable deed; it is a source of innovation, opportunity and competitive advantage (Porter Kramer, 2006). There are various situations under which an organization would undertake the CSR approach, When an organization wants to create an opportunity based on the societal trend or issue or when a organization seeks to solve a business problem that cant be solved within the traditional business boundaries or When an organization seeks to protect itself from a threat posed by a societal issue. or When an organization seeks to have a greater business and societal impact from its existing CSR program. (Milliman, Ferguson, Sylvester, 2008, pp. 30-31) Milton Friedman in an article to New York Times said that, the only social responsibility of a business is to increase its profit (Porter Kramer, 2002, p. 6). According to Freidman the only aim of an organization is to achieve profit on the other hand Freeman argues that a firm has responsibility towards the internal or external stakeholders of the firm which should be taken into account (Galbreath, 2009). Freemans Stakeholder theory basically describes what a firm should do or should not do in terms of their societal responsibilities and is more inclined towards CSR. More recently, the society expects companies to behave ethically and in a socially responsible manner, that means they expect the companies to not only be interested in their profits but also pay attention to the interest of the broader group of stakeholders like consumers, suppliers and society at large. There has been increasing societal pressures like negative media coverage on the companies that are socially inacti ve thus driving the companies towards CSR (Pater Lierop, 2006). But the way CSR is being practiced recently, what Freidman said is proving to be right, companies adopt for short term CSR objectives that are not coherent and diffused with the organizations mission. It is only to attain profit and earn the goodwill of its customers, employees and the local community. (Porter Kramer, 2002). Many companies adopted CSR not because they thought it was important for the company to survive but because of the media coverage and public reaction to the issues they were involved in. for example, Nike faced consumer boycott after New York Times reported that the labour was being abused by Nike in third world countries like Pakistan and Indonesia. Thats when Nike realised that it was time to act responsibly or at least act to be responsible to regain one of the four 4 Rs of CSR that the company was losing -Reputation. On the other hand some other companies were successful in understanding that society and businesses are interdependent. One of them would be Mr. Steven T.Bigari, owner a string of McDonalds franchises in Colorado Springs. Steven had a problem of high turnover rates amongst his front line workers affecting the profits of the firm (Fitzgerald, 2007). The problem persisted even after giving them pay incentives. Steven concluded that the traditional HR practices were not helping and therefore he decided to look into the matter deeper and tried to find out from the workers the reason for them not coming to work regularly. He found out that many of his low wage workers had number of personal life constraints like lack of transportation, child care etc which was the key reason of high turnover. Therefore Bigari started considering various methods of how these underlying societal issues affecting his business can be addressed. He developed programs with governmental organizations and NGOs to provide social service needed by his workers. This process took time but it also solved the problem which the traditional HR practice couldnt. Therefore by doing so, Steve was successful in achieving a much more reliable and productive workforce and also create a positive impact on the personal lives of his employees (Milliman, Ferguson, Sylvester, 2008). Thus this shows how CSR can be used to gain economic benefits for the company by also creating a social impact. Social and economic benefits are often seen as two distinct objectives but companies need to find out where these two objectives converge for their organization. This would enable them to acquire decent amount of economic benefits as well create a sustainable impact on the society. Competitiveness today depends on how efficiently the companies use their resources to increase productivity and exploit the opportunities. CSR has to be seen as a strategic resource which has to be exploited to gain competitive advantage out of it. Does social and environmental consciousness actually lead to competitive advantage? This is one difficult question to be answered. Toyota Found a new market in Japan with its environmentally sound product Toyota Prius and Body Shop gained an advantage over its competitors for its safe products. Toyota took advantage of the opportunity it got to pioneer innovation to benefit the society thus generating a competitive advantage for itself. The Toyota Prius is the first successful hybrid gasoline/electric vehicle that has produced competitive advantage and environmental benefits. The cars engine is hybrid and emits only 10% of the harmful gasses that the conventional engines produce and consume only half as much gas. The car was rated as the car of the year in 2004 by the motor trends magazine. The car is associated with the slogan, harmony between man, nature and machine (3rd Generation Prius, 2009). This innovation has given Toyota a strategic advantage over its competitors, one of the m being Ford who wants to acquire the technology from Toyota (Porter Kramer, 2006). Competitive advantage occurs through CSR when one company implements the strategies of CSR for the benefit of the company and a competitor fails to do the same (Filho, Wanderly, Gomez, Farache, 2010). Adoption of CSR also gives the company an opportunity to premium price its product also helping in the promotions of the product and attracting consumers which impacts positively on the companys financial performance (Mason Simmons, 2011). But there are other companies that have also failed in linking CSR with profitability. Therefore its hard to say whether CSR leads to competitive advantage directly but it most definitely supports the other core competences of a firm, indirectly giving a competitive advantage. Gaining a competitive advantage by only introducing Triple Bottom Line is difficult, instead a company should focus on developing an innovative model of Triple Bottom Line. When a consumer finds a product or a company that is more inclined towards the CSR objectives; it tends to give them an advantage over other firms in a number of ways. A few consumers are just more environmentally conscious and therefore if they find a product which is environmentally safe, they would prefer that one over the one that is not. It is important for the companies to develop a niche market for their products. For example, body shop has distinguished itself by long term social commitment. The company should think of its long term advantages like reputation, etc that can be achieved through acting responsibly socially than the short term interests than can cause harm to the society or environment. And this approach fits perfectly if the company gains cost advantage out of it. Nestle is a perfect illustration of how long term competitive advantage can be achieved through CSR. In 1962, Nestle was expanding in India and they got a permission from the government to build a dairy in Moga, when they started expanding in the region they realised that the farmers in India were facing problems like severe poverty, the farmers were living without the basic needs like electricity, adequate food, there was no proper transportation, telephones or medical care in the region. Farmers owned less than five acres of infertile land and kept only one cow that would produce milk sufficient for their own consumption only. The milk often got adulterated in transit because there was no proper refrigeration, transportation and way to test the quality of the milk. Therefore to solve this problem, nestle implemented CSR strategies and tried to build the factor and demand conditions in the area. Nestle built refrigerated dairy which was the collection point for milk from the farmers in town and trucks were sent from these dairies to the veterinarians, ergonomists to test the quality of the milk. Thus Nestle established a value chain similar to its value chain in its country of origin, Switzerland. The farmers were also trained and the sick animals were taken care off. This improved the productivity of the cows and also improved the working conditions in the area for the farmers. Initially when the company expanded in the area there were only 180 farmers supplying milk but today there are almost 75000 farmers involved with around 650 dairies in the region and the milk production has increased 50 times. Nestlà ©s working with the small workers gives them an advantage of saving the costs that they would have to incur if they had middlemen. Nestlà ©s CSR objective is part of their strategy and is adopted by them when they expand in other developing countries too (Porter Kramer, 2006). Also there are various standards like that can be used to create a positive impact on the stakeholders creating a strategic advantage for the company. There are various triple bottom line indicators like the GRI (global reporting initiative), ISO: 14000, ISO: 26000, EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) that affect companys reputation to the customers, suppliers, competitors, the stakeholders basically. These standards help in developing good relations with the government. Also employees think that they are working in a company trying to save the environment thus increasing their commitment levels and increasing their chances to stay with the organization. Investors would also be interested because it would affect the share prices. EMAS and ISO dont give a full picture; these standards dont cover the social indicators whereas GRI gives a full picture covering all the triple bottom line indicators. Most researchers agree that CSR provides an organization with various advantages and is not only useful for the society but also for the organization. It provides with the societys favour and lowers the risks of business operations; forms the image of the corporation and improves its reputation; stimulates the organizations innovation and creative work; helps to find easier ways to attract external sources of sponsorship; broadens markets and makes situations for sales increase; helps to attract positively motivated employees, enhances the value of human capital; stimulates the organizations culture; lowers expenditures, stimulates production and income increase, enhances the efficiency of work (JuÃ…Â ¡Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ius SnieÃ…Â ¡ka, 2008, p. 35). There have been debates that more and more companies have started adopting CSR and it has moved all the way to the boardrooms. This can be proved by around 360 CSR-related shareholder resolutions being passed by the companies in 2005. These shareholder resolutions range from issues relating to labour conditions and global warming and other social problems. Out of 250 large multinationals, 64% of the companies published their CSR reports either within their annual reports or separately as a sustainability report (Porter Kramer, 2006). Even the government has been stressing on the importance of CSR by making it mandatory for every publicly listed company to disclose its CSR related risks in the annual report. The businesses do know about these risks but they are not clear as to what has to be done to eliminate these risks and the response of companies have not been very strategic or operational. Companies come up with CSR reports but these reports dont really give an account of an art iculate or strategic framework of CSR activities of the company, instead it mentions uncoordinated CSR activities carried out by the company to show its social sensitivity. Therefore its important for the companies to turn to academic experts for advice and start thinking of CSR as a source of gaining competitive advantage (Porter Kramer, 2006). Companies know that addressing the societal expectations is important to keep their stakeholders happy but they are not aware about how to strategize it to gain competitive success (Galbreath, 2009). Companies are not liable for all the social, environmental problems that occur but it is about taking the responsibility to identify the problem that they can gain a competitive advantage from and act on them. As Porter Kramer(2006, p. 92) state, addressing social issues by creating shared value will lead to self sustaining solutions that do not depend on private or governmental subsidies. Thus it can be said that by linking businesses to the societal or environmental issues, a company can develop solutions that are socially responsible that provide an operational and competitive advantage (Fisher, et al. 2009).
Friday, September 20, 2019
Function Of The Lymphatic System
Function Of The Lymphatic System The key function of the lymphatic system is to bring together and transport tissue fluids from the intercellular spaces that does gas exchange, water transport and also for ion movement into all the tissues of our body and then back to the veins into the blood system. It does an important role by returning plasma proteins to the bloodstream, and then digests the fats that are absorbed and then it transported from the villi into the small intestine then to the bloodstream thru the lacteals and lymph vessels. The new ones of lymphocytes are being factory-made in the lymph nodes antibodies and anti-assist that the body builds up an effective immunity to infectious diseases. The lymph node does an important role to protect mechanism of the body and it filters out micro-organisms such as, bacteria and foreign substances e.g. toxins. As it transports giant molecular compounds e.g. hormones and enzymes from their manufactured sites into to the bloodstream. The lymph nodes are small and they are bean-shaped like kidney It work as filter of the lymphatic fluid and as the lymph passes through the lymph nodes, pathogens present in the lymph activates lymphocytes and macrophages to destroy the microbes. Lymphatic vessels take place through the body beside arteries in the veins or viscera also in the subcutaneous tissue. They absent from the central nervous system to bone marrow, teeth, and avascular tissues. A lymph vessel transports the fluid it is called lymph, the lymph contains white blood cell that transports in and out of the bloodstream as its needed. If the body is attacked by a foreign substance, its often transported from the bloodstream into the lymphatic system for removal. The lymph vessels has not have central pump however, lymph needs to be transported by the peristaltic contractions of the vessels themselves. Lymphatic ducts are a main lymph vessel that gathers lymph draining from the right upper our body and head. The lymphatic duct is quarter-inch in diameter and about two inches long; it discharges into the right subclavian vein, delivering lymph into to the bloodstream. The thymus is an organ in the body controls the immune processes, the thymus procedure is a type of white blood cell that is known as a T-lymphocyte by this it means that they help our cells to recognise and destroy invading viruses, bacteria, abnormal cell growth e.g. cancer, and foreign tissues. Thymus gland helps to protect the heart along with the pericardium, as it produces hormones that stimulate the manufacture of certain infection fighting cells. In the children it helps immunity by producing white blood cell including T-cells. It atrophies as the child gets older therefore, person grows its roles becomes less so that the adults doesnt tend to have one as the bones and spleen take over those jobs. The spleens function is connected to the immune system or with the blood supply. The spleen get rid of the old red blood cells that is call erythrocytes from the blood supply and also removes stores and then produces white blood cell called lymphocytes. The lymphocyte produces antibodies and assists in removing microorganisms and bacteria from the blood supply. Task 2(M5) The lymphatic system maintenance the immune system in removing and destroying waste remains, toxins, dead blood cells, pathogens, and cancer cells. The lymphatic system absorbs fats and vitamins from the digestive system then delivers the nutrients to the cells where it uses it cells, also the lymphatic system get rid of excess fluid and also waste products from the interstitial spaces among the cells. The main maintain is the fluid and balance protein in the body, the lymphatic system performances as a minor circulatory system and plays a key role in continuing homeostasis good healthily. The Lymph is the fluid that is carried by the lymphatic system. It initiates as blood plasma the liquid component of the blood, after when it has been lost from the circulatory system due to hydrostatic pressure. Then the plasma leaks out of the blood vessel and into the surrounding tissues. Then it enters the lymphatic system once when its within the lymphatic system, the lymph has alike work to the original interstitial fluid, and the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells. The large gap between the cells is designed, which allows fluid, interstitial proteins and other e.g. bacteria to flow into the lymph capillary. The lymph has one way system that travels between the cells of the body, from the interstitial spaces to the subclavian veins just next of the neck. As the lymphatic system doesnt have no central pump like heart to pump it, its movement depends with the muscles and joint pumps. As it moves upper body towards the neck the lymph passes slowly through the lymph node that filters, it to remove debris and pathogens the neck lymph flows into the subclavian veins on whichever side of the neck. The fluid vertebral into the venous circulation of the circulatory system from the tissues in order to stop dehydration fights against the infections and recycle plasma protein. The blood carries nutrients, oxygen, and hormones for the cells. The 10% remaining of the fluid that stays in the tissues as its known as lymph. The 90% of this fluid then returns to the venous circulation through the venues and continues as venous blood. The (MALT) mucosa associated lymphoid tissue is immune responses to specific antigens come across alongside all mucosal surfaces, MALT inductive immune tissues where antigen sample occurs. The larger group function is like lymph nodes smaller, spreads MALT are mostly T lymphocytes also it has B cells and plasma cells. The IgA in the intestines and respiratory tract is to protect against pathogens that may access to underlay tissues. lymphatic-system Task 3 (D3) Infection of the Lymphatic System Lymphedema: One of the disorders which occurs due builds-up of lymphatic fluid in the interstitial tissue. The affects is swelling in the arm, legs and in other part of the body. The harshness of this disorder varies an abnormal virus which is painful, disfiguring and cellulite infections deep in skin. If this doesnt get treated, the skin eventually becomes fibrotic thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissues losing normal structure, functionality and movement. There are two types: Primary Lymphedema: Is genetic condition that occurs due to impaired or missing lymphatic vessels, which can affect from one to several as four limbs at other part of the body this may carry an internal organ which could be exhibited at birth, develops onset of puberty or happens in adulthood without any apparent causes. Secondary Lymphedema: is basically developed regional lymphatic insufficiency which occurs due to infection, any operation or suffocating that disrupts the lymphatic vessels or even loss lymph nodes. There are a few abnormal count of the patients blood: His Red Blood (Platelet count) is in the normal range, but its very low His white blood cell count is higher than the normal average range, its 15.0 when its meant to be between 4.0 -6.0 His Basophilis and Eosinophils both are very low His Lymphocytes is too high, its over the normal range His Monocytes is in the average but its high The underlying mechanisms that could have produced this abnormal blood count in a patient with Lymphoma, is because Lymphoma is a cancer that attacks the white blood cell by that the patients blood count to have Lymphoma. Patients with lymphoma produce abnormal lymphocytes, which they are white blood cell. Lymphocytes are mostly found in the lymphoid tissues and lymph nodes, which that make the lymphatic system. this is where lymphoma occurs
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