Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†by James Thruber Essay Example for Free
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†by James Thruber Essay James Thurber is one of the best known humorists in America, and the work â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†is considered to be one of the Thurber’s â€Å"acknowledged masterpieces†. The story was published in 1939 in the New Yorker magazine to great applause, and was first collected in his book â€Å"My World and Welcome to It†. In 1947, Hollywood released a movie of the same title, starring Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo. The name of the main character Walter Mitty and the derivative word â€Å"Mittyesque†have entered the English language, describing an intellectual person, who spends more time in heroic day dreams than paying attention to the real world, or more seriously, one who deliberately tries to trick or persuade others that he is something that he is not. In military circles, this usually refers to people who try and fake a successful career. The idea for Walter Mitty was got from a book â€Å"Malice Aforethought†by a leading British crime-fiction writer Antony Berkeley Cox. Here the main character is named Dr. Bickleigh, who runs away from unbearable reality into fantasies markedly similar in character to those of Mitty. Nevertheless, Walter Mitty is very much a Thurber protagonist, so much so that he has been called â€Å"the archetype for dreamy, hapless, Thurber Man†. Like many of his physically unimpressive male characters Thurber often paired with larger woman in his cartoons, Walter Mitty is dominated and put upon by his wife. Like a man who saw the unicorn, he escapes by way of fantasies. The title itself describes what this story is all about. Walter’s negative manner of speaking of himself makes the reader realize that he is not very happy in his life. He is an ordinary man, who first dreams about being a commander of a hydroplane who should get his crew out of danger from the hurricane. This short story is about a man, Walter Mitty, and his wife who make a trip to town, Waterbury, to run instructions. Mrs. Mitty needs to stop at the hair salon and she commands her husband to leave the car at the mechanic and go to the store to buy overshoes and some unknown objects that he couldn’t recollect. Throughout the trip to town the old man is lost in day dreams, where he is heroic at the end. These fantasies are the secret life of Walter Mitty. The real-life setting in this story is rather mundane: a hairdresser, a parking lot, a hotel lobby, a drugstore – all everyday elements of every town or city. The dimness or banality of these locations reflects the dullness of Mitty’s everyday life. This is pretty contrasted with the environment of Walter’s fantasies: a â€Å"Navy hydroplane†in a storm, an operating room, a courtroom, a dugout, a wall before a firing squad. These locations are tense, gripping, and out of the ordinary. The main character is a middle-aged, middle-class man, flees from the routine drudgery of his suburban life into fantasies of heroic conquest. In the story Walter Mitty proves that he is a very forgetful and a really stubborn man with a vivid imagination. He is constantly being distracted, and starts to dream often. His daydreams all has him as a successful, brave, heroic person, who is called in to save the day. Walter imagines himself the hero of his fantasies as a navy pilot commander, doctor, sharpshooter, bomber pilot, and noble victim of firing squad. His daydreams changes throughout the story. In his final vision, he sees himself facing a firing squad. It is another expression of his exceptional courage and bravery. Reading the story the reader understands that these dreams mean something more, the old man Mitty feels that he can be a lot more than what he is in his everyday life. The catching is the way Thurber introduces the changes of events Mr. Mitty is imaging. The story begins with him in one of his fantasies as a daring Navy pilot and then his wife cuts in saying â€Å"Not so fast! You are driving too fast! †. Walter was going so fast, because he was caught up in his imagination of being a naval pilot, he did not pay attention to how he was going. This was one of his many dreams. He imagines all these stories because he wants to make his life interesting. And his wife doesn’t seem to support him, she is always nagging. Mitty’s wife treats him more like a child than a husband. She only sticks to her guns and doesn’t let anything get by her. Thurber writes his story around Mitty’s daydreams and his return to reality. This novel seems to be the bunch of stories put together in one. In a Walter Mitty’s second daydream he is a â€Å"know-it-all†doctor, who fulfils a very difficult operation, on a millionaire banker. He seems to be brave saying â€Å"I could have killed Gregory Fitzhurst at 300 feet with my left hand†. In the real life he isn’t the one to perform an important operation; he is merely an occasional bystander of the hospital. Mitty has no courage, and has no charisma and would never participate in such a daring act in reality. The next dream depicts Walter as a commander of a bomber in the military, resolving to fly it to the other troops to drop off more ammunition. He isn’t putting up a flight or wearing a handkerchief over his eyes, he is behaving like a man. And again his imagination is interrupted. Walter’s last dream finds him in front of a firing squad, very quiet, getting ready to be executed. The old man is actually just a observer of the Waterbury trial, wishing that he was an accused. Mitty hits the District Attorney, who tries to wake a beautiful woman up from devastation. Here Walter Mitty is urbane and triumphant too. Once again the creative mind of the man has him doing something totally out of his league. Life places a great gap between wish and reality. This is true for Walter Mitty, the main character in the story â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†. This man is far from being a respected man with a good career and his wife looks him down upon him. So he fabricates his own perception of reality, his daydreams, where he, Walter Mitty, is a hero and a leader. The way Mitty is in reality really contrasts the way he is in a fantasy world. His incapacities in the real world quickly turn into abilities in â€Å"fantasy land†. The man avoids weakness and does not let any pessimistic views ruin the complete spirit of his ideas. Every time the main hero has a daydream, he seems more and more unwilling to live in the real life. Why should anyone live in reality when you could live in a fantasy like that? Although Thurber’s humorous stories, essays and illustrations were popular during his lifetime, the author has received little scholarly attention. Some literary critics rejected his works as little more than pattern and whimsical. Lately critics have become attentive to James Thurber’s literary mastery, such as his use of wordplay and attention to narrative form. The scholars have also debated the darker themes of his work which hide beneath the merriment. Others, referring to his tendency to depict domineering women, like Mrs. Mitty, and ill-fated men, like Walter, blame his treatment of women and views of marriage. In common with Charles Dickens’ Scrooge and George Orwell’s Big Brother, Walter Mitty has outgrown his literary roots to become an everyday metaphor for a certain type of character or behavior. This type of character had an influence on other humorists, notably Mad founder Harvey Kurtzman, playwright George Axelrod (who employed Mitty-like fantasies in The Seven Year Itch) and animation director Chuck Jones (who created a Mitty-like child character for Warner Bros.cartoons). Works Cited 1. James Thurber. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The Creative Company, 2008. 32p 2. Steve King, Thurber: Mitty and Dangerous, http://www. todayinliterature. com/stories. asp? Event_Date=3/18/1939 3. MediaGuardian, Who is Walter Mitty? , 2003-08-05 http://www. guardian. co. uk/media/2003/aug/05/iraqdossier. hutton 4. James Thurber, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, http://www. geocities. com/SoHo/Cafe/6821/thurber. html
Monday, January 27, 2020
Perception of Politics in the United States
Perception of Politics in the United States Are you happy with the United States political environment right now? Pew Research says that 77% of Americans are not. Aristotle was a great Greek philosopher and he thought of politics as The center for human debate and theory. Do the citizens of the United States value politics in the same way Aristotle envisioned? As humans of the world, politics should be a safe place where tough decisions are made by the people. Political issues should be discussed in the open, with ethics at the forefront. At the end of reading this, you will understand why politics should be focused on ethics, and the issues should be ethical dilemmas that we can all agree need to be fixed. The modern word political is derived from the Greek word politikos. The Greeks believed that politics, religion, and culture were intertwined. Greekcitystates, like Athens and Sparta, architected their infrastructure after this idea. Creating town epicenters where political debate could take place as theatre, and social events could be held to discuss ethical issues. Aristotle believed that politics should be used as a practical science, enriching all citizens lives in a transparent way. Aristotles ideas about politics formed the foundation of todays Political Scientists. Political Science is a study of the tasks a politician must undertake. Put yourself in the shoes of a political scientist; How hard are the problems that politicians are responsible for today? How would you advise them to solve those problems? These critical questions must be asked by the citizens of the United States in order to empathize with politicians, and ultimately progress as a cou ntry. To help myself understand what the current perception of politics in America, I asked members of my family two questions: 1) What is your perception of politics in the United States? 2) Regardless of that perception, what things would you change about politics in the United States? My side of the family is very right wing, republican, and pro trump. My wifes side is very left wing, democrat, and pro Obama. The range of answers I received was wide, but they mostly had a common theme; America is doing just fine,  but we want fair treatment and inclusion for all citizens. Lets start with the first question. Right side responses were mostly positive, stating that the country is trending upwards and things actually getting done by politicians. Left side responses were positive as well, stating that government has a good system of checks and balances in place, but that it is being tested. Both sides have an overall positive view of our country. I did have outlier responses however. One  family member who identifies as a republican stated their current perception of politics is corruption and intolerance. They would like to see transparency and accountability for actions taken by government officials. Another family member who identifies as democrat noted that their current perception of politics has not changed almost their entire life, no matter the president. They advocated for the importance of local government and the affect it has on our lives. The responses to the second question were much farther from each other on the right and left. Right side responses mainly focused on term limits for all politicians. They want a constant cycle of politicians so that we dont have career politicians, and so that we can have a steady turnover and broad representation. Left side responses varied from each other. One member saying they wouldnt change anything because we have adequate checks and balances in place to handle problems. Another member advocating for citizens proactivity in politics, wanting to make it a holiday on election days, and encourage people to get involved in local government. These responses to my inquiries are interesting. During their interviews, most family members stated that they want the division between our country fixed. Its interesting that the overall theme of their responses was similar. Maybe if we all took an approach similar to what Aristotle suggests, making politics the center of our cultural lives, we would be able to understand each other better, and put aside social differences to focus on ethical issues. Social Issues divide the country; ethical issues unite us all. Ethics is defined as moral principles that govern a persons behavior or the conducting of an activity. Political issues usually come in two different types; Ethical, or Social. Social issues are things like: Should we give more funding to inner city schools? or Would incentivizing diverse business hires improve our economy?. Whereas ethical issues are things like: Do we need to act on climate change? or Should women be allowed to choose when they receive an abortion?. The difference is simply this: Ethical issues deal with what is right, Social issues deal with improving a specific part of society. Are you starting to understand why Aristotle says that Ethics should be the core of politics? Aristotle wanted politics to be used for the happiness of man, he says The science that studies the supreme good for man, is politics (Living Ethics, 92). The Supreme Good is often referred to as ethics in todays culture. Aristotle believed that ethical issues should be the center of politics. I believe if we focus on ethics and combine cultural aspects into local political discussion, the social issues can be solved by the people, while ethical issues could be solved by the government. Ethical issues are usually the most debated problems. Some examples of ethical issues today are: Poverty, Education, Immigration, Sentencing, Environment, and Climate Change. Both left and right politics have strong views on how these ethical dilemmas should be handled, but both sides agree that they are in fact problems that need to be addressed. What do you want from government? As a citizen of the United States, I want government to solve ethical problems while taking input from citizen representatives. As a member of society, I would like to see more social outreach and involvement from everyone so that we may come together to solve social issues. As humans of the world, politics should be a safe place where tough decisions are made by the people. Political issues should be discussed in the open, with ethics at the forefront. Aristotle believed in this, and so do the citizens of the United States today.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Chlamydia Trachomatis Essay -- Essays Papers
Chlamydia Trachomatis Introduction: Chlamydia Trachomatis is the organism responsible for diseases such as trachoma and the STD Chlamydia. Chlamydia is the most common STD in the United States, with about 4 million new cases diagnosed every year. The Organism & it’s Life Cycle: Chlamydia are obligate intracellular parasites, and are among the smallest living organisms. There are two stages in the life of Chlamydia: elementary bodies and reticulate bodies. Another feature of Chlamydia is that they are unable to synthesize their own energy (ATP) and are completely dependent on their host for energy. The organism is in the elementary stage of its life when it encounters its host and is taken up by phagocytosis. It prevents the fusion of the phagosome and lysosome; this is what normally kills pathogens. Once the phagolysosome formation is stopped, the bacteria secrete glycogen and transform into the reticulate body. Reticulate bodies obtain their energy by sending forth â€Å"straw-like†structures into the host cell cytoplasm, and they divide by binary fission. Each phagolysosome produces about 100-1000 reticulate bodies. Virulence Factors: The cell wall of Chlamydia has been characterized as gram negative with a notable difference: it lacks muramic acid that is found in the cell walls of most other bacteria. This makes Chlamydia resistant to _-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin, because such antibiotics disrupt the â€Å"typical†cell wall, which includes muramic acid. Being gram-negative, it also contains LPS, which helps cause damage to the host’s body(mainly due to the host’s immune response). Once inside the host, chlamydia bind sialic acid receptors, which are usually found in mucous-rich environments. Antigenic variation is ... ...nant women and neonates (that are infected with Chlamydia), erythromycin is the drug of choice. Chlamydia may be difficult to completely eradicate, but in the past few years, the incidence rates have been steady, and with planning and spreading information about it, we can attack the overwhelming incidence rate and curb the spread of Chlamydia. References: 1) University of Wisconsin. 2) CDC. Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Chlamydia trachomatis Infections, 1993 3) Schaechter, Engleberg, Eisenstein, and Gerald Medoff (1999). Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. Third Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia. 4) MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Barriers to communication Essay
Some communication barriers happen when the person doesn’t know if someone is deaf, blind etc. So this may make things a lot difficult as the person trying to understand the message being sent may think they are ignoring them or just trying to use signals to get them to understand that they may not be able to hear or see them. Communication between people is mainly about sharing new information to one another. For example someone may ask someone what number bus they might need to catch or if they can have a glass of water. Sometimes communication will be complex. A relative may want to know something about wanting to fund for care. Communication involving funding may involve complex communication. In a situation like this then it would be important to make sure that the relative understands the information that has been provided. Most care workers like to build a strong relationship with someone to get a better understanding of them which can provide emotional support. Most communication involves emotional issues being difficult or sensitive. There would be no advice or information that would be useful to a person if they are feeling overwhelmed by most people do like the comfort of other people at these emotional times. Difficult or sensitive situation is focused on the person’s emotional issues rather than giving them information on stuff they don’t feel like talking about. Sometimes by creating a caring relationship with someone then it is about being able to understand the person feelings that they may be experiencing at that moment in time. Sometimes being with a person who is often lonely, anxious or depressed can provide them with comfort. Sometimes using nonverbal communication about how you are feeling then it can be more effective than words being spoken. Most care workers like to create their own barriers as they feel stressed by listening to the emotional needs of the people that they work with. Mainly listening to other people’s emotional needs can be often frightening or depressing. Most carers will sometimes stop listening in order to not hear about their painful emotions. Tiredness and lack of time to avoid the emotional stress of others can create a barrier from providing a caring environment. Building an understanding of another person can be rather difficult if their personality or self-esteem is low and they need to create a barrier. People who may be depressed or anxious can experience negative thoughts that can just come to them. By attempting these thoughts and feelings can make them try to find a way through a brick wall. It may make them feel like there is an emotional barrier stopping them from experiencing some positive emotions. Some people may have a preferred language that they like to use to communicate with others. This preferred language will sometimes be obvious to that person. Most people in different communities will use their own language. Some people will use jargon, dialect or slang to communicate effectively with the people of their own language. These sometimes can create barriers to an understanding. Sensory impairment means that people’s senses do not work effectively. Impairments can create the first kind of communication barrier when information isn’t fully or received or misunderstood. A disability is not the same as impairment. But some people experiencing the barriers may be different as they may have a communication disability by not being able to say what they want to say. For example, a deaf person will have no problem communicating to a person who is good at sign language as they will understand them. But the person may not be able to communicate with people who only use spoken English without the aid of an interpreter. Building an understanding of other people’s needs will take some time and effort. Making assumptions may cause people to misinterpret what another person might be trying to communicate. For example, people might believe that they don’t need to listen to what another person has to say because they might already know what their needs might be. Most care workers who might use the communication cycle are less likely to make assumptions as they will check that they understand. Assumptions can create barriers as people can stop listening and might stop checking that they understand other people’s communication. Many people make assumptions based on people who have a disability which can mean that they are damaged as a normal person. When disabled people are seen this way then they may get ignored. Some people who have communication difficulties are sometimes assumed to be mentally impaired. People who are older will sometimes be seen as demented or confused if they are not able to answer questions quickly, correctly or clearly. Many care workers do not bother to check their assumptions about people, but those assumptions can be turned into prejudices. Prejudices can lead into discrimination against someone. When a person experience strong emotions or if their self-esteem gets threatened then that person may become aggressive and may use submissive communication so they will be creating their own barriers. Most barriers are associated with cultural variation culture which refers to the different customs and assumptions that many communities of people adopt. Different ethnic and religious groups may have different cultures, different ages, occupational and geographical groups which can also make different cultural assumptions. Using words and non-verbal communication can be interpreted differently depending on the context and the culture of the person using them. For example, the word ‘hot’ may have different meanings depending on the context in which the person is using it. Using formal context, ‘hot’ can also refer to someone having a high temperature. In other speech communities an object may be hot if it has been stolen or if it is desirable. Also a hot person might be very good at something, or maybe someone who has overcome a certain desire. Communication may be interpreted by a fixed cultural standpoint, where serious misunderstanding may occur. To make sense of spoken and non-verbal language then people need to understand the context of the person they are communicating with. An example of non-verbal cultural variation might be someone communicating by using hand gestures in which the palm is held up and facing forward. It is also important that people do not make assumptions about non-verbal messages as they should always be checked. Non-verbal messages can mean different things depending on the circumstance s if the people sending the messages. Also if someone cannot control or make decisions about their own life then they may fail to develop or they might lose their sense of wellbeing. If care workers control someone then their self-esteem may get damaged. Care workers should seek to empower people who also use that service. Empowerment means giving power to other people. Also people who may use that service should be empowered to believe that they are allowed to make their own choices and to make sure they take control of their own life. Many people have different belief systems about what is important in their life and how people should live their lives. The values and principles that we think as being important or valuable, show’s how we live our lives. When people have different belief systems and values then it may be easy for them to misinterpret someone else’s intentions when attempting to communicate. Many assumptions, belief systems and values can therefore create barriers for an understanding. Also it is important that people try to learn about other people’s beliefs and values in order to make an understanding of what they are trying to communicate. The use and abuse of power requires that all workers respect one another and support the people who use the same services and to be able to control their own lives. However, there is always danger that if a care worker is short of time then they will seek to control the people they work with. Also it may be an abuse power if care workers deliberately control others. People who use alcohol and drugs can influence a person’s ability to send a clear verbal or non-verbal message. Drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system can then result in messages not being received or misunderstood and can also distort interpretations of the messages. Alcohol and drug abuse can therefore create all barriers to commu nication as it can cause people to become frustrated or aggressive when trying to communicate.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Fate and Predestination in Moby Dick Essay
Fate and predestination are two entirely different themes found in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Fate and predestination are not one and the same. Although most people might unknowingly use the terms interchangeably, there is a very real and distinct difference. Fate is determined by man, and is the end result of a free will action. In Moby Dick, Ahab’s free will and belief that he is driven by destiny determines his own fate, the fate of his crew, and results in the inevitable destruction of the Pequod. Melville often uses symbolism to indicate the existence of fate. The Pequod itself is a symbol of the ill-fated journey to conquer the great white whale. On the other hand, predestination is a theological doctrine in which God predetermines the outcome of all events. One assumption of predestination is that God will save some souls while condemning others to eternal damnation. If that distinction is made and held to be true, then fate leaves open the possibility that free will by man exists, while predestination eliminates it all together. And, freewill is important in setting the many complex themes in Moby Dick. Moby Dick is narrated by a sailor known only as Ishmael. The story opens: â€Å"Call me Ishmael. Some years agoâ€â€never mind how long preciselyâ€â€having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear or every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats offâ€â€then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. This long passage tells the reader all that is needed about Ishmael. First, he’s educated and intelligent. Perhaps he is a teacher. He talks about whaling ships being his â€Å"Yale College and Harvard . †So, Ishmael is qualified to act as narrator for the tale. He is also philosophical. Throughout the story Ishmael reflects on life aboard the Pequod. He also delves into all sorts of academic subjects as well as theology, free will, morality, destiny and fate. However, Ishmael isn’t going to sea to find himself. In fact, he believes all men on whaling ships are lost. Whaling is an inherently dangerous occupation, so taking a berth aboard a whaling ship is Ishmael’s attempt to commit suicide. Ironically, he survives. Ahab and Ishmael are opposites of each other. Ahab dies and Ishmael lives. Essentially, Ishmael is needed to narrate the story because he is the opposite of Ahab who is driven by what he believes to be predestination. Ishmael is trying to create his own fate by killing himself. But, he is still more philosophically grounded than Ahab. For example, in Chapter 96 Ishmael has an image about daydreaming and suicide: â€Å"There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness. And there is a Catskill eagle in some souls that can alike dive down into the blackest gorges, and soar out of them again and become invisible in the sunny spaces. And even if he for ever flies within the gorge, that gorge is in the mountains; so that even in his lowest swoop the mountain eagle is still higher than other birds upon the plain, even though they soar. †He can see both the literal as well as the metaphorical meaning in this image. Ahab can’t make the distinction. Ishmael has been to sea before and isn’t driven by fate, but he does know whaling is a dangerous business in which injury and death can occur. So, through an act of free will he is tempting his own fate. However, Ishmael in the course of his narrative does make many references to fate. As described, the whaling vessel Pequod is a symbol of doom. Gloomy, black and adorned with whale teeth and bones, the Pequod is a floating coffin named after a Native American tribe that didn’t survive long after the Europeans arrived in North America. It should be noted that there are times in the story when Ishmael disappears for long stretches and replace by soliloquies often delivered by Captain Ahab. Ahab is the one-legged captain of the Peqoud. From the time his leg is bitten off by a whale during a previous journey, he has pursued the huge white whale. Moby-Dick is Ahab’s nemesis which is misunderstood, mysterious, and difficult to interpret. But Ahab attempts to do just that; his efforts are futile and eventually fatal. In fact, Ahab interprets the whale as being the physical incarnation of evil living in the world and believes against common sense that he can defy the natural world and destroy the whale. â€Å"All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. He piled upon the whale’s white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart’s shell upon it. †This quote, from Chapter 41 indicates that Ahab lacks the ability to understand the world around him. Ahab can’t see that the loss of his leg is a result of his dangerous occupation, but, only sees it as evil persecuting him. As a result, he believes it is his inescapable destiny to destroy the evil. And, this soliloquy from Chapter 37 show’s Ahab’s over confidence and belief that he is predestined to destroy the whale. â€Å"Come, Ahab’s compliments to ye; come and see if ye can swerve me. Swerve me? ye cannot swerve me, else ye swerve yourselves! man has ye there. Swerve me? The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents’ beds, unerringly I rush! Naught’s an obstacle, naught’s an angle to the iron way! †Ahab does several other things in this passage as well. First, he is attempting to inspire his crew to help him in his quest. Finally, and more importantly, Ahab he feels he has no control over his behavior. In the end, it is Ahab’s irrational behavior and free will, which he very much had control over, that resulted in his death, the destruction of the Peqoud, and demise of the crew. Therefore, predestination had nothing to with the destruction of the ship and crew. Even in his last moments Ahab believed it was predestination that destroyed him. â€Å"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear! †Ahab curses the whale and his fate as he is going under. Moby Dick disappears and everyone goes under except Ishmael. Moby Dick is a complex tale with too many themes and intricacies to delve into in just four pages. However, it would have been very difficult to narrate the story any differently than what Melville did. Ahab didn’t understand fate or predestination. Yes, he believed he was predestined to conquer evil, but that was only because his view of the world was so literal, he couldn’t see it any other way. If he did have a clearer view of life and the world, he would have seen that losing his leg was an occupational hazard and would never went have gone off on a monomaniacal quest in the first place. Right up until the moment he started to go under the water, Ahab couldn’t see how his own risks could lead to his death, and he didn’t believe he would ever lose his quest to kill the whale and eradicate evil. Ishmael knew the risks involved from the very beginning of the voyage. That was his motivation for going on the journey. So, man created the twist of fate that allowed Ishmael to survive and Ahab to perish.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Here are some of the kinds of writing I have done, In and out of school, during the past year (check all those that apply). 0 Essays about literature CLC Book reports Emails for work or to friends Journal entries Personal narratives 0 Short stories Speeches for special occasions 0 Research papers Ã'Ëœ Job applications 0 Letters for business purposes 0 Notes too teacher Summaries Persuasive essays Deflations Diary entries Descriptions 0 Songs Poems Newspaper articles 0 Letters to friends or family Ã'Ëœ Postcards 0 Thank-you notes Text messages Any others you can think of:Click here to enter text. 2. Of the items on my list, I most liked writing personal narratives and research papers because I enjoy telling personal stories and learning about new subjects. 3. I least enjoyed writing poems and speeches because writing poems isn't one of my strengths and I don't enjoy talking in front of a large group of people; especially strangers. 4. When I am given a writing assignment, I usually fo llow this process: I create a chart of my Ideas along with reasons, write a rough draft, have someone read It, I make corrections, and then I write the final draft. And overall structure. 6.I think that the area of my writing most needing work is broadening my vocabulary. 7. The types of writing that I will probably do in my college courses are persuasive, analytical, and argumentative; in my possible career, analytical and argumentative; in my personal life descriptions. 8. In the past, my experiences with writing courses have been great. 9. My writing goals for this course are to broaden my vocabulary and to learn new writing styles. 10. My thoughts and concerns as I begin this course are not knowing my grades on my papers and assignments really frightens me. Other than that, I cannot wait to begin growing as a writer. Journal Headquartered in Los Angels, California, the company offers consumers over 250 quality and affordable arsenal care products. The Product Dry. Fresh makes Bianca brand nativity fluoride toothpaste. We offer a peppermint flavor which is preferable to our target audience and offers cavity protection, fresh breath and strengthens teeth. Active ingredient is sodium nonprofessionals (0. 76%) is an nativity with a series of inactive ingredients. The Market Target market includes low income individuals, students, head of household, and elderly.The projected loss for our product in the current fiscal year is predicted $50,000 net loss. Variable costs to obtain a product and store in our warehouse is $0. 50 per unit. This variable cost cannot be reduced any further and will remain constant for the next two years regardless of volume. We have a unique advantage that our production can instantly vary to any output without increasing fixed costs or inventory costs. Our annual fixed costs are $250 ,000 annually including salaries, benefits, office supplies, warehouse space and our other product related expenses.This does not include any promotion like advertising, public relations or personal selling. Company overview Our mission is to provide innovative, high quality and affordable personal care products that exceed consumer expectations. The mission includes being the leader in the oral care category through fully understanding and addressing consumer needs. Our companies' SOOT Analysis includes our strength to offer a low price, have an effective product, and a good price to feature ratio.We offer multiple oral healthcare products which increase customer susceptibility to our product. Bianca has had previous advertising in movies, and television which help our product recognition. Our weaknesses include lack of brand recognition and are unknown, lack of features including whitening, tartar control, sensitivity and also fluoride, low promotion edged, subpart quality and we offer smaller quantities than competitors for the of our product through retailers. Company opportunities include easy sales to wholesalers because of price.We can offer to convenience stores and also vending machines to increase sales without extra cost. We also have the opportunity to advertise to dentist offices and to get support. Threats include name brand competitors, other low cost entrants, supplier power, buyer power, rivalry between other low cost competitors, and also threat of substitute products affect our business. 95% of our sales are at the price point of $1. 15 through wholesalers. The wholesalers sell to retailers, who sell our product at $1. 61 per unit.The other 5% of sales occur over the internet at $1. 49 each. We show a fixed cost of 250,000 + (. 50 per unit PVC *units). We are selling at this price and are estimated to lose $50,000 this year. In order to market this toothpaste, and achieve a goal of $50,000 profitability a year we must sell 400,000 units. In order to hit this strategic goal we must attain more market share. The overall oral healthcare market is worth 10. 9 billion. Colgate holds 52% of the overall market. HULL holds 22%. Dabber has 14% We hold . 05% with other brands with 1 1. 5%. Current market trends it indicate whitening is a strong factor in increasing sales. Market Segments We have broken our market down into the following segments: Students (Students are on tight budgets, but still need to clean their teeth effectively because their diets are typically not conducive to oral health in the first place. ) Low Income Families (Lower income families need to buy lots of toothpaste, but can't afford expensive name brands. ) Value Shoppers (Some individuals/families simply look to get the most value for their money. Each of our market segments have similar characteristics. Most of all, they are looking o get the best oral care product on a limited budget. They are typically value driven, and will buy a specific brand out of habit and convenience rather than any specific medical desires in their product. Their needs in a toothpaste include cleaning their teeth, preventing tooth decay, freshening breath, and preventing plaque and tartar build up in their mouth. Primary Target Market Our primary target market is value shoppers.Our customers in rural areas are looking for a combination of features and convenience. Customers entail value shoppers, low income shoppers, students, households, low cost value proposition. We segment through Geographic (Rural and Urban), Behavioral ( Normal use, Whitening, Complete Care), Demographic (customer type) and other methods. Company Analysis Our goals include selling the best toothpaste at the best price. Through aggressive price techniques we offer a quality product at a low price. We sell most of our product to retailers and a slim margin over the internet.Company culture includes giving employees fair chance to speak their mind and voice concerns to management. Th rough respecting catheter and fostering innovation we have been able to sell our other products very successfully. Internal strengths we have include our differentiation of products. We offer Bianca mouth freshening spray, toothbrushes, floss and other oral health products. A weakness we have internally is that we do not currently offer any whitening products, and with the current trend it is hurting our growth.Opportunities that we have include a whitening pre brush rinse solution. We also can develop mouthwash and produce different flavors of our breath freshening spray. The oral healthcare market is increasing due to people's reliance on vanity. Threats from other companies are hurting our sales due to competitor capitalization n the whitening, and feature/ luxury branding. Our low price toothpaste formula is not going to make your teeth any brighter, or remove layers of plaque that cause yellowing.Our product simply removes surface bacteria and doesn't get in deep like other com petitor products. Market share is a growing concern for us, we hold half a percent of the total market, and our competitor Colgate holds 52% of the overall market. We have a lot of room for growth inside our current market and huge incentives. Overall we are going to suffer a loss this quarter. We are going through some changes currently in our marketing ND management staff and are predicting a rise next year. We have more than adequate production methods and inventory warehousing.We anticipate being able to handle sales at a much higher volume. We are coming up with a new marketing scheme to make our product more appealing to our target market. We need to think creatively and bring in some fresh ideas and interns. Stock pence 2. 50 BASE (August 1st 2013) Competitor Analysis Our top three competitors are The Procter and Gamble Company Philips Oral Healthcare Inc I. Market position The consumer product conglomerate focused on toothpaste, toothbrushes and other oral care products. The position of the quality toothpaste could be niche or mainstream.The decision to position the new toothpaste on retail shelves is another important aspect of our sales positioning. Colgate toothpaste places the toothpaste in between one of the existing products and a competitor's product. It. Strengths – Colgate Optic white and Colgate sensitive pro- Relief toothpastes and the re launch of Colgate total toothpaste contributed to their strength in the oral care market. – Collage's strength in manual toothbrushes also continued in the U. S, driven by the success of Colgate 360 degree optic white, Colgate 360 degree Sensitive Pro- Relief ND Colgate 360 degree Surround. ‘. Weaknesses Colgate brand directly compete with P Oral-B company toothpastes which are globally known for their high functional properties, including sensitivity and teeth whitening. The company also increased its advertising expenditures by 31% in the two quarters of 2013. It has resulted in an ove rall market share gain in toothpaste and has growth from 52% in 2012 to 56% presently. Colgate has to worry about the innovative new products that could compete with their current quality toothpaste. Iii.Market Shares Colgate has been able to stay ahead of the market; it has one of the widest networks, caching 4. 5 million retail outlets in India. Collage's sustained distribution strength, coupled with product innovation and creation of sub-categories such as mouthwash and sensitive oral care have helped it drive growth aggressively. They are always coming up with new ideas to push the barrier and capture new market shares. Promoting healthier lives, improving community oral health care, expanding their current â€Å"Bright Smile, Bright Futures†program all ATA low cost.They ensure that ingredients continue to meet safety, quality and environmental compliance and biodegradability. They have also been environmentally responsible through educing the environmental impact of Col gate products and packages by 20% increasing the use of sustainable materials and recycled content. Value Chain Partners Supply chain partners consist of primarily a manufacturing company (Dry. Fresh) in India. The factory produces the toothpaste, packages the paste into tubes, and seals and prints the tubes and boxes the final product.Large shipments leave the factory by means of distribution. A distributor moves the product from the factory to Wholesalers Warehouses Shipping yards Wholesaler's mark up the product and sell the product in bulk to tillers. Wholesalers are responsible for distribution of the product after they purchase the product from the factory. Warehouses store the product until demand for the toothpaste is reached. At this point the product is removed and sold to different partners Shipping yards are usually located where a sea port meets a railroad.The trucks can drop off product for easy transportation over 1) ocean through massive commercial ships and 2) railw ay where trains transport goods efficiently 3) Trucks drop off their trailers and are easily navigated to new locations by other drivers. Once the goods are delivered to their final location it is usually at a retailer. Retailers purchase the goods from the wholesaler, offer a markup on the product and arrange the product on the shelves where it is ultimately bought by customers. When the product is sold directly over the internet a lot of the process is cut down.The internet protocol is much more simple. A supply chain partner is through the website design and maintenance teams in order to process orders and receive accurate shipping information, as well as process payment. When an order is paid for and set up for delivery, the company uses a mail company such as faded or SSP to deliver the final package to the customer. Climate Reducing global impact on the climate and environment plays an important role in associated with the manufacture and distribution of products it plays a la rge role in our manufacturing process.We try to reduce waste sent to landfills as well as request that all of our key suppliers measure and disclose the climate change information. Through the economic climate we are reducing the amount of water consumed in the manufacture and consumption of our products. Reducing the amount of water associated with our products saves a lot of money. Through working tit local and global organizations to promote access to clean water we promote water conservation awareness across the world. We reduce our environmental impact of products and packages by up to 20% by increasing the use of sustainable materials and recycled content.Social and cultural environment includes the increase of sustainability profile in our new products and in the balance of our portfolio. We ensure ingredients meet or exceed all recognized standards for safety, quality, and environmental compliance and biodegradability. Political and legal environment is included in promoting health and wellness and to reduce employee employee health risks. We have achieved a 5% reduction in costs and improvements in early diagnosis of chronic and treatable disease. We are focusing on safety to achieve the goal of zero lost time incidents.Other political impacts are the standards set to monitor our product and ensure public health. Technological environment by reducing our waste through technological upgrades we have been able to increase effectiveness and efficiency with lower waste. New methods allow for the reduction of water used in production and distributing so that we can control costs and provide the best product available. Insight driven innovation provides value added products and our marketing strategy shows that in order to ensure high standards we must have the essential technology to make it happen. Journal Proposals, persuasive messages, classroom practices Introduction: Given that students are enthusiastic about social media or even have expertise in some social media tools, the author decided to design a class project in her Writing for Careers (Business Communication) class that integrates social media in terms of content and project management.This article intends to describe such a class reject design as well as the working process; reflect on such a practice by reviewing students' feedback, examining the final products, and assessing the learning outcomes; and finally provide suggestions on how to improve this project. Methods: This article describes the project design as well as the working process and reflects on this practice by reviewing students' feedback, examining the final products, and assessing the learning outcomes.In concluding, the article provides suggestions for Improvement, Students were excited about the project because It was related to social media; however som e students were confused because they didn't understand how such a project could be related to business management. Different books, articles, websites, movies, and/or TV shows were assigned to help with the project (ex. Get Connected: The Social Networking Toolkit for Business, the Oscar-winning movie The Social Network, Conic's The Backbone Obsession, Barack Beam's Social Media Lessons for Business. Also a few articles (Tangelo, 2010: Greenland, 2010; Jones & Degree, 2011).Results: The few students who disliked social media or were very elucidate to get onto social media had an opportunity to learn something new. Those who were familiar with some social media tools learned new aspects and features. This project gave students the opportunity to practice and utilize a variety of skills: critical thinking, problem solving, audience analysis, persuasion, and document design. The process-based teaching enhanced their understanding and application of what they learned in class and also made it possible to customize the teaching. Discussion: Throughout the project several social media tools were discussed.Students were challenged to communicate not only their mastery of digital communication skills, especially social media skills, but also their understanding of the potential for using these skills in professional settings to target audience. In addition they had to demonstrate their rhetorical skills In persuading their audience in considering or adopting social media. This example of client-based, student- centered learning empowered students and increased student autonomy. Criticism: the goal of the project even after repeated instructor explanations.Their overconfidence and overestimation of their own social media skills also hindered their completion of the project satisfactorily. Instead of figuring out what the business or organization needs to communicate constantly and effectively with their customers, these students insisted on getting the opinion of the teacher or the client had to tell them what to do. These students spent time creating a profile page instead of Justifying why they had selected that particular social media tool. During the project; time was spent teaching social media tools, especially the ones students that lacked familiarity with social media. Journal The Picture for Men: Superhero or Slacker, Stefan Bach's The Fall of the Female Protagonist in Kid's Movies and Amanda Marmoset's The Shocking Radicalism of Brave all expresses a tone of opposition to the Issue of gender gap. They specifically focus on the media especially In movies and cartoons where men are most times the prevailing character and superheroes while women are helpmates and trophies to be won by them.This is an obvious trend and I indisputably agree with this resentment. Sesame Panda in his article mentions that â€Å"The attributes that are most valuable today-social intelligence, open communication, the ability to sit still and focus-are, at a minimum, not predominantly male. †(Panda, 201). He also mentions that â€Å"boys who remained close to their mothers, siblings, and peers did not act as tough or shut down emotionally.However, close relationships tit fathers encouraged greater autonomy and detachment from friendships. †This shows that the fathe rs of these boys have been brought up in a like manner and always has been a trend In the past. Society teaches girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. Girls are allowed to have ambition and aim to be successful but not too successful otherwise the men will be threatened. Does the society actually see women as a lesser Identity?If boys are taught to be tough, autonomous and stoic, what role would the girls play? Maids, perhaps. Also, Stefan Bach's article throws more light to the devastating issue of gender gap. She considers the role of female protagonists in animated children's films. Using Disney and Paxar as a case study, she fairly criticizes Disney films for being sexist and mentions that â€Å"A pretty big percentage of the female leads in Disney musicals seem to have only one goal- to get Journal Save your journal entry as a Microsoft Word file and submit it using the appropriate link in the Session 2 folder. Follow all the directions, adhere to the rules of Standard Written English, and submit by the deadline. 1 . Contrasts can evoke strong emotions and images in creative writing. Re- read Yeses Gunnysack's poem â€Å"Facing It†(page 42). Make note of the ways Communally contrasts ideas and images: white and black, night and morning stone and flesh, solid and air, movement and stasis, reality and reflection, cast and present.These contrasts create a sense of confusion and tension. Write two paragraphs of your own in which you describe a brief fictional scene that is full Of contrasts. Make the contrasts meaningful to the character in your scene. 2. A stanza is a group of lines in poetry. (Billy Collins' poem â€Å"Snow Day' on page 41 is eight five-line stanzas, for example. ) Write a poem of three-line stanzas that follows this pattern: The first line consists of a n abstraction, plus a verb, plus a place; the second line describes attire; and the third line of each Tanta summarizes an action.Let it flow. Each stanza should make sense by itself; all together the poem does not have to make absolute sense. See the examples on page 24 of Imaginative Writing. Your completed poem should be at least eight stanzas. 3. Quickly list as many clickd metaphors as you can think of: the path of life, eyes like pools, crazy as a bedbug, nose to the grindstone, and so forth. Provide the list. Then switch half a dozen of the comparisons: eyes like bedbugs, nose to the path, the grindstone of life. Then, write a brief poem (at
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Vertical Integration - 809 Words
5. Vertical integration is when two businesses or organizations at different levels of production merge. The principal goal is to increase the overall efficiency and to cut down costs throughout the supply chain. In return, it will improve profitability and competitiveness. It allows companies to obtain matchless amount of influence over them, and if you have a company and are thinking about using it in your organization as a business strategy, it is important to know its Pros and Cons beforehand. The Pros of vertical integration is (1) it gives you more control over your business, (2) It allows for positive differentiation and (3) offers more cost of control. Gives you more control over your business, for example whenever†¦show more content†¦Makes things more difficult, you must learn to run a segment in the corporate world. When jumping into things without a full understanding on how it works can be a lot to handle for the company. It can decrease flexibility because of t he upstream and downstream investments the business is making. Last but not least, it can cause confusion within the business because retail and product development are distinct businesses, and doing both could require more work to be done. Also, some entrepreneurs are often trying to think of too many things at once which would confuse, distract and/or harm their bottom line. Pros of business portfolio diversification, it reduces an investors overall level of instability and potential risk. For example, an investor who chooses to diversify their portfolio with investments in foreign stocks may find they have invested in stocks of countries experiencing economic booms and those stocks produce large gains at a time when the performance of domestic stocks is mediocre to poor. Cons of business portfolio diversification, it is less publicized, and less well known but the fact is diversification can also have adverse effects on an investment portfolio. Too much diversifying can reduce potential gains and produce only mediocre results. Too much diversifying can saturate the gains because there are more underperforming stocks wheneverShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Vertical Integration Essay1127 Words  | 5 Pages It leads to reduction of transportation costs as the common ownership results in closer geographic proximity. The transaction costs can be controlled if a firm acquires the other firms in the vertical chain, then one division of the same company will transfer goods to other divisions. So, transaction costs in form of transport, cost of negotiation, cost of control etc. will be eliminated. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020
Shakespeares Presentation of Shylock in the Merchant of...
Shakespeares Presentation of Shylock in the Merchant of Venice In the Merchant of Venice, Shylock is continually involved in the bond plot. This plot is probably the most intense story-line in this Shakespeare play. Bassanio borrows money from Shylock in Antonios name in order to impress Portia, however after a tragic incident involving all of Antonios ships crashing; the money has failed to be returned. According to their bargain Antonio must now give Shylock a pound of his flesh. Shakespeare uses Shylock is this play in order to provoke feelings of sympathy but also of hatred towards the villain in this play- the Jew. However you cant help but feel compassion for his situation as he is†¦show more content†¦When Shylock accuses Antonio of spurning him, Antonio replies with call thee so again and spit on thee again. This, is my opinion, justifies the revengeful side of Shylock. Shylock talks down the forfeit of a pound of flesh but Shylock really wants to profit from Antonios death, as he will be able to charge higher interest rates when Antonio can no longer undercut him. By the end of this scene we find Shylock bitter, greedy and also intelligent, however his eloquent description of Antonios abusive language and behaviour redresses the balance a little in his favour. His daughters elopement with a Christian and the theft of his money and jewels also give us pause for thought about our attitude towards him (Act 2 Scene 5). Shylock leaves the house he gives Jessica the responsibility of being in charge of the house. He strictly instructs her to keep the house and goods secure. This is quite ironic as whilst he is gone, she takes his wealth and disguises herself in order to elope with Lorenzo. This isnt surprising as in Act 2 Scene 3, Jessica talk about how unhappy she is living with her father. Jessica is ashamed of Shylock, which congregates feelings of compassion for him because of the fact that she is ashamed of him. However, the comic way in which he is displayed as reacting to this event and his cry ofShow MoreRelatedShakespeares Presentation of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice467 Words  | 2 PagesShakespeares Presentation of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice In every play or story, you need a villain, someone you can hate - in Cinderella you have the evil stepmother, in Harry Potter you have Lord Voldermort, and in the Merchant of Venice you have Shylock. In this scene, I see Shylock not as the comical buffoon or villain but as the outsider. The scene opens with a conversation between Basanio and Shylock. 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