Thursday, October 31, 2019
American Presidents, Religious Cultural Heritage, and Nuclear Weapons Dissertation
American Presidents, Religious Cultural Heritage, and Nuclear Weapons Decisions - Dissertation Example In 1945, nuclear bomb was dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and it showed the extent of the devastation and death, which resulted from the use of nuclear bomb. Through it, people became aware of the magnitude of destruction because of the nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In turn, these events ushered a new phase in war and military armaments –nuclear warfare and nuclear weapons. It changed the manner in which international relationship among countries was conducted and it altered the view of international politics as the international community adapted to the reality of the threat of nuclear war. In this context, the necessity of understanding the threat of nuclear weapons and nuclear war falls not only from the perspective of politics, but also from the view of religion. Since, religion plays an important role in the shaping and defining of the values and beliefs of the society and then individual. However, this research will focus on the effect of religion pertinen t to nuclear decision-making of some Presidents of the United States. Although war has long been part of human story, WW II is different from all other wars noted in history. It is not because technology is adopted in the development of war armaments. In fact, technological innovations are applied in war regardless of the period. For instance, this shows that idea of applying technology in war is not a distinguishing attribute of WW II. Rather what distinguishes it from other wars in history is the reality of nuclear atomic bomb. The determination of the potential of nuclear atomic bomb and the first nuclear atomic bomb was established by the Manhattan Project at a cost of $2 billion. This project was known only to a few people and the intention was to build an atomic bomb. The scientists under the direction of Robert Oppenheimer were in a race against the Nazis who they thought were also building atomic bombs.6 When it was first tested and was exploded in the desert of Alamogordo, New Mexico on July 16, 1945, it was described as â€Å"flashing with t he brightness of several suns at Midday†7 The nuclear atomic bomb was first used during WWII. It was dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to stop the Japanese onslaught in Asia. 8 On August 6, 1945, the U.S. B-29 Superfortress Enola gay dropped
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Overuse of Acronyms in Professional Writing Research Paper
Overuse of Acronyms in Professional Writing - Research Paper Example cronyms which may be seen in scientific literature include ACE for Angiostensin Coverting Enzyme, BUN for Blood Urea Nitrogen, and CAT for Computerized Axial Tomography. On the other hand, intialisms like ACTH for Adreno-CorticoTrophic Hormone, PTST for Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and RT-CR for Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction are also frequently used in the same field. Acronyms are used in the highly technical world for the following purposes: However, acronyms may be overused in scientific writing to the point that the advantages are overshadowed by confusion (Ibrahim 27). This paper will examine the extent by which acronyms are being used in the scientific field with recommendations to prevent the overuse of acronyms in scientific writing Two studies were conducted to investigate the extent to which acronyms are overused in scientific literature: one by researchers Hong Yu, George Hripcsack, and Carol Friedman at Columbia University, and another by Dr. Everett Shocket, from the University of South Florida and the Bay Pines VA Medical Center. Using a computer program they developed, Yu, Hripcsack, and Friedman mapped acronyms in scientific journals to their respective long forms. Results revealed that only 25% of acronyms were defined in scientific articles. The remaining 75% of undefined acronyms were mapped to one of four online acronym databases. The study found that the acronyms had different meanings in each database (Yu, Hripesack, and Friedman 262). An acronym which stands for various meanings in the same field of expertise is a clear indication of irresponsible use and overuse of acronyms even in scholarly works. Findings of the study suggest that concerns about the prevalence of the overuse of acronyms are founded. The fact that an automated intervention to help readers match an acronym in a scientific journal to its correct long form had not been very successful implies the gravity of the problem on the overuse of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Job Satisfaction Ratings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Job Satisfaction Ratings - Essay Example His innovative ideas have shaped the music and film-making industries (The trouble, 2008). As an innovative leader, he reportedly co-invented 103 inventions (e.g. Ipod interface) patented by Apple (The trouble, 2008). Steve Jobs has a vision and goals for the company and pursues them until they are realized. He applies a hands-on approach to management (The trouble, 2008). He has such a magnetic influence in the business circle that his presence in Apple affects the market value of the company. As a person, he can be viewed as persistent and determined on his goals that despite his previous unpleasant experience with Apple (removed from the company), he did not allow that experience affect him but instead, upon his return to Apple, he transformed it into a billion dollar venture with new product line-up. His leadership approach of working with more than a hundred employees (out of 25,000) from the cross-section of the organization for key ideas (Steve Jobs speaks, 2008) is a manifestation of a democratic or participative leadership (Leadership styles, 2009). These ideas are passed around for their comments and inputs wherein all angles of the ideas are explored and debated upon (Steve Jobs speaks, 2008). He can also be classified as a transformational leader that inspires his team to share his vision and sought out initiatives that can add a new value or input (Leadership styles, 2009). His infectious vision for innovation is shown with iPhone wherein he told his team to throw away what it was doing the previous year, start all over and work harder that caused his subordinates to rally behind him and sign them up for the new project (Steve Jobs speaks, 2008). Taylor (2009) characterizes him to belong to the Great Man Theory of Leadership because of his â€Å"CEO-centric model of ex ecutive power†which is archaic and inapplicable in the current state of business (para.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Response to Hurricane Katrina Essay Example for Free
Response to Hurricane Katrina Essay On 29 August, 2005 the category 5 huge Hurricane, Hurricane Katrina hit USA land. This natural disaster brought massive flood, damaging the property and resulted into high death toll. Although the projects related to the protection of areas by Hurricane were constructed 60 years ago but this exceptional unexpected disaster was the most terrible one in USA history (GAO-06-934, 2006). The disaster of Hurricane Katrina was beyond the expectation of the officials of the emergency management, which resulted into delay in supporting the effected people and the area by the guards and military. This uncontrolled situation showed the absence of management and lack of the ability to take a quick action by the people responsible to handle the problem because of their unawareness of handling the situation (Cooper Block, 2005). Bureaucratic/ Hierarchical model vs. Network model Professor Charles Wise asserts that effective and efficient running of organizations can be achieved through a combination of strategies and techniques. He further states that the organization must utilize all its resources in order to achieve business goals (Wise, 2006). Wise laid importance for the implication of network model rather than the hierarchical model. He explains that in hierarchical model, the decisions take place at the top level without communicating all the levels of organization and there is no evaluation of the progress. Due to this, flaws and unfavorable situations results at the end. In network model, there is continuous flow of information between the different levels of organization, which brings good results in managing any emergency. Waugh and Streib also laid emphasis on the change in the hierarchical model in which only top management contributes in making the decision (2006). The failure in handling the hurricane Katrina showed the inability and flaw in the decision making of the hierarchical management (Takeda Helms, 2006). Adaptive Management Approach The approach of government organizations of dealing with the natural disaster created a negative impact on the people of America. It showed that serious steps need to be taken in managing any kind of disaster (Schneider, 2005). Applying adaptive management hypothetically following steps should be followed: †¢ All the problems should be discussed with the stakeholders. †¢ There should be no communication gap and the flow of the data should be continuous between all the levels of the organization. †¢ The strategies should be followed and monitored to get positive outcome. †¢ There should be monitored resources. †¢ Policies and procedure should be there and should be consistent. †¢ Activities for the future should be planned and communicated at all level of the organization and different ideas by all should be encouraged. The management approach to deal with the hurricane Katrina should be a strategic approach. People of the effected area should be informed and educated to deal with the situation. They should be moved to the safe place. Instruction should be communicated by the organization through T. V and other mode of communication before the occurrence of the hurricane. There should be a complete planning. Measures and goal should be set to deal with such natural disaster. There should be training provided to the people, responsible to handle the situation. The programs for the affected people and victims to overcome the situation and so that they can get back get back in normal condition should be introduced to deal with any emergency created by natural disaster. Recommended Management Approach An effective management approach utilizes different strategies and tactics in order to reduce or mitigate the impact of a natural disaster. The first step is that adequate preparations must be made for any emergency by the presence of specific contingency plans. Governments must devise long term and short term solutions that can assist in reducing the impact of natural disaster (Wisner, 2004). This could be through the use of technology and administrative regulations that could help and assist people during times of natural disaster. Emergency and civil services must be adequate and competent enough to effectively and efficiently respond to any natural disaster. They must ensure the provision of vital services for people who trapped or injured because of the natural disaster. Stockpiles of essential items and goods must be performed by the local government in order to provide urgent relief to disaster zones. Successful disaster management plans utilize a competent and trained force of volunteers (Wisner, 2004). These volunteers can be instrumental in saving lives and delivering services. Response is the last stage of the disaster management plan as it consists of the provision of emergency and rescue services for people who have been hit by the natural disaster. Conclusion Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster that severely impacted the people of New Orleans. The poor and slow response by the Bush administration was extensively criticized by the public. The disaster shows the necessity of effective and efficient disaster management programs. These plans must be adequate and competent enough to prevent death and destruction caused by the natural disaster. These programs should effectively utilize a number of rapid emergency and civil services in order to provide relief and aid in the disaster zone. Empirical studies have found evidence that the hierarchical model of organizational change leads to inefficiency and inflexibility. It retards the ability of organizations to effectively respond to emergencies and contingency plans. The network model of organizational change on the other has been found to give autonomy and freedom. This allows staff members to use their creativity and innovation in order to devise solutions for problems. Adaptive management takes a proactive and dynamic approach in resolving problems. It seeks to divide tasks into smaller goals which are distributed to team members. It can be used for disaster management because it efficiently and effectively utilizes and allocates resources. Disaster management must be systematically and methodically planned and arranged by the government. It is essential that reducing or mitigating the threat take place at the first level. Similarly rapid response should be developed by speedy and reliable delivery of services to people living in the disaster zone. References GAO-06934, (2006, September). Hurricane Katrina: Strategic Planning Needed to Guide Future Enhancements Beyond Interim Levee Repairs. Retrieved April, Saturday, 2009, from http://www. gao. gov/new. items/d06934. pdf. Cooper, Christopher, and Robert Jeffrey Block. Disaster: Hurricane Katrina and the failure of Homeland Security. New York: Times Books, 2006. Wise, C. (2006). Organizing for Homeland Security after Katrina: Is Adaptive management Whats Missing? Public Administration Review, 66(302-318). Waugh, W. , Streib, G. (2006). Collaboration and Leadership for Effective Emergency Management. Public Administration Review, 66(p 131- 140). Takeda, Margaret B. , Marilyn M. Helms (2006). Bureaucracy, meet catastrophe: Analysis of the tsunami disaster relief efforts and their implications for global emergency governance. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19 (204- 217). Schneider, S. (2009). Administrative Breakdowns in the Governmental Response to Hurricane Katrina. Public Administration Review, 65(515-516). Wisner, Ben; P. Blaikie, T. Cannon, and I. Davis (2004). At Risk Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters Wiltshire: Routledge
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Britannias Market Strategy and Competitive Strategy
Britannias Market Strategy and Competitive Strategy In this document, an in-depth analysis on the Britannias Marketing Strategy and Competitive Strategy is illustrated. In detail this report contains the different marketing strategies adopted by Britannia to help them grow and succeed in the market. This paper covers many sections such as; PEST-G analysis, SWOT analysis, Growth strategy and Marketing Mix. In view of the fact that Britannia Industries Limited is a food based organization which produces a large variety of Biscuits, Diary products, Rusk, Bread and Cakes, it is evident that they have now excelled in their business. Within this document the evidence of companys current position and success is at hand with a concentration on the marketing mix and the SWOT analysis of Britannia. In brief, we see that Britannia Industries Limited, continues to improve the quality of their products to meet the consumers demands and prevail over the competitive edge. Britannia Biscuits was set up in 1892, in a very plain and ordinary house in Kolkata with the initial investments of Rs. 295. By 1978, Britannia biscuits had crossed 60% of the shares of the firm, followed by renaming the company to Britannia Industries Limited(BIL) and in 1983 it crossed Rs 100 crores revenue margin. Then as we know, in 1992 it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. Eat Healthy, Think Better was revealed in 1997. It was gaining the status of quality and value and in 1999, the Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao promotion made the consumers even more aware then before which helped them even more prominent in the market. In the 21st century it came out as Indias largest and most famous brand of biscuit. Now Britannia is no more just another ordinary biscuit but it is one of the most renowned and well known biscuit in the world. From a small fairy tale it reached new standards and from a small investment it has got a high margin of profit which has been very positive for the company investors. They have a variety of biscuits even considering the health and economy to the life-style oriented types. THE MARKET ENVIRONMENT Business Sector And Geographical Market. Britannia Industries Limited is a public food industry, with its headquarters located in Banglore, well-known for its Britannia and Tiger biscuits. It now has around 300 stores spread, owned by Danone and Kalabakan Investments in India. As we know, they deal in Biscuits, Rusk, Diary products, Bread and Cakes. The company, in 2007 formed a Joint Venture with Khimji Ramdas Group to expand and sell biscuits to the Middle East countries, as its the most respected business and the key district players in selling biscuits. It now provides a large range of commodities under the brand Nutro, which is the primary brand name in Middle East. PEST G Analysis Political Factors: The Food regulations were put into practice at the State Central level. Severe TAX rules had been started. Several other Government Regulations were put into action. Economic Factors: The Gross Domestic Products started rising at 8-9% A raise in the disposable returns took place. Rupee Appreciation was a great concern. Social Factors: 70% inhabitants are lower than 35 years of age. Good knowledge among the individuals of various things. Technological Factors: Process improvement and Product Innovation played a great role. Innovative techniques were thought to be adopted. THE COMPETITION Competitors Parle Glucose also known as Parle-G (G for Genius) is manufactured in India by the Parle Products which is one of the oldest brand names and the biggest selling biscuits in India. Market Share Parle-G has a market share of 70% in the biscuit industry in India followed by Britannia, Tiger with 17-18%, and Sunfeast of 8-9% share. Sales/Profit Trend More than 50% of the companys turnover is estimated at around Rs 20 billion. It has started expanding to areas such as Western Europe, USA, UK, UAE and Canada. Target Market Parle has a target market which is focused in India, consisting of people of all category groups such as children, teenagers, family members and even old aged people as it is a popular biscuit eaten during Tea-time snack. THE COMPANY Market Share and Sales and Profit Trend Britannia market position is very high due to factors relating to its pricing strategies, distribution channels and variety of products. They commence new products to satisfy the consumers needs giving them new and alternative products to choose, which in turn benefit the company by having more potential for growth. So we understand that the company is not only growing, but also gaining profits. Their estimated market share is 38%. In the early years of the company, they received sales at an annual rate of 16% in market and their operational proceeds were nearly 18%. But now it has been increased to 27%, giving Britannia annual revenue of Rs 2,200 crore only from their biscuits. 10% is contributed by the diary products. They have an annual capacity of 433,000 tones of biscuits with sale while exporting up to $150.75 million. Swot Analysis Strengths Widely Distributed network and accepted by all age groups. Innovative products like-Little Hearts, 50-50 Chakkar, and Nice Time. Celebrity endorsements Sachin Tendulkar, Aamir Khan. The Brand Slogan of Britannia Eat Healthy Think Better is the key asset of the firm. It is available in various different forms of packages. The variety of products is an added advantage as they not only focus on assorted biscuits but also cakes, breads, Rusk and diary products. Weaknesses Faces stiff competition from their rival Parle and Nestle on the basis of Price and Distribution channels. The industry and technology requires high investments. As too many different types of brands enter the market, they might loose focus. Even though the prices are affordable, they might not be easily available to the lower income groups. Opportunities People are willing to try newer variants and hence it satisfies the taste buds by its newer variants. It generates employment opportunities. As consumers are very concerned about their health, it helps them to strengthen brands NutriChoice, Milk Bikis, and Tiger biscuits. Competition increases. This helps to enhance mergers. Threats They might sometimes be unable to utilize all the resources efficiently. They may provide poor quality of biscuits for more profits. As there are a number of biscuits in the existing market, they have large number of challengers. Consumer demands may alter impulsively. Government might come up with new restrictions without notices. THE COMPANYS MARKETING STRATEGY Marketing Strategy include anything from facts, events, procedures, values and personalities. Britannia nearly sells all their products all over India and even exports it other few countries. Their market rate kept growing every year in the Indian market. Therefore, BIL has implemented a Diversification strategy, so that it becomes the market leader in the food and biscuits industry. But they made sure that when they diversify, they make similar kinds of products such as cheese, diary products and even more bakery items. So the company can realize their marketing strategies by underlining the opportunities in the market. There are a various different strategies they adopted. Segmentation They believed in the best quality of products for the consumers as they are health conscious and so they fulfil this need of the consumers. Targeting The Company focussed on building a good relationship with the customers as they are they play the most important part in the sale of products. Not only did they keep up to the old customers expectation, but they also try to make new customers as their retention plays a major role for the growth of their business. Positioning While manufacturing new products, they dont fail to remember their competitors way of fighting against them, instead they pay even more attention to each and every step they take towards success as they want to be ahead of them and succeed. Growth Strategy Even though Britannia biscuits started off by selling their products in India, they slowly expanded and started to export it to other parts of the world. By doing so, they adapted to the different cultures of those countries and made plans for those neighbouring areas and researched and analyzed which product has more demand than the others and ways to improve their sales. Promoting their brands is a very essential idea for their marketing strategy as it helps understand the consumers the variety of benefits they get while purchasing the product. They should advertise and publicize their message clearly stating the facts. Based on the marketing strategies, we understand that building a brand is an important part of the company. They understand how to increase sales and profits in a short span of time while continuing to promote its variety of brands to create loyal consumers. THE MARKETING MIX Product Britannia have a large variety of products to choose from, not only do they manufacture Biscuits, but they also make different types of Diary items, Breads and Rusk. They launch products which in gets good returns for the company through building a good brand and quality products which are supplied across different countries. The main streamline of Britannia products include: Biscuits such as: Marie Gold Treat Milk Bikis Time Pass Tiger 50-50 NutriChoice also available for Diabetic people. Dairy Delights include few products like: Cheese Milk Dahi (Yoghurt) Ghee Butter Bread types have: Sandwiches Coffee Confectionary Assorted Breads Benefits of Branding As we all know, Britannia biscuits still have higher growth potential in the market as its one of the best-known brands in India and popular among other countries as well. Even though they have come up with new variety of biscuits, they still emphasis on their initial biscuit brands such as Tiger, Good Day, Marie, Treat and even more. Britannia has diversified by also making Breads, Cakes and other Diary products. Its brands are considered to be an excellent value by Indias price-conscious consumers. Tiger Biscuit is one of the most distinguished brands and is extremely popular among the rural areas and consumers. Sports and sporting events also are a key channel for promotions. The companys Britannia khao, World Cup jao (Eat Britannia, travel to see the World Cup) campaign in 2003 was the most recognized sales promotion among all Cricket World Cup-related sales activity. Place Britannia had started selling products in India, but now it has expanded overseas to places like Middle East and Sri Lanka. They have even started to export their goods to places such as: USA Ghana Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar UAE Oman Seychelles Singapore Price Britannia has adopted the Market Penetration Method of pricing. It focuses on the quality of the products keeping in mind the pricing strategy. This helps improve and generate large sale volume for their products. It aims at maximizing the market share and to produce new product lines. A few examples are: Vegetarian Cakes are available at Rs. 15/- for a 75 gm pack. Nutrichoice Health Starter Kit is for Rs 100. Britannia Tiger Banana packed with IRON ZOR priced at Rs.2, Rs.4 and Rs.10. Promotions To attract the consumers of Britannia, they very innovatively came up with ideas to promote their brand in numerous different ways, and now they have leveraged Indias two most successful passions of all times: Cricket Movies Nearly every Indians dream was to be present at a stadium while India is playing cricket, during the World Cup, so Britannia created the Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao contest in 1999. They made it very simple for their target market to enter this contest, which was to purchase more products to win a scratch and win lucky card and winning an all expenses paid trip to England to watch the World Cup Match. They held it again in 2002-2003 held in South Africa which successfully set a unique trend of their own. They even came up with another creative promotion of Britannia Khao, Cricketer Ban Jao that was fuelled by the need of every Indian to be a part of the passion called Cricket followed by a promotion called Britannia Lagaan Match in 2001 that revolved around a movie called Lagaan was based on a cricket match. This promotion gave the consumers a chance to interact with the film stars and also get to pay cricket with them. The match had over 40,000 spectators and made the headlines of leading newspapers and news channels and was found to be the most unbeaten promotional act of that year. So we understand that sports and the sporting events are the key promotional tools of Britannia. Therefore we now know that Britannia promotes their products through various medias such as Events, Television, Magazines and Sales Promotions too. EVALUATION OF THE COMPANYS STRATEGIES AND TACTICS Companys current position/success Britannia Company releases on November 10th, 2010 that BIL obtained sales of Rs 10,948 MM with growth of 27.5% which shows an increase. The company also releases that they received sales worth of Rs 9,128 MM during the year end, with a growth of 24.8% followed by a boost of 20% in the volume. Conclusion Now that we have an in-depth view of the companys profile, marketing strategy and marketing mix, it shows the different methods used to adapt to promote and publicize their products across India and other countries. Based on the information researched, we find that they focus on consumer needs to a very large extent. This is shown by the fact that, since consumers are more health conscious nowadays, they have introduced NutriChoice Diabetic Biscuits. It is also proven by their tagline, Eat Healthy, Think Better. In conclusion, we see that how a small sized company has grown to be one of the largest biscuit selling brands across India and many other countries world-wide.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Deeper Meanings of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay -- Young
The Deeper Meanings of Young Goodman Brown "Young Goodman Brown," a story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, should be interpreted on a psychoanalytical level rather than a religious one. It is my observation that "Young Goodman Brown" may very well be the first published work alluding to divisions of the mind and personality theory. Although religion is a direct theme throughout the story, "Young Goodman Brown" appears to be an allegory with deeper meanings. To explore properly my position concerning the dynamics of "Young Goodman Brown," it is necessary to understand Freud's structural model. The development of Freud's structural model presents an understanding of the struggles between the conscious and unconscious forces of the mind. The structural model indicates three powerful forces that dictate conscious behavior, or binders of reality. These three forces consist of the id, superego, and ego. When Young Goodman Brown begins his journey down the path of the haunted forest, he quickly meets a fellow-traveler that I interpret as the irrational guide lurking inside himself. The guide repeatedly urges Goodman Brown to continue the errand despite Brown's overwhelming reluctance; he assures him that "[W]e are but a little way in the forest yet" (Hawthorne 274). The traveler demonstrates a subconscious part of the psyche called the id. The id is that part of the psyche that is driven by pleasure and irrational wishing. The guide's insistence never seems to be in Brown's best interest. The traveler's motive was to do what feels good at the time, not putting into account any potential ramification that could result, which in this story turns out to be the loss of Goodman Brown's wife, Faith. His reckless behavior is ap... ...ind may be found within Hawthorne's story. If the reader will only look past its literal interpretation and explore the rich symbols and hidden meanings laden throughout the text, she or he will be rewarded with a work of fiction that was way before its time. Works Cited Carpenter, Richard. "Hawthorne's Polar Explorations: Young Goodman Brown and My Kinsman, Major Molineux." Nineteenth Century Fiction 24 (1969): 45-56. Gay, Peter. Freud: A Life for Our Time. New York: Doubleday, 1989. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "Young Goodman Brown." Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. Ed. Robert DiYanni. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw & Hill, 1998. 272-280. Hurley, Paul. "Young Goodman Brown's 'Heart of Darkness.'" American Literature 37 (1966): 410-419. Paulits, Walter. "Ambivalence in 'Young Goodman Brown.'" American Literature 41 (1970): 577-584.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Great Shah Abbas Essay -- Isfahan Ali Qapu Interior Design Essays
The Great Shah Abbas The Great Shah Abbas I reigned from 1588-1629. He was a ruler who relocated the capital from Saljuq to Isfahan, in the center of the country. This was his attempt to centralize political and religious authority, develop capital, and institute Safavid Iran as a world power, both economically and politically. Shah Abbas began his renovations with the transformation of the little Timurid palace into the Ali Qapu, or ‘sublime port’ an entrance to the royal gardens. Abbas made it his headquarters while his architects began the creation, under his direction and often under his personal supervision, of his new capital. Abbas built the Ali Qapu with a balcony from which he was able to observe the activities in the court below him. The columned porch provided an elevated reviewing stand for royalty and guests. The interior is decorated with hanging plaster vaults that are decorated like Chinese porcelains, similar to Persian lusterware. The rooms are decorated in red, white, blue and gold, the walls painted with landscapes and Hunting scenes, the floors covered with carpets of silk and gold. There are figure paintings on the walls of the upper rooms that are blandly erotic. In front of the Ali Qapu there is a rectangular shaped pool filled with water. The water was transp orted to the pool by means of hydraulic machines worked by oxen. The upper level contained a music room at the very top of the building. The Music room was intricately decorated with small niches that were filled with glass, pottery, enameled metal and semi-precious stones, this may have been an attempt to improve the acoustics of the room. The threshold of the main gateway was regarded with high respect during Safavid times... ...utifully decorated with a wide range of colors. The entrance portal is covered with a mosaic of many colored pieces cut from larger pieces and fitted together to form complex patterns. It has been estimated that 18 million bricks and half a million tiles were used in the building of the Shah Mosque. These were the principal buildings of Shah Abbas’s reign. In the short span of his reign, Isfahan had been transformed into a great metropolis of its time. Abbas was successful in his attempt to create a city that could compare to the great cities of Christendom, and the beauty of Isfahan and the buildings he constructed will be studied and admired forever. Bibliography Blunt, Wilfrid. Isfahan, Pearl of Persia. (New York: Stein and Day Publishers, 1966.) 208 pgs. Bloom, Jonathan and Sheila Blair. Islamic Arts. (London: Phaidon Press, 1997.) 446 Pgs.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Golden Lily Chapter 20
GETTING TO TREY was easier said than done. A girl getting into the guys' dorm at normal hours would've been difficult enough. But after curfew? In the middle of the night? Nearly impossible. I had to resort to creative options and called Eddie while I was driving Adrian home. One thing I never had to feel guilty about was calling Eddie at any hour. He kept his ringer on (much to Micah's delight, no doubt), and I suspected he slept with the phone next to his pillow. â€Å"Yes?†Eddie's voice was alert and ready, as though he hadn't been asleep at all. That was just how he was. â€Å"I need you to go see if you can wake up Trey,†I told him. â€Å"Sonya's been kidnapped and is being held at some weird compound with a logo like Trey's tattoo. We need to find out what he knows.†This was the first time Eddie was hearing about Sonya's kidnapping, but he didn't ask for further information – or how I'd known her location. He knew she'd been in danger recently, and this quick message was enough to get him going. I didn't exactly know what would happen when Eddie did find Trey, seeing as there was no way I'd be able to talk to Trey myself until morning. Still, we had to start somewhere. â€Å"Okay,†said Eddie. â€Å"I'm on it. I'll call you back.†We disconnected, and I stifled a yawn. â€Å"Well, here goes nothing. Let's hope Eddie can find out something.†â€Å"Preferably without beating up Trey in the process,†said Adrian. He snuggled against the passenger seat, the only sign that he too was feeling tired from our late night. He'd long since converted from a vampire's nocturnal schedule. â€Å"Since that might limit how much we can find out.†I made a face. â€Å"If Trey's somehow involved with this, I'm not sure I want to take it easy on him. And yet†¦ I just can't believe he is.†â€Å"People fool each other all the time. Look at you. You think Trey knows you're part of a secret society helping to keep vampires hidden from the world?†â€Å"Actually†¦ yes.†I stopped at a red light and thought back on some of Trey's weird behaviors. â€Å"He knows Jill's a Moroi, I'm almost certain of it. He didn't notice right away, but when he did, he kept telling me to keep her hidden. Then after Sonya was attacked, he told me to stay safe.†A horrible realization was dawning on me. â€Å"He knew. He knew I was friends with Sonya. He probably knew about the attack and never said anything!†â€Å"Not a surprise if his group's working counter to yours.†Adrian's tone softened. â€Å"If it makes you feel better, it sounds like he was kind of conflicted if he was trying to warn you.†â€Å"I don't know that it does. Oh, Adrian.†I pulled up in front of his building and saw the yellow Mustang illuminated in the streetlight. â€Å"You left the car out. You're lucky it didn't get towed.†â€Å"I'll move it,†he said. â€Å"And don't look at me like that. It's within a half-mile radius. I'm not breaking your rules.†â€Å"Just be careful,†I muttered. He opened Latte's door and glanced back at me. â€Å"You sure you want to go back to the school? You'll be locked in until morning.†â€Å"Not much I can do until then anyway. I want to be there the instant I can get access to Trey. I'll trust in Eddie for now.†Adrian looked reluctant to leave me but finally nodded. â€Å"Call if you need anything. I'm going to keep trying to see if I can find Sonya in her dreams. Didn't have much luck earlier.†One of spirit's more disconcerting powers was the user's ability to intrude on the dreams of other people. â€Å"Is she just not asleep?†â€Å"That, or drugged.†Neither option made me feel any better. He gave me one last, lingering look before leaving. I returned to Amberwood where a sleepy student aide waved me in without comment. Mrs. Weathers had long since gone home, and her overnight coverage didn't seem particularly concerned about my comings and goings. As I was walking up the stairs, my phone rang. Eddie. â€Å"Well, it took forever, but I finally woke his roommate up,†he told me. â€Å"And?†â€Å"He's not there. I guess he wasn't last night either. Some kind of family emergency.†â€Å"No word on when he'll be back?†I was beginning to think all of Trey's â€Å"family stuff†might be more insidious than I'd guessed. I was also willing to bet he wasn't the only one with a sun tattoo. â€Å"No.†I DRIFTED IN AND OUT of sleep that night. My body was exhausted from the magic, but I was too on edge about Sonya to fully give in to the fatigue. I keep waking up and checking my cell phone, afraid I'd missed some call – despite the fact that it was on its loudest setting. I finally gave up and got out of bed a couple of hours before the cafeteria's breakfast began. By the time I'd showered and dressed – and put my coffee maker into high gear – I was back into open hours on campus. Not that it did me much good. I made two more calls after that, first to Spencer's to see if Trey was working. I didn't expect him to be, but it was a good excuse to see if he'd been there in the last couple of days. He hadn't been. My next call was to Stanton, reporting Sonya's disappearance. I told her we had a lead that connected one of my classmates to the vampire hunters and that Sonya was likely being held at a compound outside of town. I didn't elaborate on how I knew, and Stanton was distracted enough by the kidnapping in general to ask much more. At breakfast, I found my â€Å"family†sitting with Micah over at West's cafeteria. Eddie, Angeline, and Jill's troubled faces told me they all knew about Sonya. Micah was cheerfully chatting about something, and I had a feeling his presence was preventing the others from discussing what they really wanted to. When Micah turned to ask Eddie something, I leaned over and murmured to Jill, â€Å"Get him out of here.†â€Å"Tell him to go?†she whispered back. â€Å"If you need to. Or go with him.†â€Å"But I want to – â€Å" She bit her lip as Micah's attention returned to her. She looked unhappy about what she had to do, but soon put on the resolved expression that recently I'd often seen her wear. She nodded toward Micah's plate. â€Å"Hey, are you about done? I need to check on something with Miss Yamani. Will you come with me?†Micah brightened. â€Å"Of course.†Once the two of them were gone, I turned to Eddie and Angeline. â€Å"Any sign of Trey?†I asked. â€Å"No,†said Eddie. â€Å"I checked in again this morning. His roommate's starting to hate me. Can't say I blame him.†â€Å"This is driving me crazy!†I said, feeling like I could beat my head against the wall. â€Å"We're so close and yet helpless. Every minute that goes by is another that Sonya doesn't have.†He grimaced. â€Å"Are we sure she's alive?†â€Å"She was last night,†I said. Both Eddie and Angeline looked at me in amazement. â€Å"How do you know?†she asked. â€Å"Um, well, I – no way!†My jaw dropped as I stared past Eddie. â€Å"It's Trey!†Sure enough, a bleary-eyed Trey had just entered the cafeteria. Damp hair indicated a recent shower, but there were bruises and scrapes all over him that I could no longer attribute to football. Eddie was in motion before I could say another word, and Angeline and I were quick to follow. I half-expected Eddie to tackle Trey then and there. Instead, Eddie walked right in front of Trey and blocked him from entering the food line. I was just in time to hear Eddie say, â€Å"No breakfast today. You're coming with us.†Trey started to protest and then saw Angeline and me. Jill suddenly appeared as well, having apparently lost Micah. A sad look crossed Trey's features – almost defeated – and he gave a weary nod. â€Å"Let's go outside.†As soon as we'd cleared the door, Eddie grabbed hold of Trey and shoved him against the building. â€Å"Where's Sonya Karp?†Eddie demanded. Trey looked understandably surprised. Eddie was lean and muscled, but most people underestimated just how strong he was. â€Å"Eddie, back off!†I hissed, glancing around uneasily. I had the same urge, true, but our interrogation wouldn't get very far if a teacher came by and thought we were roughing up another student. Eddie released Trey and stepped back, but there was still a dangerous glint in his eyes. â€Å"Where's the compound you're holding her at?†That seemed to wake Trey out of his sluggish state. â€Å"How do you know about that?†â€Å"We'll ask the questions,†said Eddie. He didn't touch Trey again, but his proximity and posture left no question he would go to extremes if needed. â€Å"Is Sonya still alive?†Trey hesitated, and I almost expected a denial of knowledge. â€Å"Y-yes. For now.†Eddie snapped again. He grabbed the front of Trey's shirt and jerked him close. â€Å"I swear, if you and your messed-up associates lay one hand on her – â€Å" â€Å"Eddie,†I warned. For a moment, Eddie didn't move. Then, reluctantly, he released Trey's shirt, but stayed where he'd been standing. â€Å"Trey,†I began, keeping the same reasonable tone I'd just used with Eddie – after all, Trey and I were friends, right? â€Å"You have to help us. Please help us find Sonya.†He shook his head. â€Å"I can't, Sydney. It's for your own good. She's evil. I don't know what trick she's played on you or how she's got this illusion going on that hides her true identity, but you can't trust her. She'll turn on you. Let us – let us do what we need to.†The words were all correct, right in line with the Warriors' propaganda. But, there was something in the way Trey spoke, something about his posture†¦ I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was that made me question him. People teased me about my inability to pick up on social cues, but I was almost certain he wasn't entirely on board with whatever this group wanted him to do. â€Å"This isn't you, Trey,†I said. â€Å"I know you well enough to know. You wouldn't kill an innocent woman.†â€Å"She's not innocent.†There it was again – that mix of emotions. Doubt. â€Å"She's a monster. You know about them. You know what they can do. Not ones like her.†He nodded toward Jill. â€Å"But the others. The undead ones.†â€Å"Does Sonya look undead?†asked Eddie. â€Å"You see any red eyes?†â€Å"No,†Trey admitted. â€Å"But we have other reports. Witnesses who saw her in Kentucky. Reports of her victims.†It was hard to keep a calm face through that. I'd actually seen Sonya when she was Strigoi. She'd been terrifying, and given half a chance, she would have killed my companions and me. It was hard to accept that when one turned into a Strigoi, they weren't in control of their senses or soul. They lost touch with their humanity – or whatever Moroi had – and weren't the same as they'd once been. Sonya had done terrible, terrible things, but she was no longer that creature. â€Å"Sonya changed,†I said. â€Å"She's not one of them anymore.†Trey's eyes narrowed. â€Å"That's impossible. You're being deceived. There's some kind of†¦ I don't know†¦ dark magic going on.†â€Å"This isn't getting us anywhere,†growled Eddie. â€Å"Call Dimitri. Between the two of us, we'll get him to tell us where this compound's at. I've broken into a prison. Getting into this place shouldn't be that much harder.†â€Å"Oh, you think so?†A humorless smile crossed Trey's features. â€Å"That place is surrounded with an electric fence and packed with armed men. Plus, she's heavily secured. You can't just walk in there.†â€Å"Why is she still alive?†asked Angeline. She seemed to realize how weird that sounded and was quick to elaborate. â€Å"That is†¦ I mean, I'm glad she is. But if you think she's so evil, why didn't you finish her off?†She glanced at my friends and me. â€Å"Sorry.†â€Å"It's a good question,†Eddie told her. Trey took a long time in answering. I had a feeling he was torn between keeping the group's secrets and wanting to justify his actions to us. â€Å"Because we're all being tested,†he said finally. â€Å"To see who's worthy of performing the kill.†â€Å"Oh my God,†said Jill. â€Å"Hence all your bruises recently,†I said. My fears of domestic abuse weren't far off, really. â€Å"You're competing to kill a woman who's done nothing to you.†â€Å"Stop saying that!†Trey cried, truly looking distraught. â€Å"She's not innocent.†â€Å"But you're not so sure,†I said. â€Å"Are you? Your eyes aren't telling you what your hunter friends are.†He evaded the accusation. â€Å"My family expects this of me. We all have to try – especially after we messed up the alley attack. We lost our authorization to kill her then, which is why the council ordered these trials to redeem ourselves and prove we were up to it.†Getting â€Å"authorization†to kill someone was sickening, but it was the rest of what he said that made me do a double take. â€Å"You were there,†I said in disbelief. â€Å"In the alley, and – and it was you! You're the one who grabbed me!†It came back to me now, my assailant's surprise and hesitation. Trey's face confirmed as much. â€Å"I knew you were friends with them. I can tell by looking at all of you, although I didn't figure you two out right away.†That was to Eddie and Angeline. Trey turned back to me. â€Å"I recognized your tattoo the first time we met. I just ignored it because I didn't think you were involved in anything that I was. I thought you only hung out with harmless vampires, so I didn't expect you to be there that night. I never wanted you to get hurt. I still don't, which is why you need to let this go.†â€Å"I'm tired of this,†said Eddie. It was a wonder he'd been patient this long. â€Å"We need to bust down the doors of that place and – â€Å" â€Å"Wait, wait.†An idea was forming in my head – and it was another crazy one. â€Å"Trey, you said Eddie couldn't just walk into that place. But could I?†â€Å"What are you talking about?†asked Trey, a mix of suspicion and confusion on his face â€Å"You know what I am. You know what I do.†Trey nodded. â€Å"Our two groups used to be united. Those guys who stopped me on the street even said they thought we should all be working together. The Warriors want Alchemist resources.†â€Å"So, what†¦ you want a trade?†asked Trey, frowning. â€Å"No. I just want to talk to this council of yours. I want to explain why Sonya isn't†¦ er, why she doesn't look the way she used to. There's a Moroi who uses a certain kind of magic who could even show you – â€Å" â€Å"No,†said Trey immediately. â€Å"None of them would be allowed inside. They're tolerated, but that's it. You hybrids wouldn't be allowed either.†Again, he spoke to Eddie and Angeline. I'd never heard the term hybrids used, but the meaning was clear. â€Å"Okay,†I said. â€Å"Only humans. I'm human. Your group wants to work with my group. Let me go with you. Unarmed. I'll talk to your leaders and – â€Å" â€Å"Sydney, no,†protested Eddie. â€Å"You can't go there alone! They tried to decapitate Sonya, for God's sake. And remember what Clarence said about radicals stalking him?†â€Å"We won't hurt humans,†said Trey adamantly. â€Å"She'd be safe.†â€Å"I believe you,†I told him. â€Å"And I know you wouldn't ever let anything happen to me either. Look, aren't you curious about why Sonya is the way she is? Can you take the chance your people are making a mistake? You said you tolerate Moroi. She's one of them. Let me explain. I'm not asking for anything else except a chance to speak.†â€Å"And a guarantee of safety,†added Angeline, who looked almost as outraged as Eddie. He nodded at her words. â€Å"You guys are big on the honor stuff, right? You'd have to promise she'd be safe.†â€Å"Honor's what makes us do what we do,†said Trey. â€Å"If we promise she'll be safe, she will be.†â€Å"Then ask them,†I urged. â€Å"Please? Won't you do this for me? As my friend?†A pained look crossed Trey's features at that. He'd hinted before that he owed me for helping end the illicit tattoo ring last month. That would obligate any friend, let alone one instilled with a rigid sense of honor. I knew then, too, that more than honor was on the line here. Trey and I were friends – with more in common than I'd ever realized. We both were part of groups that wanted to control our lives, often in ways we didn't like. We also had domineering fathers. If Trey and I didn't have such opposing goals, we might have laughed about all this. â€Å"I'll ask,†Trey said. Something told me he too was thinking of our similarities. â€Å"Because it's you. But I can't make any promises.†â€Å"Then ask now,†growled Eddie. â€Å"We don't have time to waste. And I'm guessing Sonya doesn't either.†Trey didn't deny it. I hesitated, suddenly wondering if this was a smart choice. What would happen if we let Trey out of our sight? Would it be better if we really did drag him to Dimitri? And Sonya†¦ how much time did she have left? â€Å"Now,†I reiterated to Trey. â€Å"You have to get in touch with them now. Don't go to class.†It was probably the first and only time I'd say those words. â€Å"I swear,†said Trey. â€Å"I'll call them now.†The bell rang, ending our meeting. Although, if we'd had the chance to save Sonya at that moment, I knew each of my friends would have walked off campus then and there. We let Trey go, and he headed back toward his dorm, not toward our classes. Angeline – newly free from suspension – departed with Jill while Eddie and I walked to history. â€Å"That was a mistake,†he said, face grim as he stared at where Trey had gone. â€Å"For all we know, he's going to disappear, and we'll have lost any chance we had at getting Sonya back.†â€Å"I don't think he will,†I said. â€Å"I know Trey. He's a good person, and I could tell that even if he thinks Strigoi need to be exterminated, he's not 100 percent sure of Sonya. He'll do what he can. I think he's feeling torn right now, caught between what they've told him his whole life and what he's starting to see with his own eyes.†Sound like anyone else you know? an inner voice asked. I'd sort of hoped that Trey would give me an answer right away – say, by chemistry. But he wasn't there either or anywhere else at school the day. I supposed these things took time, and my patience and faith were rewarded at the end of the day with a text from him: Still checking. Some are willing to talk. Others need convincing. Eddie didn't take Trey's message as concrete proof when I showed it to him, but I didn't think Trey would've said anything if he'd skipped town. Eddie wanted to get together with Dimitri and discuss strategy on this new development. So, we decided to take a group trip downtown. I sent the summons to our family to meet outside the East dorm in a half hour. Jill was the first one to arrive, and she came to a halt when she saw me. â€Å"Wow, Sydney†¦ your hair.†I glanced up from where I'd been answering a text from Brayden, telling him I couldn't hang out this weekend. â€Å"What about it?†â€Å"The way those layers are styled. They perfectly complement your face.†She was looking at me in that weird way again. â€Å"Well, yeah,†I said, hoping to change the subject. â€Å"It's a, um, good haircut. Sorry we had to get rid of Micah earlier.†It took her a few seconds, but my distraction snapped her out of the hair-induced trance. â€Å"Oh, no. It's okay. I mean, things are getting weirder between us anyway.†â€Å"Oh?†Micah had seemed as chipper as ever, the last time I saw him. â€Å"You guys are still having problems?†â€Å"Well†¦ I guess I am. I really like him. I love hanging out with him and his friends. But I just keep getting reminded of how nothing can happen with us. Like, this morning. There's a whole other world we have going that he can't be a part of. And I can't stand the thought of lying to him or keeping him out of my life. I might have to do it†¦ for real. End things. I know I've kind of said that before, but now I mean it.†â€Å"We're here for you if you do,†I said. I technically meant it, but if Jill came sobbing to me afterward, I wasn't entirely sure what I should say. Maybe I could find a book on appropriate breakup counseling techniques before she did the deed. A wry smile crossed her face. â€Å"You know what's silly? I mean, I don't want to go jumping from one guy to another – and I do still care about Micah – but I'm starting to notice what a really good guy Eddie is.†â€Å"He's a great guy,†I confirmed. â€Å"Moroi and dhampirs being together are discouraged when they're older, but now†¦ I mean, I knew some who got together at St. Vladimir's.†She gave an embarrassed laugh. â€Å"I know, I know†¦ I shouldn't even be thinking like that. One guy at a time. But still†¦ the more I see Eddie – he's just so brave and so confident. He'd do anything for us, you know? He's like some storybook hero in real life. But he's so dedicated, he'd probably never be interested in someone like me. No time for dating.†â€Å"Actually,†I said, â€Å"I think he'd be very interested in you.†Her eyes widened. â€Å"Really?†I wanted to tell her everything. Instead, I chose my words carefully, unwilling to give away his secrets after he'd spoken to me before about letting him handle his own personal affairs. â€Å"He talks all the time about how smart and competent you are. I think he'd definitely be open to something.†He also talked about how he wasn't worthy of her love, but that resolve might fade if Jill actively went after him. She grew lost in thought, and no more was said on the topic when Eddie and Angeline came walking up. We drove into town, and I dropped Jill and the two dhampirs off at Adrian's while I ran a few errands. Waiting for Trey was agonizing, and I needed distraction. Plus, I was low on some Alchemist supplies and wanted to make sure I was up to full strength before any venture into the Warriors' camp. My phone rang as we were wrapping up. It was Trey, and I stepped outside an herbal store to take the call. â€Å"Okay,†he said. â€Å"You're good to go. They'll meet with you tonight – just you.†Anxiety and excitement raced through me. Tonight. It seemed surprisingly soon, yet that was exactly what I wanted. We needed to get Sonya out of there. â€Å"I'll take you there at seven,†Trey continued. â€Å"And†¦ well, I'm sorry†¦ but you'll have to go blindfolded. And I'll be checking to make sure no one follows us. If they do, everything's off.†â€Å"I understand,†I said, though a blindfold certainly made the venture scarier. â€Å"I'll be ready. Thank you, Trey.†â€Å"Also,†he added, â€Å"we want the sword back.†I made arrangements for him to pick me up at Adrian's, since I had a feeling Dimitri and Eddie would have a lot to say to me beforehand. In fact, I called them as soon as I was off the phone with Trey, to give them a heads-up. I also called Stanton to give her an update. It occurred to me I should have checked with her sooner, but I'd wanted a definitive answer from Trey first. â€Å"I don't like the idea of you going alone,†she said. â€Å"But it does seem unlikely they'd hurt you. They really do seem to stay away from humans – us in particular. And if there's a chance to get Karp out of there†¦ well. That would save us a lot of fallout with the Moroi.†Stanton's tone told me, however, that even if she thought I'd be safe, she wasn't so optimistic about Sonya. â€Å"Be careful, Miss Sage.†Adrian's apartment was filled with tension when I arrived. Dimitri, Eddie, and Angeline were clearly agitated, probably because they were being left out of the action. Adrian, surprisingly, looked upset too, though I couldn't figure out why. Jill watched him with concern, and they kept staring at each other, unseen messages undoubtedly passing to her through the bond. At last, he averted his gaze, like he was ending a conversation. Jill sighed and walked toward the others in the kitchen. I started to speak to Adrian, but Eddie beckoned me forward. â€Å"We're debating on whether to give you a weapon or not,†he said. â€Å"Well, the answer is ‘not,†‘ I said immediately. â€Å"Come on, they're blindfolding me. Do you think they won't search me for weapons too?†â€Å"There must be a way,†said Dimitri. Since we were in air conditioning, he wore the duster. â€Å"I can't let you go in there defenseless.†â€Å"I'm not in danger,†I said, feeling like I'd been repeating the same thing all day. â€Å"They might be crazy, but Trey says if they give their word, they'll stick to it.†â€Å"Sonya doesn't have those guarantees,†Dimitri pointed out. â€Å"No weapon is going to help me save her,†I said. â€Å"Except for my reasoning. And I'm armed with that about as well as I can be.†The dhampirs still didn't seem happy. They went back to arguing amongst themselves, and I left them to find some water. Adrian called to me from the living room. â€Å"There's diet pop in there.†I opened the refrigerator. Sure enough, it was stocked with all kinds of pop. And, in fact, it had more food than I'd ever seen. Another benefit of Nathan Ivashkov's generosity. I grabbed a can of Diet Coke and joined Adrian on the couch. â€Å"Thanks,†I said, opening the can. â€Å"This is the next best thing you could have to gelato.†He raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Gelato? Sounds like dessert to me, Sage.†â€Å"It is,†I admitted. The mundane topic was comforting amidst all the tension. â€Å"It's kind of your fault for bringing it up yesterday. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I wanted some at dinner last night, and Brayden talked me out of it – which is probably why I'm even more obsessed with it. Ever had that happen? Once you can't have something, you want it that much more.†â€Å"Yes,†he said bitterly. â€Å"It happens all the time.†â€Å"Why are you so down? You think I should have a weapon, too?†With Adrian, it was really hard to guess where his moods would go. â€Å"No, I get your point, and I think you're right,†he said. â€Å"Not that I like the idea of you going there at all.†â€Å"I have to help Sonya,†I said. He studied me and smiled. â€Å"I know you do. I wish I could come with you.†â€Å"Oh yeah? You going to protect me and carry me out of there like you threatened to do last night?†I teased. â€Å"Hey, if that's what it takes. You and Sonya. I'll toss one of you ever each shoulder. Pretty manly, huh?†â€Å"Very,†I said, happy to see him joking again. His amusement faded, and he became serious again. â€Å"Let me ask you something. Which is scarier: walking into a den of crazy, murdering humans or being with safe – though kind of wacky – vampires and half vampires? I know the hang-up you Alchemists have with us, but is the loyalty to your own race so strong that†¦ I don't know†¦ that the people themselves don't matter?†It was a surprisingly deep question for Adrian. It also echoed my trip to the Alchemist bunker to see Keith. I was reminded of how Keith's father hadn't cared about his son's moral character so long as it meant Keith wasn't on good terms with vampires. I also thought back to the alley and how obstinate the Warriors were about hearing any truth but their own. And finally, I looked over at the dhampirs arguing in the kitchen, continuing to brainstorm covert ways of keeping Sonya and me safe, no matter the risk. I turned back to Adrian. â€Å"I'd take the vampires. Loyalty to one's kind can only go so far.†Something in Adrian's face transformed, but I hardly paid it any attention. I was too struck by the realization that the words I'd just uttered were akin to high treason in the Alchemists. Eddie and Angeline left later to get us dinner, and I let them take my car, so long as Eddie drove. While they were gone, Dimitri tried to drill in some more self-defense techniques, but it was hard to learn very much in so short a time. I kept thinking of Wolfe warning us to avoid dangerous places. What would he say about me walking into a den of armed vampire hunters? Eddie and Angeline were gone for a while and finally returned, angry at how long the restaurant had taken. â€Å"I didn't think we weren't going to be back in time,†said Eddie. â€Å"I was afraid you wouldn't get food before your mission.†â€Å"I don't even know if I can eat,†I admitted. Despite my earlier brave words, I was starting to grow nervous. â€Å"Oh, you can keep those in case you need the car.†He'd walked over to my purse with the keys and dropped them in anyway. â€Å"Are you sure?†â€Å"Positive.†He shrugged and then fished the keys out again. Adrian, to my surprise, watched him with narrowed eyes and seemed upset about something. I couldn't keep up with his moods today. He stood up and walked over to Eddie. After a few moments, they moved even farther away and seemed to be having a whispered argument, one that involved a few glances at me. Everyone else looked uncomfortable and suddenly jumped in with any conversation topics they could find. I could only stare back and forth, feeling like I had missed something important. Trey called me at seven on the dot, saying he was waiting out front. I rose from my chair and picked up the sword, taking a deep breath. â€Å"Wish me luck.†â€Å"I'll walk you out,†said Adrian. â€Å"Adrian,†warned Dimitri. Adrian rolled his eyes. â€Å"I know, I know. Don't worry. I promised.†Promised what? Nobody elaborated. There wasn't far to walk since he lived on the ground floor, but when we stepped outside, he caught hold of me, his hands resting on my arms. A jolt went through me, both at the touch and the unexpected gesture. His only displays of tenderness were usually with Jill. â€Å"Sage,†he said. â€Å"For real. Be careful. Don't be a hero – we've got plenty of them back there. And†¦ no matter what happens, I want you to know that I never doubted what you're going to do. It's smart, and it's brave.†â€Å"You sound like it's already happened and failed,†I said. â€Å"No, no. I just†¦ well, I want you to know that I trust you.†â€Å"Okay,†I said, feeling a little puzzled. I again had the feeling that I wasn't being told something. â€Å"Hopefully my plan will work.†I needed to walk away, out of Adrian's grasp, but couldn't quite do it. I was hesitant to go, for some reason. There was safety and comfort there. Once I left, I really was walking into the lion's den. I lingered a few moments more, safe in the circle we made, and then reluctantly slipped away. â€Å"Please be careful,†he repeated. â€Å"Come back safe.†â€Å"I will.†On impulse I took off my cross necklace and pressed it into his hand. â€Å"This time, keep it for real. Hold onto it until I return. If you get too worried, look at it and know that I'll have to come back for it. It goes really well with khakis and neutral colors.†I worried he would give it back, but he simply nodded and squeezed the cross tight. I walked away, feeling slightly vulnerable without it, but hoped it reassured him. My discomfort suddenly seemed like a small thing. I wanted Adrian to be okay. I got into the passenger seat of Trey's car and immediately gave him the sword. He looked about as miserable as he had earlier. â€Å"You sure you want to go through with this?†Why did everyone keep asking me that? â€Å"Yes. Absolutely.†â€Å"Let me see your cell phone.†I handed it over, and he turned it off. He gave it back, along with a blindfold. â€Å"I'll trust you to put this on yourself.†â€Å"Thanks.†I started to slip it on and then, on impulse, looked back toward the building one last time. Adrian was still standing there, hands in his pockets, face concerned. Seeing my gaze, he managed a small smile and raised one hand in†¦ what? Farewell? A benediction? I didn't know, but it made me feel better. The last thing I saw was the flash of the cross in the sunlight, just before I covered my eyes with the blindfold. I was plunged into darkness.
Certificate Essay
Whilst the layout of reports is often a personal or corporate matter, it is wise to follow a few simple rules. )The report should have a beginning, middle and end. b)It should be laid out in a manner that makes it easy to read (e. g. a title, sub headings, references to observation sheet where necessary). c)Any recommendations are usually left until the end. This allows the busy manager to skip all the wordy report and look at the ‘bottom line’. 2. Relevant topics. It is important to remember the purpose of this report. The majority of faults found during the inspection will be of a minor nature, which would be rectified by the workforce supervisor. The secret of a good report is identifying those matters, which will need management action. Typically, these would include: a)Anything that has a cost implication, e. g. the need to budget for rebuild, the need to provide lockers etc. b)Possible breaches of legislation, e. g. All portable electrical equipment should be regularly tested, a requirement of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. c)A breakdown of procedures, e. g. PPE not being booked in and out of stores, a requirement of the workshop. )Poor supervision, e. g. Personnel working without PPE. e)Underlying problems, e. g. Attitude of workers regarding tidiness. There is a need for further training to highlight the need for good housekeeping 3. Cost implications. One of the most important factors associated with convincing management about taking action is the cost implication. If you can assure the reader that the action necessary will cost little or nothing, then the chances of agreement to the action is almost certain . The above, notwithstanding, if there is a substantial cost implication then it is necessary to highlight the fact to enable plans for future budgeting to be made. 4. Relevant legislation. As with the cost implications above, highlighting Possible breaches of legislation will often lead to management action. It is necessary to ensure that the legislation quoted is relevant, however. 5. Strength of argument. By producing a well balanced, logical report encompassing all of the above points, it should be enough to convince most managers that action needs to e taken. (it should be noted that in real life situations there are certain managers who will never be convinced, short of an accident happening, of the need for good health and safety practice.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Dont Make English Offical Ban It Instead
Heather Schmitt English 1010 Mrs. Zeleznik 2 December 2012 â€Å"Don’t Make English Official – Ban It Instead†The article â€Å"Don't Make English Official – Ban It Instead†by Dennis Baron focuses on the idea of Congress considering to make English the â€Å"official language†of the United States. Baron uses the academic approach in portraying English as a tradition, a functional system of codes that enables people to interact with each other in the society. Using this as his primary thesis, Baron argues that English should not be implemented as the country's national language, since â€Å"it's hardly even English anymore. They clearly state in the article that even though English isn't the official language non-English-speaking immigrants are still picking up. Many people in America want English to be the official language that everyone should speak. I do not completely agree with this. It would be too difficult for everyone to follow th is request. Also, many people learn two different languages, which ultimately increases their knowledge. Dennis Baron's idea is that banning English would have the opposite of effect, that people that speak English would still continue to speak English and those who do not yet speak it will be more tempted to try it out.If we were to ban the English language then people would be more eager to learn it because people want what they cannot have. I personally find the idea of this humorous in a way. It's relating it to a bigger theme or main idea that it is almost human nature to try or do the things we are not suppose to do. Not that Congress would ever ban the English language or really any language in general, I think this piece is really aiming towards the idea of human nature rather than actually wanting to ban the English language.
Hammurabi’s Code
Danielle Raskin December 20, 2012 â€Å"If a man strikes the slave girl of a free man and causes her to lose the fruit of her womb, he shall pay two shekels of silver. †A non slave would be paid ten shekels of silver. Isn’t that unfair? Hammurabi was the king of Babylonia in the 18th century B. C. E. He is very important. He wrote one of the world’s oldest sets of laws, which now is studied by many people.I feel Hammurabi’s code is unjust because of its Property laws, Family laws, and Personal-Injury laws. I think the family laws in Hammurabi’s code are unjust. Law 148 states that, â€Å"If a man has married a wife and a disease has seized her, if he is determined to marry a second wife, he shall marry her. He shall not divorce the wife whom the disease has seized. She shall dwell in the house they have built together, and he shall maintain her as long as she lives. I think this law is unfair because a man shouldn’t leave his wife to die an d also marry another woman while the other is dying. I think the property laws in Hammurabi’s Code are unjust. I find law 21 striking and unfair. â€Å"If a man has broken through the wall (to rob) a house, they shall put him to death and pierce him, or hang him in the hole in the wall which he has made. †I don’t agree with this law for two reasons. First, this punishment is way too harsh.If someone robs a house now, they wouldn’t be put to death; they would just be put in jail. My final reason is that I don’t think that the robber should be killed in the house that he robbed. I wouldn’t want anyone being hung or pierced in my house. I think the personal-injury laws in Hammurabi’s Code are unjust. Law 218 states, â€Å"If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on a free man for a serious injury, and has caused his death,†¦ his hands shall be cut off. †This law doesn’t seem right.If a surgeon has operated and the person operated dies, I don’t think the surgeons hands should get cut off. Instead, the surgeon can be forced to take a break as a surgeon until he is ready to come back. In conclusion, most of Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. From cutting people’s hands off to hanging and piercing them, these laws are very harsh. Hammurabi was a very strict ruler. I think Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. From the laws I have mentioned, what do you think? Is Hammurabi’s Code just or unjust?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on A Great Poet
Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and lived in six Eastern cities. His father was David Poe, a Baltimore actor. His actress mother, Elizabeth came to the United States as a kid. The parents were not that talented; they played small roles in rather third-rate theatrical companies. Because they both had small parts they barely managed to make a living. Edgar was the second of their three children. When the third child was born, the father died, or disappeared, and Mrs. Poe went to Richmond with the two youngest children. The oldest boy, William Henry, had already been left with relatives in Baltimore. Mrs. Poe was in the last stages of tuberculosis. Weakened by the disease and worn out with the struggle to support her children, she died. Edgar, two years old, and the infant, Rosalie, were left as orphans. It was pure luck that Mrs. Frances Allan, the wife of a merchant in Richmond learned about the Poe babies. She had no children of her own and liked ha ndsome little Edgar a lot more than his sister. She took him home with her, and another family took his little sister Rosalie. Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was unwilling to commit himself. At that time people thought acting was immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and in time came to be proud of Edgar's good looks and intelligence. When Edgar was six years old, Mr. Allen's business took him to Scotland, the country from which he had come originally. The family stayed in Scotland and England for five years. Edgar was eleven when the Allans returned to Richmond. Richmond in back then in the 1820's was a good place for a boy to live. It was still a small enough town for the fields, swamps, and woods to be close by. Boys swam in the river and in the little creek... Free Essays on A Great Poet Free Essays on A Great Poet Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and lived in six Eastern cities. His father was David Poe, a Baltimore actor. His actress mother, Elizabeth came to the United States as a kid. The parents were not that talented; they played small roles in rather third-rate theatrical companies. Because they both had small parts they barely managed to make a living. Edgar was the second of their three children. When the third child was born, the father died, or disappeared, and Mrs. Poe went to Richmond with the two youngest children. The oldest boy, William Henry, had already been left with relatives in Baltimore. Mrs. Poe was in the last stages of tuberculosis. Weakened by the disease and worn out with the struggle to support her children, she died. Edgar, two years old, and the infant, Rosalie, were left as orphans. It was pure luck that Mrs. Frances Allan, the wife of a merchant in Richmond learned about the Poe babies. She had no children of her own and liked ha ndsome little Edgar a lot more than his sister. She took him home with her, and another family took his little sister Rosalie. Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was unwilling to commit himself. At that time people thought acting was immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and in time came to be proud of Edgar's good looks and intelligence. When Edgar was six years old, Mr. Allen's business took him to Scotland, the country from which he had come originally. The family stayed in Scotland and England for five years. Edgar was eleven when the Allans returned to Richmond. Richmond in back then in the 1820's was a good place for a boy to live. It was still a small enough town for the fields, swamps, and woods to be close by. Boys swam in the river and in the little creek...
A Handy Guide to Words Starting with Mani-
A Handy Guide to Words Starting with Mani- A Handy Guide to Words Starting with Mani- A Handy Guide to Words Starting with Mani- By Mark Nichol Several English words are derived from the Latin term manus (the basis of manual), meaning â€Å"hand,†but many others are unrelated. Here’s a breakdown of which words starting with mani- have been handed down from Latin and which have differing etymologies. Manipulation is the act of handling something, although the word also has the weighted sense of controlling someone or something for one’s own purposes. The word, ultimately from Latin manipulus, stems from manipuler, a French term meaning â€Å"handle chemical apparatus.†The verb form is manipulate, the adjectival form is manipulative, and objects that can be manipulated (especially those used to teach counting and other math skills) are sometimes called manipulatives. Manifest is likely but not with certainty derived in part from manus. The original form in Latin, manifestus, referred to something flagrant or obvious but in English manifest retains only the second sense: something easy to recognize or understand or clearly shown or visible. That is the connotation of the historical term â€Å"Manifest Destiny,†referring to the principle that it was obvious that the United States was entitled to all the territory of North America extending to the Pacific coast from the nation’s then-current frontier. The verb form, also manifest, means â€Å"show clearly,†and manifest as a noun refers to an indication or to a list of passengers or an invoice of cargo. A related term is manifesto, an Italian word with a sense of denunciation, which came to be applied to policy statements and declarations of beliefs; the best known of these is Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s Communist Manifesto. In the military organization of the Roman Empire, a maniple, numbering 60 or 120 men, was the unit equivalent to a company in a modern army. The word, from the Latin term manipulus, meaning â€Å"handful,†perhaps alluded to the relatively small size of the unit compared to the empire’s basic tactical force, the legion, which consisted of thousands of men. (A similar unit is the century- centuria in Latin- based on the word denoting one hundred of something, hence our use of the term to refer to that many years; centurion was the word for an officer in command of such a unit.) Maniple also referred to a strip (literally a handful) of silk formerly worn by certain clerics during a Catholic mass. Manicure, meaning â€Å"treatment of the hand and fingernails,†is from Latin by way of French, as is the equivalent pedicure, based on the Latin root ped- (the basis of pedal, pedestrian, and many other words pertaining to feet). Manicotti, the word for a tube-shaped pasta and the dish made from it, is from the plural for the Italian word for muff, from Latin manica, meaning â€Å"sleeve,†which derives from manus. But mania, referring to a symptom of mental illness and by extension to excitement in general, though it came to us from Latin, is originally Greek in derivation, from menos, meaning â€Å"spirit.†And manifold, meaning â€Å"many†or â€Å"various,†is from Old English, and the first half of the word is simply an alteration of the older form of many. Other words not related to the Latin root include manikin, also spelled mannikin but usually styled in the French form mannequin, referring to a life-size model of a human body used for displaying clothing; the term is from the Dutch word for â€Å"little man,†and the first two spellings can also pertain to a dwarf or other small person. Another non-Latin word beginning with mani- is manioc, another name for cassava, a tropical plant whose root is the source of tapioca. (That word, and manioc, are derived from the language of a people indigenous to Brazil; cassava is based on a word of the Taino, native to the Caribbean region.) Yet another word that stems from a Native American language is manitou, referring to a supernatural force, from the Ojibwa (also called the Chippewa), who were based around the Great Lakes. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsGrammar Quiz #21: Restrictive and Nonrestrictive ClausesDozen: Singular or Plural?
Monday, October 21, 2019
The American situation comedy Essay Example
The American situation comedy Essay Example The American situation comedy Essay The American situation comedy Essay The American situation comedy, Leave It to Beaver, is a display of gender and the family dynamic that swept the nation after World War II and the Great Depression. Nuclear families were small; most households consisted of two adults, male and female, and no more than three children. Sitcoms presented wild antics by children and wives that disturbed a quiet family life headed by an indomitable father. Gender roles in sitcoms such as Leave It to Beaver were clearly defined and the family dynamic was traditional; the father worked, the mother stayed home, and the children were content and happy.Contrary to popular belief by the following generations, the quiet and simple American dream lived by sitcoms families never existed outside of the television studio. Television emerged in the 1950s as a dominating force. Watching television in ones own home seemed much easier than going to the movie theater. While most of society was at home watching television, movie ticket sales dropped dramatically. This was the birth of the sitcom.People wanted to see lighthearted entertainment on television after the tumult of World War II and the Great Depression; this gave way to television families and their zany world. The 1950s is usually regarded as quiet and happy, and Leave It to Beaver reflected back to America this calming sense of happy normalcy. As depicted in Leave It to Beaver, Ward Cleaver worked a nine-to-five job and saw his family at night and on weekends. Fathers were the disciplinarians and controlled all financial matters in the household.Fathers also offered sage advice to his children. June Cleaver, on the other hand, was a housewife and mother. Mothers, like the children, received a weekly allowance from their husbands and they made sure the house was clean, meals were prepared, and children were happy and content. Wally and Theodore Beaver Cleaver were well-adjusted children with relatively happy and content lives. Sitcom families set a national standard for families everywhere. However, a sitcom life was often plagued with troubles for the families who tried to achieve the perfect life.The rise of middle class required the breadwinner, usually the father, to be away on business for extended periods of time while the mother suffered troubles of her own. While June Cleaver mopped the floor wearing pearls and pumps, real women suffered not being able to sign a legally-binding contract or have a credit card in their own name. After World War II, millions of soldiers were discharged from the military. House developer William J. Levitt touted the houses he built in 1950. They were identical box-like houses.The soldiers and their families then moved from the city to these suburbs. The neighborhoods where Levitt built his houses were orderly and identical. There were to be no fences built, laundry could only be hung on rotary racks and only during the weekdays, and lawns were to be mowed once a week. Leave It to Beaver was set in this middle-class suburbia. Their home, like other homes on the Cleavers block, were comfortable, but modest. Television portrayed suburbia, filled with only young, white couples, most with well-adjusted children, as the perfect place to live.Television, however, did not mention the culture and diversity that was missing. Everything was white-washed; the houses all had the same layout and everyone had the same goals and economic status. These suburban neighborhoods was the perfect setting for non-dysfunctional, happy families where the mother could lead a quiet life cooking and cleaning during the day, the father could have a warm place to come home to after a hard day at work, and the children could safely ride their bikes up and down the block with their friends.
Responding to Wii Essays
Responding to Wii Essays Responding to Wii Essay Responding to Wii Essay On the other hand, there are game developers, who provide the games for the specific console with which end-users play. Both end-users and game developers are customers of providers of video game consoles, namely Nintendo (WI console), Sony (Palpitation 3 console), and Microsoft (Oxbow 360 console). They are customers because providers enter into transactions with each of them and both are sources of revenue streams, end users through the purchase of video game consoles and game developers through the payment of royalties for the right to sell games for the video game console. End users and game developers also carry out transactions between them, namely through the acquisition of games offered for the console. There is a difference though in the number of relationships, as developers establish transactions with all three, while end users only with one of the three providers. The market is not only an example of a platform, but most importantly of the existence of network externalities in the market. End users find more value In their consoles as the end user base Increases, since each individual would be able to share and exchange gaming experiences with more end seers. They also find more value in their consoles as the other pool of customers, that is, game developers, increases. This is due to the fact that more game developers imply more games available to choose from. Developers also find more value in the platform as the number of end users increases, since having a sufficient number of purchasers of their games Is what determines the profitability of their software development efforts. Providers of video game consoles subsidize end users, since these customers are more price-sensitive than game developers and are the ones ho have a higher interest in obtaining high quality from the gaming experience. When a new console is launched, the price that end users pay for their consoles is generally below or at the cost of production. Prices of games, on the other hand, mainly depend on the quality of each title, on the pool of titles available for each console, and on the relative reputation of game developers and publishers. Game developers pay providers of video game consoles a fixed royalty per game produced for the console. Current competitors for Nintendo are Sony and Microsoft. Up until Wigs launch, it can be said that the three console providers competed exactly for the same end user market, namely traditional video gamers. At that point Sony, with the Play Stations 2 and 3 was a clear in the market, based on a better quality product. Nintendo, through the launch of Its WI console, Introduced a radical Innovation, which extended video gaming Into customer segments that had not been reached Deter: Tamales, women, older people, sports lovers, Ana trotter a new way AT playing with the video console much more interactive. This extension is what has given Nintendo the leadership in the market, not superior resources or capabilities that are impossible to replicate. Competition from established rivals is the most important source of competitive pressure in the industry. Being in a platform market with network externalities, the three providers battle for a broader end user base that will make their platforms even more valuable to both sides of the market. It is important to bear in mind, however, that the platform market is crossing boundaries into the broader home PC and entertainment industries, an issue that is determinant in Microsofts decision to enter the video game industry. This is important to consider when evaluating the profitability of the industry, for low or negative returns of some players do not imply that the industry is not potentially profitable. In particular, Microsofts goals are probably more related with strengthening the network effects of the platform with an eye set on offering products and services beyond gaming. Nintendo, on the other hand, is probably more focused on the development of the gaming industry only, with no view to crossing further boundaries. Additionally, both Nintendo and Sony have a portable console (Nintendo ADS and Sony SSP) which trenches their position in the market and provides a source of economies of scale. Power in the industry lies with providers of video game consoles. Game developers depend on the technological capabilities of the consoles to offer new attractive games. Console providers have the ability to determine which game developers can offer products for their platforms, and it is console providers who offer the development tools and support needed for software development efforts. End users, although highly motivated by quality, ultimately limit their choice of video game insoles to the offerings of the market, based on their price sensitivity and perceived total cost of ownership. End users clearly value the products offered in the industry, as evidenced by the fact that all latest generation consoles sold out at launch and the three companies experienced supply shortage to meet demand. They additionally face switching costs, given that their purchased games cannot be played with a competitors console. Finally, end users, independently of the console want to have access to all games, so most developers are forced to develop versions for the three insoles, and their power is therefore limited. Microchip producers (Intel, MOM, Toshiba), although supplying a product that is highly important for the technological capabilities of the consoles, lack the capacity to command power due to the fact that their business relation with their customers is not limited to console production but rather encompass the broader consumer electronics industries. In some cases, specifically with the Oxbow and Palpitations, manufacturing is not carried out by the company itself, but rather is outsourced to manufacturing companies (such as Hon. Ha Precision Industry). These do not hold, however, major power within the industry, given the importance of their major customers in their total sales. Substitutes in this industry are other home entertainment systems that are not necessarily focused on video games. PC-based video games could also be considered a substitute, as well as mobile gaming. However, none of these closely substitute console gaming. Portable consoles represent an extension, as allow end users to play in another environment. There are high barriers to entry since network effects are strong, multi-homing costs Tort Ana users lead teen to prefer navels one or two consoles, Ana current console providers enjoy market power. A highly developed technology is another barrier. For a new player to enter it would need to offer a superior console, with some sort of compatibility that allows end users to use the games they have invested in, or absorbing the cost that end users would incur when considering the switch. Console development and marketing, however, require billions of dollars, building relationships with developers, and passive response from current console providers. Envelopment from different platform markets could theoretically be possible, but existing players (mainly Microsoft and Sony) could also be in a position to counter- envelop. As a result of the key players experience and capabilities in other technology businesses broader than video gaming, the industry has evolved by including functionalities and services beyond the gaming experience. Platform envelopment attempts by another platform market could lead to price wars that reduce the attractiveness of the industry to potential entrants. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are all well positioned within the industry. They all have growing end user bases and relationships with game developers, leading to network externalities in their platform markets. Nintendo has always had higher operating margins, even when Sony was the leader of the industry. This is mostly, however, a result of the higher royalty fees that they extract from game developers, a distribution of power that will not necessarily hold to the future, considering that competitors have the potential to offer exciting and attractive capabilities for developers in their new consoles. Higher margins may also be the result of having a higher proportion of Ames developed in-house, which would be a sign that their expertise are in game development rather than in consoles. Sony and Microsoft, given their technological capabilities, relations with providers and marketing expertise, might be in a better position to further evolve the functionalities beyond the gaming experience as the industry crosses boundaries. Microsofts expertise in digital distribution could place it in a better position to reduce costs and expand their reach, and therefore allow them to make some strategic moves that could improve their current market position s a distant third. Strategic Resources and Capabilities of Nintendo and Competitors The video gaming industry, and specifically the provision Microsoft has distinctive capabilities in product development, marketing, and distribution. They are also famous for organizing for creativity, meaning that they encourage disagreement and criticism to spur better creative solutions. They also have strengths in the flexibility of their production, in the sense that they can respond quickly to product development opportunities (partly due to their outsourcing arrangements). Finally, Microsoft has immense financial resources. This is important when you consider that they can further develop capacities that they need through acquisitions. Sony has had a strong record in consumer electronics industry. It has strong capabilities in video technology. It has a large customer base and strong relationships with game developers. They introduced backward compatibility in their Palpitations, which shows their ability to redefine customer expectations and change industry practices. From its industry experience Sony has strong relations with movie studios and similar content providers. It also set the standard for high definition DVD format (the negative side of this is that Sony will find it difficult to price its Palpitation below stand-alone Blue-Ray players Tanat ten company NAS licenses to nutcrackers). Nintendo, on the other hand, lacks sustainable superior technological expertise. Their WI console offers considerably lower graphics processing power, no DVD compatibility, and no capability for audio surround sound. Nineteens relations with game developers were not as strong as its competitors, evidenced by the fact that they had to develop more games in-house. The products advantage was its ease of use, its innovation in motion-sensing controllers, and its appeal to a broader audience of end users, aspects that can be addressed by Microsoft and Sony to regain market share. Unlike its competitors, Nintendo relies completely on the video game industry for its revenues. The company has strong experience in cross- functional teams, important for product development. Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives Based on their strategic resources and capabilities, the recommendation is for Microsoft first to extend the WI functionalities, to retain and increase their current ease of end users. Second, they should also develop their product to target the family segment that Nintendo tapped. Microsoft needs to further strengthen the network externalities of its platform by aggressively expanding its end user base, and has the technological know-how to match and surpass the technological developments of the WI console. Its strength in product development would allow the company to bring to market a suitable solution relatively quickly, and its marketing and distribution capabilities would allow Microsoft to aggressively compete against WI. The company Leary cannot ignore Nineteens leadership, not only because of the end users that the leader is gaining but also because Sony had to attempt regaining market share through matching the WI interactive capabilities, and they have Just launched their Play Station Move in France (http://FRR. Allocation. Com/smoke/). A third step would bring additional features that would be of interest to the expanded customer segments, increasing the functionalities offered to end users (playing and downloading movies and music, playbills, internet access, e-commerce, etc). Expanding the customer base to reach individuals in the 34-65 year range means hat Microsoft could bundle some of its non-gaming software products with the console, effectively expanding the usability of the console. Alternatively, using its platform Microsoft could envelop another unrelated platform from an industry in which the companys resources and capabilities can be applied. This way the company would exponentially expand the network externalities of its multifunctional platform. For example, Microsoft could challenge incumbents dominance in mobile applications through expansion of its online gaming capabilities into the mobile device. This way, end users who value Oxbow online gaming and mobile gaming would benefit from having a mobile phone powered by Microsofts software. Another example could be using its platform, its expertise in e-commerce and its relationships with content providers to create an online store with the same scope as tunes. Currently games can be purchased online, but there is no challenger to tunes domain in digital music downloads. The objective would be to tie the store to the console, in such a way that end users find it worthwhile to switch to Microsoft as their digital music provider, and eliminating their switching costs.
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